DI C R A N U M crifpum.
C u r le d F o r k -M o f s .
Gen. Char. Capf. oblong. Fringe o f 16 flat, cloven
teeth, a little inflexed.
Sp e c . C har. Stem Ample. Leaves capillary, lax,
nervelefs; dilated at the bafe. Capfule ovate,
farrowed, eredt.
Syn. Dicranum crifpum. Hedw. Sp. Mufc. 13a.
Crypt, v. 2. 91. t. 3 3 . Swartz. Mufc. Suec. 37.
Bryum vaginale. Dickf. Crypt, fafc. 3. 8. With. 827*
Hull. 2 6 1 .
T h i s mofs was difcovered by Mr. Dickfon in marfhy places
in Scotland. Our fpecimens were gathered by John Templeton,
Efq. of Orange Grove near Belfaft, on moift banks in the
Manyburn River, Ireland, in July 1802.
Roots perennial. Stems growing in patches, ere&, fimple,
leafy, fcarcely a quarter of an inch high. Leaves light-green,
fpreading almoft equally everyway, lax and pliant, more or
lefs undulated and curled, capillary, acute, Iheathing the ftem
with their dilated bafe, deftitute of rib or veins. Stalk terminal,
capillary, red, twilled at the top, fcarcely an inch
high. Capfule nearly ere£t, ovate, fhort, of a red brown,
but little contrafted at the mouth, becoming fomewhat fpi-
rally furrowed as it ripens. Lid with a long, flender, oblique,
red point. Fringe red, of fixteen cloven flat teeth, the deci-
five character of the genus, of which the mofs figured in our
t. 354 (Bryum fcoparium) is another fpecies.