/ i r [ 2203 ]
G R I M M I A crispula.
Lesser Curled Grimmia.
G en. Ch a r . Fringe simple, o f 16 teeth, broadest at
their base. Flaivers terminal. Veil cylindrical.
Sp e c . Ch a r . Leaves lanceolate, with a long channelled
point, k ee led ; incurved and crisped when dry.
Capsule elliptical. Lid awlshaped, oblique.
Syn. Grimmia crispula. Sm. Ft. Brit. lli)2. Turn.
Muse. Hib. 28.
Weisia crispula. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 6 8 . t. 12. f . 1—6.
FO U N D in the black turfy chinks of rocks that are rather
moist. The Rev. H. Davies sent from Anglesea the specimens
described in FI. Brit, which are in an advanced state, deprived
of all their capsule-lids. Those in our plate were gathered
on Hamsil Forge rocks near Tunbridge hy Mr. W. Borrer.
Dr.W. Stokes is recorded by Mr. Turner as having detected this
moss by the cascade at Powerscourt, near Dublin. We have
never been so fortunate as to gather it.
The stems are branched, tufted, level-topped, various in
height, leafy. Leaves imbricated, of a bright yellowish green
when young, hut, like other mosses that grow iu wet situations,
assuming a blackish tint afterwards; and yet when old and
withered they change again to a lighter brown, in which state
they are permanent on the lower part of the stems, Their form
is lanceolate, or almost ovate, at the base, extending upwards
into a long, channelled, acute, incurved point, with a strong
mid-rib, the edges entire. By drying they become still more
incurved and twisted. Fruits.talks about half an inch long,
slender, straight, yellowish; reddish below j sometimes turning
black at the top by age. Capsule small, exactly elliptical,
smooth, membranous, pale brown, somewhat inclining when
young, but afterwards erect, with a red narrow mouth and
fringe, the former turning finally black. Lid awlshaped, ob-.
lique, about as long as the capsule.