. 1
Il i ' : I'
D io ic o u s ; la x ly tufted, slightly branched, somewhat glossy, dull
y e llow green, resembling D . pellucidum. L e a v e s less c rowded, longer
flatter and narrower, grad ua lly tap er ing to a more acute flat point,
crenato-serrate in the upper half, basal cells more elongated, the quadrate
ones forming a v ery slight border to the basal wing, and not coming
so low down in the leaf, s ca rc e ly papillose. Capsu le e re c t or slightly
inclined, oblong, subcylindric, pale brown, con tra c ted below th e mouth
when dry, lid with an oblique a cute b e a k ; peristome paler w ith longer
teeth, not longitudinally p u nc tate-striola te below middle, nor papillose
a t apex.
H ab.— On stones and g ra v e l b y banks o f streams. F r . 9.
Forfar [Don 1802). Bantry [Miss Hutchins 1809).
{J / jr ilk ) .. Appin_ [Carmichael). Nant-y-Flydd [W ilsO H 1833)]
R. Dargle [Taylor 1812). Collington
. . . , -{Wilson 1833). Dingle, High
cliff, Rowsley andJMatlock [Wilson 1834) ! Bolton woods and Stanley Clough [Nowell) !
By the Calder [Gardiner 1834). By the Esk and Wharfe, Yorks, [Spruce 1842) !!
Hungershall rocks, Tunbridge Wells (Miitor). Thirsk and Wensleydale [Baker 1832) i
Windermere [Clowes 1854) ! Woodend [Sidebotham 1838) ! Fin glen and Dunoon
[Hunt 1865) ! !
Th e leaves are less complicate than in the last species, the areolation
laxer with the dorsal papillæ only mammosely protuberant.
Oreoweissia serrulata (Funck) Schimp. has been recorded by Dr. Stirton
from Ben Lawers, but no specimens have come before us. Its head-quarters
are the Italian alps and Austrian Tyrol.
O N C O P H O R U S B r id e l .
(Bryol. Univ. i, 38g (1826) ),
Plan ts in dense cushioned tufts, d icho tomously branched. L e a v e s
long, comant, crisped when dry, opake, with minute quadrate areolation,
more or less papillose. C a lyp tra infla to-cuculla te. C ap su le e re c t or
subincurved, oval or oblong, w ith a short n eck, usually strumose, sometimes
equal, stria te , sulcate when dry, ra rely smooth ; teeth lan ceo late ,
c le ft into two unequal legs, or subulate, or more or less imperfect.
Inhabiting mountain r o c k s .— D e r . oy«os a swelling, popeu, to bear.
This expressive name Oncophorus was first mentioned by Bridel in his
Mantissa, p. 53 (1819), as a section of Dicranum for all the strumose fruited
species, and in his Bryologia established as a genus, including besides the
principal species retained here, Dicranella cervieulata and squarrosa, Dicraimm
Starkei, falcatum, &c. In 1801 appeared Cynontodium Hedwig (altered by B ridel
to Cynodontium) for the two species o f Swartzia E h r h . but in 1846 Schimper
renamed this genus Distichium, and transferred Cynodontium to Dicranum
Bruntoni, and Oncophorus to Hampe’s older genus Leucobryum, but in his
Synopsis C. gracilescens, polycarpum and virens were added, and in 2 ed. C.
schisti also, C. Bruntoni being moved into Dicranoweisia. Th e genus as now
defined includes a number of closely allied species differing but little in
habit and foliage, but presenting considerable variations in the peristome, by
which we are able to form several minor groups, one of which, Rhahdoweissia,
deviates the most in its dwarf habit and small regular striated capsule.
Besides the British species, 0 . cirratus [BmYi.)— alpestre (W a h l e n b . )—
L in d b . Martii (H o r n s c h . ) and schisti (W a h l e n b . ) are also found in Europe.
C l a v is t o t h e S p e c i e s .
Capsule strumose.
Capsule smooth ; leaves smooth.
Leaves lanceolate.
Leaves from a dilated base, suddenly subulate.
Capsule furrowed ; leaves papillose.
Capsule not strumose.
Capsule asymmetric, oblique.
Leaves lanceolate, rather obtuse; perich. bracts short.
Leaves lanc.-subulate, acute ; perich. bracts longly subulate.
Capsule symmetric, erect.
Capsule smooth.
Capsule furrowed.
Leaves obtuse ; teeth of per. long, lanceolate.
Leaves acute j teeth of per. short, subulate.
Sect. I . L E IO C Y S T IS Lindh.— Plants robust ; leaves smooth. Cap sule
smooth, cernuous, incurved, teeth of peristome stout, trabeculate, cleft
into two legs.
Autoicous ; in large la x tu fts. L e a v e s lanceolate cuspidate, flexuose,
nerved to apex, entire or serrate a t point. Capsule ovate, subcylindric,
incurved w ith a short strumose neck, smooth ; peristome dicranoid.
(T . X X V , B.)
Syn.— Bryzim virens S w a r t z in Act. Upsal. 1784, p. 241.
Dicranum virens H e d w . M u s c . fr. iii, 77, t. 32 (1792), Sp. musc. 142 (1801). R o th Fl.
germ, iii, P. I, 173 {1800). B r id . M u s c . rec. II, P- 1, 178 (1798), Sp. musc. 1, 193 (1806),
Mant. 54 excl. syn. W a h l . (1819). S w a r t z M usc . suec. 33 {1799). R o e h l . Moosg.
deutsch. 379 (1800), Deutsch. fl. iii, 73 (1813). S m it h Fl. brit. iii, 1406 (1804), Eng.
Bot. t. 1462. T u r n . Fl. hib. 69 (1804). P. B e a u v . Prodr. 55 (1805). W e b . M o h r Bot.
Tasch. 182 {1807). S c h w a e g . Suppl. I, P. I, 194 (1811). H o o k . T a y l . Musc. brit. 54,
t. 17 (1818). G r a y Nat. arr. br. pl. i, 735 (1821). H o o k . Fl. scot. P. 2, 132 (1821).
Br. Fl. ii, 38 (1833). F u n c k Moost. 31, t. 22 (1821). S c h u l t z in Syllog. Ratisb.
1828, p. 149. H u e b e n . Musc. germ. 231 (1833). D e N o t . Syll. 211 (1838), Epil. bri.
ital. 625 (1869). Hartm. Skand. fl. F io r . M a z z . Bry. Rom. 2 ed. p. 17 (1841),
B r . S c h im p . Bry. eur. fasc. 37-40, p. 15, t. 3 (1847). R a b e n . Deutsch. kr. fl. ii, S. 3,
137(1848). W i l s . Bry. br. 66, t. 17 (1855). H o b k . Syn. br. m. 40 (1873).
Oncophorzis virens B r id . Bry. univ. i, 399 (1826). L in d b . Musc. scand. 27 (1879).
Angstroemia virens C. M u e l l . Synops ii, 6og (1851).
Cynodontium virens S c h im p . Bry. eur. Coroll. 12 (185 5), Synops. 63 (i860), 2 ed. 64 (1876).
B e r k . Handb. br. m. 285 (1863). J u r a t z Laubm. oesterr-ung. 27 (1882).
A u toicous ; in dense la x ly cohering tu fts, y e llow green above,
fuscous or b la ck b e low ; stem ascending 2— 3 in. high, repeatedly
dicho tomous, fa s tig ia te, sligh tly radiculose. L e a v e s erecto-patent
flexuose, more or less crisped when dry, from an oblong semivaginant
base, lan ceo la te cu spid ate a cute , subcomplicate-car inate, smooth,
margin recurved, entire or serrate a t apex, nerve subterete, vanishing
a t apex or very slightly excur ren t, basal ce lls nar row pellucid, upper