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TRICIIOSTOMUM glaucescens.
Glaucous Fringe-moss.
Gen. Char. Caps, oblong. Fringe o f 32 capillary,
straightish teeth, approximated or united in pairs.
Spec. Char. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute, rather
glaucous. Capsule ovate, slightly furrowed. Stem
erect, somewhat branched.
S yn. Trichostomum glaucescens. Hedw. Sp. Muse,
1 1 2 . Crypt, v. 3. 103. t. 37, B. Sm. Fl. Brit.
1245. Sw a rtz. Muse. Suec. 30.
Bryum glaucescens. Dicks. Crypt, fa s c . 4. 10.
D i s c o v e r e d in shady rather mountainous Situations in
Scotland by Mr. Dickson, whose specimens, in Mr. T urner’s
collection, we have compared with ours.
The stems compose perennial tufts, scarcely half an inch
high, and are erect, generally branched, densely leafy.
Leaves nearly erect, a little incurved when dry, of a light
rather glaucous green, lineal-lanceolate, broad at the base,
taper-pointed but not awned, entire, keeled, with a midrib.
Fruitstalks terminal, erect, slender, pale yellow. Capsule
upright, ovate, of a light shining brown, and a thin substance,
slightly and unequally furrowed. Lid tapering, oblique,
broad and reddish at the base, half as long as the capsule.
Fringe red, about half as long as the lid. There is a slight
stricture, just above the base of the capsule, giving the appearance
of an apophysis, but merely owing to the internal
cavity, or lining, not extending quite so low as the outer coat.
The general aspect of this pretty moss is not unlike Dicranum
poly carpum, t. 2269; but their characters are abundantly distinct,
and the present is a smaller plant.