[ 2178 ] *0 3.
L ittle Rigid Fringe-moss.
G e n . C h a r . Caps, o b long . F r in g e o f 3 2 capillary,
straightish teeth, approximated or united in pairs.
Spec, Char. Leaves lanceolate, pointed. Capsule
elliptical. Lid awlshaped. Stem branched.
Syn. Trichostomum rigidulum. Sm. F I . B r i t . 1238,
T u rn . M u s e. B ib . 3 4 .
Didymodon rigidulum. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 104,
Cryp t, v. 3 . 8. t. 4. Roth. Germ, m 3.. 198 .
Bryum rigidulum. D ick s . Crypt, fa s c . 4. 12. Hoffm.
Germ. v. 2. 40.
M r . R. BROWN seems first to have discovered this moss
on walls near Dublin, and in Northamptonshire. Mr. G. Don
communicated opr specimens from the King’s Park, Edinr
burgh. It is perennial, bearing fruit in the spring, or early
part of summer.
The stems are about an inch high, branched and leafy,
growing in tufts. Leaves pale green, soon turning brown,
imbricated on all sides, spreading, broadly lanceolate, keeled,
gurgle-ribbed, entire, taper-pointed, beardless, rather rigid,
twisted when dry. Fruitstalks immediately becoming lateral,
erect, pale red, hardly an inch high. Capsule erect, elliptical,
brown when ripe. Lid awlshaped, shorter than the capsule,
curved, rather slender. Fringe pale brown, erect, of 32 extremely
slender teeth, connected in pairs by a broad base.