PHASCUM curvisetum.
Short bent-stalked Earth-moss.
Gen. Char. Capsule ovate, without any separate lid,
deciduous. Veil minute, deciduous.
Spec. Char. Stem very short, nearly simple. Leaves
oblong, hair-pointed. Capsule globose. Fruit-
stalk very short, bent.
Svn. Phascum curvisetum. Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 4. 2.
*• 10 . / . 4. Sm. FI. Brit. 1154. Turn. Muse.
Hib. 3.
F O U N D by Mr. Dickson in cultivated ground near Croydon,
Surrey, in the early spring. The Rev. Dr. Abbot informs us
he has gathered the same near Bedford.
The little short stems, sometimes, though rarely, divided,
grow in tufts, overtopped by their crowded, ovate-oblong,
concave, entire leaves, which stand almost upright, and have
each a keel formed by a mid-rib, terminating in a short hair.
Fruitstalks terminal, solitary, very short, and soon bent to
one side with an angle. Capsule globose with something of a
point, smooth, red brown, not rising so high as the leaves,
but turned to one side. The veil is whitish, deeply torn, soon
cast off, as in others of the genus, because of its own narrow
dimensions, and the very tumid capsule.
This is nearly related to P. cuspidatum, t. 2025, and still
more nearly perhaps to Schrelerianum, t. 2026, but we believe
all the three to be distinct.