H ab.— C re v ice s o f rocks and s ton y ground on the higher mountains.
F r . 8— g.
Ben Lavvers, Ben More, Glen Callater and all the Grampian range. Cronkley scars,
Teesdale (B/rtfi). Falcon dints (R. Banirs 1879) ! ! Skye (Boszeic//1873) ! ! Snowdon
{Nnttall 1879) ! !
The leaves of all the innovations are sometimes so uniformly and symmetrically
curved, as to give the moss a very beautiful aspect.
Autoicous ; resembling last, but ta lle r ; lea ves entire, not crisped,
with distinct brown angular cells ; caps, oblongo-cylindric, strumose,
sulca te when dry, peristome pale red. (T . X X , C.)
S y n .— Brymn longifolium D ic k s . Crypt, fasc. 3, p. 7 (1793).
Dicramim Starkei W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch. 1S9 and 471 {1807). S c h w a e g . Suppl. I, P. I,
191, t. 46 {1811). R o e h l . Deutsch. fl. iii, 74 (1813). Eng. Bot. t. 2227. H o o k . T a y l .
Musc. br. 55, 1 . 17 (1818). B r id . Mant. 53 ( i8 ig ) . F u n c k Moost. 31, t. 21 (1821). G r a y
Nat. arr. br. pi. i, 736 (1821). H u e b e n . Bry. germ. 230 (1833). D e N o t . Syll. 216
(1S38), Epil. bri. ital. 630 (1869). B r . S c h . Bry. eur. fasc. 37— 40, p. 27, t. 17 (1847).
R a b e n h . Deutsch. kr. fl. ii, s. 3, 142 (1848). C. M u e l l . Syn. i, 364 (1849). W i l s . Bry.
br. 74, t. 17 (1855). S c h im p . Synops. 79 (i
m. 276 (1863). M i l d e Bry. siles. 63 (1S69)
Laubm. Oesterr.-ung. 38 (1882).
Oncophorus Starkei B r id . Bry. univ. i, 394 (1826).
et 2 ed. 80 {1876). B e r k . Handb. br.
L o b k . Syn. br. m. 44 {1873). J u r a t z .
Autoicous ; in fragile tufts i — 2 in. high, deep or yellow-green above,
fuscous below, resembling D . falcatum. L e a v e s falcato-secund, lanc.-
subulate, not crisped, entire or with a few minute te e th at apex, all
lower cells elongated, narrowly rectangular, upper shorter, th e angular
very distinct, quadrate, brown, nerve narrow, excurrent. Pe rich. bracts
broad, sheathing, la xly a reolate, suddenly subulate ; seta pale red, longer,
caps, oblongo-cylindric, gibbous and arcuate, strumose, striate when dry ;
annulus double, lid conic, with a long oblique beak, peristome pale red.
Male infl. close to perichætium, inner b racts longly acuminate.
H a b .— Same localities as D. falcatum. Fr. 8.
All the Breadalbane and Braemar mountains. Snowdon {Nuttall 1879) ! !
Close to D. falcatum, but always distinguishable by the distinct vesicular
brown angular cells, the narrower and longer capsule, and the shorter more
gradually subulate leaves.
Autoicous ; taller, cæspitose ; lea ves erecto-patent, stra ight, broadly
lanceolate-subulate, entire, nerve vanishing a t apex ; caps, oblongo-
cylindric, curved, substrumose, lid with a short beak. (T. X X , D.)
Svn.— Dicranum Starkii Var /S. molle W i l s . Bry. br, 74 (1855).
Dicranum molle Wins. op. c. 75, ut syn. Lindb. M us c . scand. 24 (1879).
Dicr. glaciale B e r g g r . in Act. univ. Lund, ii, n. VII, 19, fig. i— 9 (1866). B r a i t h w . in
Journ. Bot. 1870, p. 228.
Dicr. arcticum S c h im p , Bry. eur. Suppl. fasc. 3— 4, t. 3 (1866) ; Synops. 2 ed . 93 (1876).
A u to icou s; in la rge dense tufts 2— 5 in. high, yellow-green or
olivaceous above, fuscescent below, soft ; stems slender, simple or
dichotomous, eradiculose. L e a v e s erecto-patent, straight glossy oblongo-
lanceolate, subulate, entire, v ery concave semitubulose above from the
incurved margin, auricled at base, nerve narrow compressed vanishing
a t apex ; all cells very narrow linear, the angular numerous orange lax
quadrate. Perich. b ra c ts oval-oblong sheathing, laxly areolate, suddenly
subulate, imperfectly denticulate at apex ; caps, oblongo-cylindric,
cernuous incurved substrumose not striated, fuscescen t ; annulus simple,
lid with a short stout oblique beak ; peristome purple.
Male infl. close to perichætium, gemmiform, brown, b ra c ts broadly
ovate, subulate.
H ab .— O n the highest mountains o f Sco tlan d . F r . 7— 8.
Ben Nevis (Hooker) ! ! Cairn Taggart and Loch-na-Neem, Braemar (Black) ! ! Ben-
mac-dhui {Hunt 1868) ! ! Ben Lawers.
T h e origina l name o f W ilso n is high ly appropriate to this beautiful
species, referring as it does to its soft s ilk y leaves.
S e c t . 2. E U D IC R A N U M L in d b .
Pseud-autoicous, ta ll ; leaves from a broad base, lanc.-subulate,
fa lca te , serrate above, not undulate, nerve flattened, excurrent, serrate
at back in upper p a rt ; setæ pale, aggrega ted, caps, cernuous, curved,
lid with a very long beak. (T. X X , E.)
Svn.— B ryum recUnatum, foliis falcatis scoparum effigie, setis iluribus D i l l . Hist. musc. 3sS,
t. 46,1. 16, D. (1741), et herbar. ' ’
Dicranum uiajus Sm , Fl. brit. iii, r202 (1804), Eng, Dot. t. 140g. T u r n . M u sc. hib. 59,
t. 4 (1804). W a h l e n b . in Act. Holm. i 8o5, p. 136. S c h w a e g . Suppl. I, P. I, 163,
t. 40 (rSii). H u e b e n . Musc. germ. 237 (1833). B e . S c h im p . Bry. eur. fasc. 37— 40,
F 4 3 . t. 37 {1847P R a b e n . Deutsch. kr. fl. ii, S. 3, 148 (r84S). H a r tm . Skand. fl.
C. M u e l l . Syn. i, 360 (1849). W i l s . Bry. br. 81, t. 18 (1855). J e n s . Bry. dan. 93
(1856). S c h im p . Synops. 90 (i860), 2 ed. 92 (1876). B e r k . Handb. br. m. 279 (1863).
M i l d e Bry. siles. 71 (1869). D e N o t . Epil. bri. ital. 620 (1869). H o b k . Syn. br. m.
48 (1873). H u s n . M o u ss. nord-ouest, 53 (1873). J u r a t z . Laubm. Oesterr.-ung.
48 (1882).
Dicr. polysctum p.p. B r id . Sp. musc. I, 174 {1806), Mant. 56 (1S19), Bry, univ. i, 413
(1826). R o e h l . Deutsch. fl. iii, 66 (1813).
Dicr. scoparium Var. a. majus H o o k . T a y l. M u sc. hr, 58, t. 18 (i8r8). H o o k . fl.
scot. P. II, 133 (1821).
Dicr. scoparmm T a y l. Ann. Mag. nat. hist, xii, 129 {1843), et Bot. zeit. 1843, p. 695.
Pseud-autoicous ; 2— 5 in. high, la xly cæspitose, pale or deep
green with a silky gloss, pa le brown b e low ; stem slender, prostrate
below, arcuato-ascending, more or less invested with pale spongy
tomentum. L e a v e s v ery long, subsericeous, falcato-secund, amplexicaul,
lanceolate, longly subulate, cana licu la te, sharply serrate in
the upper part ; nerve broad at base, ending in the apex,
sulcate at back and with 5 rows o f teeth toward point ; cells at