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P H A S C U M curvicollum.
Crooked-Jialked Earth-Mojs,
G en. Char. Capfule ovate, without any feparate lid,
deciduous. Veil minute, deciduous.
Spec. Char. Stem none. Leaves lanceolate, bearded,
fpreading, Capfule elliptical, terminal, on a recurved
S yn . Phafcum curvicollum. Hedw. Crypt, v. i. 31.
/ .1 1 . Dickf, Crypt, fajc. 2. 1. H. Sice. fafc. 4. 20.
With. 786. Hull. 252. Sclrad. Spied. 58.
XT --------------------------
tA OUND on dry graffy fpots near Croydon by Mr. Dickfon
to whom we are obliged for this fpecimen.
It grows in patches. The root is formed of numerous fibres.
Leaves all radical, lanceolate, entire, furpithed with a red prominent
midrib, which terminates in a taper beard or arifla.
P rom the centre of the leaves fprings a folitary naked ftalk'
about their own length, brownifti, foon becoming recurved,
io as to bury in the earth the fruit it bears, which is a fmall
brown capfule, exactly elliptical, terminated, by a fliort flightly
oblique point. The veil is fliort and conical, foon falling oft.
The ripe capfule is to be found about May.
Haying in our 5 th volume unluckily miftaken another plant
lor this, which with regard to fuch minute objects it is hoped
may be pardoned, we would wifti to change the fynonyms and
characters given at t. 330, for the following.
PHASCUM redtum.
Long-Jtalked Earth-Mojs.
S pec. Char. Stem none. Leaves ovate, beardlef?*
fpreading. Capfule ovate, tapering at each end?
terminal, on a ftraigbtith ftalk.
S yn . Phafcum re&um. With. 78 7.1 .18. ƒ. 1. Hull. 252.
"V V 'e have received this from Newmarket and Denbighfliire.
It differs from P . curvicollum. in having beardlefs, though
pointed, leaves, a longer and nearly upright ftalk, and longer-,
pointed capfule, ■