P O L Y P O D I UM Dryopteris.
Three-branched Polypody.
C R Y P T O G A JVL IA Filices.
Gen. Char. Fruftificatlons fcattered, in roundifh dots,
not marginal. Involucrum umbilicated, burfting
almoll: all round,
Spec. Char. Frond three-branched : branches bipin-
nate, the lobes bluntith and toothed.
S y n . Polypodium Dryopteris. Linn. Sp. PI. 1555.
Hudf. 4 60. With. 780. Hull. 2 4 0 . Dickf.Dr.Pl. 16.
Filix ramofa minor. RaiiSyn. 125.
S e NT from Staffordlhire by the Rev. Thomas Gifborne, the
fame gentleman to whom we were obliged for Epimedium al-
pinum. This elegant fern is found only in ftony parts of the more
mountainous counties. The variety we have here .figured is
more tender and delicate in ftrufture than the Derbyfhire fpe-
cimens in Mr. Dickfon’s Dried Plants, infomuch that fome
have thought them diftinft fpecies. We cannot, however, dif-
cover a good fpecific difference.
Root creeping. Frond about a foot high, upright, diffin-
guithed from all our other Polypodies by being compofed of
three branches, which are very gracefully difplayed, and each
more or lefs perfectly bipinnate, the pinnulas drooping, bluntifh,
and more or lefs toothed. The whole are of a pleafant green.
Dots of fructification pretty regularly arranged, and at length