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N E C K E R A splachnoides*
Fear-fruited Neckera.
Gen. Char. C a p s , oblong, from a lateral scaly sheath.
Outer f r in g e of l6 sharp teeth : inner of l6 capillary
alternate ones. ITeil smooth.
S pec. Char. Stem branched, spreading. Leaves
lanceolate, pointed, flat, spreading every w a y ;
those of the sheath six, in two rows. Fruitstalk
granulated above. Capsule erect, contracted at
the base. Veil fringed.
DISCOVERED by Dr. Taylor on Secawn mountain near
Dublin. Mr. Hooker has favoured tis with specimens, under
the above name.
This very curious and pretty moss forms tufts of a fine shining
green, upon the trunks of trees. Its creeping stems throw out
short, compound, slender branches, hardly an inch long, clothed
with spreading, minute, lanceolate, pointed, entire, single-ribbed
leaves, rather thickened at the edges. Fruitstalks lateral, from
the bottoms of the branches, erect, dark red, half an inch long,
finely granulated about the upper part; each accompanied at
the base by a pale pellucid sheath, of three narrow-lanceolate
leaves, with red ribs, enclosing three internal smaller leaves of
the same form. Capsule nearly erect, scarcely bigger than a
grain of sand, dark brown, obovate, contracted at the base, so
as to resemble the seed-vessel of a Sptachnum. Lid conical,
about as long as the capsule. Fringe pale brown. Veil cylindrical,
reticulated, naked, fringed at the base with, numerous,
equal, linear, parallel segments, for a drawing of which, and of
the lid, we are indebted to Mr, Hooke?*