elegant coat of long hairs is produced with great rapidity, and chiefly from
the apex of the organ. The capsule shows small stomata in the cuticle above
the hypophysis, and on section we observe the corrugated spore sac,
suspended externally from the lining of the capsule and internally from the
columella by numerous delicate cellular threads.
In addition to the description of the epiphragm already given, it may be
mentioned that in P. attenuatmn, gyacile and sexangulare, there is also a thick
intramarginal ring beneath.
T ab. V.
A. Catharinea angustata.
a. female plant (Doune, McKinlay). b. male plant (Hurst, Mitten).
B. Catharinea undulata.
a. typical form (Abbey wood, Braithwaite). /3. var. minor (Ashton, Hunt).
C. Catharinea crispa.
a. female plant (New Jersey, pames). b. male plant (Hebden bridge, Hobkirk). 8. var.
densifolia S' {Oakmere, Wilson).
D. Oligotrichum incurvum,
a. b. female and male plant (Ben Lawers, Braithwaite).
T a b . V I .
A. Polytrichum suhrotundum.
a. b. female and male plant (Virginia water, C. F. White). /3. var. longisetum (Ditto).
B . Polytrichum aloides.
(Wimbledon, Braithwaite). ¡3. var. Dicksoni (Strome ferry,
C . Polytrichum urnigerum.
a. b. female and male plant (Bowdon, Hunt). (B. var. humile (Aislaby, Braithwaite).
D. Polytrichum alpinum.
a. b. female and male plant (Ben Ledi, Braithwaite).
T a b . v i i .
Polytrichum sexangulare.
a. b. female and male plant (Glen Callater, Hunt).
B . Polytrichum gracile.
a. b. female and male plant (Hale moss, Wilson).
C . Polytrichum attenuatum.
a. b. female and male plant (Rigg mill, Whitby, Braithwaite).
T a b . V I I I .
A. Polytrichum piliferum.
a. b. female and male plant (Wimbledon, B ra ithw a ite ) .
B . Polytrichum juniperinum.
a. b. female and male plant ^Ulpha moss, Barn es ).
C. Polytrichum strictum.
a. b. female and male plant (Glen Callater, H u n t ) .
T a b . IX.
Polytrichum commune.
a. b. female and male plant (Goathlund, B r a ithw a it c ) . f l . Var. p e r ig o n ia le . y . Var.
m in u s , h. V z x . fa s t ig ia tum .
I . Leaf. mag. i x. Transv. section of leaf, i Ix. Ditto of one of vertical lamella:.
I a. Apex of leaf, i aa. Areolation of same seen from the back, i am. Areolation of
margin. 2. Perich. bract. 4. Bract, antheridium and paraphyses, 5. Capsule, 5 p.
Mouth and peristome. 6. Calyptra. 7. Trans, sect. of columella. 8, of Epiphragm,
internal face. 9. Two teeth, internaliace ; crest removed from one. 10. Trans, sect.
of stem. r. Root mag. v, Vaginula.