DICRANUM flexuosum.
Zigzag Fork-moss.
Gen. Char. Caps, oblong. Fringe of 16 flat, cloven
teeth, a little inflexed.
Spec. Char. S tem m o s tly b r a n c h e d . L e a v e s b ristle -
s h a p e d , s tr a ig h tis h . C a p s u le s om ew h a t o v a te , fu r r
ow e d . S t a lk z ig z a g . V e il f r in g e d .
Syn. Dicranum flexuosum. IJedw. Sp. Muse. 145. t. 38.
ƒ . i _ 6 . Sm. FI. B r it. 1229. Turn. Muse. Hib. 74.
Bryum flexuosum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1583. Huds. 484.
W ith . 834. Hull. 264. L ig h tf. 725. Dicks. H.
S ic c .fa sc . 9. 19.
B . p ilo s um m o lle , se tis in to r tis . D ill. Muse. 3 7 3 . t. 4 7 .
f . 33. .
B . tr ic h o id e s , c a p itu lis e re c tis , p e d ic u lis in to r tis ten u ib
u s v ir e n tib u s . R a il Syn. 9 7 .
S e n t by the Rev. Mr. Dalton from the high moors of Yorkshire,
a kind of situation in which it is not uncommon either
in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, or the North of England, perfecting
its fruit in April and May.
The stems form dense tufts and are leafy, mostly divided,
extremely various in height from half an inch to 2 or 3 inches,
and in bop's even much more. In the latter case we agree
with Mr. Turner in thinking it the Sphagnum alpinum of
Linnaeus* (to which Dillenius attributed fruit that d.d not
belong to it), and in the former it is Mr. Dickson s Bryum
^ T h e leaves are imbricated, awl-shaped, straight, of a pale
shining green, concave, without a rib, taper-pointed; he
point feemning white and pellucid in the bog variety. Stalks
variously bent and twisted. Capsule
and neatly furrowed when ripe. Lid tapering. Veil elegantly
Turn. t. 5.f. 2,