2 CS
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H Y P N U M crifp urn.
Crijfted Hyjinum.
C R Y P T O G AMI A Mufci.
G en. Char. Cap/, w ith a lid . Veil fm o o th . Fruit-
fta lk from a la te ra l tu b e r c le in v e fted w ith fcales.
Spec. Char. F r o n d a fc e n d in g , b ra n c h e d , p in n a te .
L e av e s u n d u la te d , com p re fled . B e a k o f th e cap -
fule c u rv e d .
Syn. H y p n um c rifp um . Linn. Sp.PJ. 15 8 9 . Hudf. 4 9 6 .
With. 8 4 7 . Hull. 2 6 9 . D ick f.H . Sicc.fafc. 2. 23.
H . p e n n a tum , u n d u la tim c rifp um , fetis e t capfulis
b rev ib u s. D ill. Mufc. 2 7 3 . t. 3 6 . ƒ . 12.
H . re p e n s c rifp um , ram u lis com p re ffis, filic in o rum
m o re difpofitis. Rail Syn. 8 9 . '
T h i s moft elegant mofs grows plentifully in fhady mountainous
places, more particularly on a chalky or limeftone foil.
We have never happened to meet with the fructification in
England, till laft May, in the rocky woods oppofiteBriftol Hot-
The fronds grow in an oblique pofition, clofe together, forming
thick elaftic tufts, or patches, of a bright pleafant green.
They are perennial, evergreen, branched, pinnate, comprefled.
The beautifully fhining leaves are imbricated in two rows, and
tranfverfely wrinkled. The reddifh elliptical capfules grow on
folitary lateral ftalks, arifing from a flender fcaly bud. Their
veil is pale and flender; their beak long and curved. Their orifice
is fringed with an outer row of 18 denticulated pale lanceolate
teeth, and an inner row of as many longer very flender