. i i îi .
SÆ L A N IA L in d b .
Utk. till en nat. grupp. a f Eur. bladm. med topps. frukt, 35 (1878).
Plants cæspitant ; leaves lan ceolate, minutely a reolate, serrated,
smooth, covered at back w ith a glaucous granular-filamentose exc retion.
C a lyp tra cu cu llate . Capsu le sub cylindric, e re c t, leptodermous,
s ligh tly p lica te when dry ; teeth o f peristome from a v ery narrow
basal membrane, i6 , irregular, c le ft to base into two non-trabeculate,
nodose, papillose legs, sepa ra te or joined here and there a t the nodes.—
Der. after Sælan, a Scan dinav ian b ryo lo g ist.
I . SÆLANIA CÆSIA (Vill.) Lindb.
Autoicous ; lea ves lan ceo late , acuminate, g lau ce scent, serrate
toward apex. Cap s, oval-oblong, pale brown, p licate when emp ty, lid
conic. (T . X X V I , F.)
S y n .— Bryum cæsium V il l a r s PI. Dauph. iii, 879 (1789), B r id . M u s c . rec. II, P. I ll , 49 (1803).
Trichostomum glmicesccns H e d w . Musc. frond, iii, g i, t. 37 B (1792), Sp. musc. 112 (1801).
B r i d . Musc. rec. II, P. I, 123 ( 17 9 S ) , Sp. musc. I, 235 {1806), Mant. 85 {1819). S w a r t z
Musc. suec. 30 (1799). S m . FL brit. iii. 1245 (1804), Eng. bot. t. 2381. S c h w a e g .
Suppl. I. P. I, 125 ( i8 ii). W a h l e n b . Fl. lapp. 331 {1812), Fl. carpat. 341 (1814).
F u n c k Moost. 25, t. 17 {1821). D e N o t . Syllab. 194 (1838), Epil. bri. ital. 510 {1869).
B r . S c h im p . Bry. eur. fasc. 18— 20, p. 18, t. 15 (1843). R a b e n . Deutsch, kr. fl. ii, S. 3,
117 (1848). C. M u e l l . Synops, i, 569 (1849). W i l s . Bry. brit. 118, t. 33 {1855).
H o b k . Syn. br. m. 63 (1873).
Bryum glaucescens D i c k s . Crypt, fasc. IV, 10 (1801).
Didymodon glaucescens W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch. 158 (1807). S c h k u h r Deutsch. kr.
gew. P. II, 67, t. 30 (iSio). R o e h l . Deutsch. fl. iii, 5 7 ( 18 13 ) . G r e v . Scott, cr. fl. iii,
1 . 1 2 7 ( 1 8 2 5 ) . B r id . Bry. univ. i, 5 13 {1826). H o o k . T a y l . Musc. br. 2 ed. 1 1 6 , t.
suppl. 3 (18 2 7 ). H o o k . Br. fl. ii, 29 (1833).
Didymodon oeruginosus H o o k . M s s . B r id . B r y . u n iv . i, 5 16 .
Leptotriclnim glaucescens B.NMP-E in Linnæa XX, {1846). Schimp. Synops. 146(1860),
2 ed. 145 (1876). B e r k . Handb. br. m. 263 (1863). M i l d e Bry. siles. 138 (i86g).
J u r a t z . Laubm. oesterr.— ung. 82 {1882).
Ditrichum glaucescens H a m p e in Flora 1867, p. 182.
Scelania cæsia L in d b . I.e. e t Musc. scand. 28 ( 18 79 ).
Au toicous ; densely cæspitose, about in. high, e re c t, v e ry
slender, much branched, fa stig ia te, yellowish-green above, and g lau ce
scen t from a mealy production on the leaves, ferruginous and somew
h a t radiculose below. L e a v e s minute and distant below, comose and
e recto-paten t above, somewhat tw isting a t point, smooth, from a lan c eo la
te base, lineal-subulate, acute, ca rinate, margin erect, serrated a t apex,
nerve lo s t in the p o in t ; all the ce lls quadrato-rectangular, firm, ch lo ro phyllose.
Pe rich. b ra c ts not vaginant, resembling th e leaves but longer
and more la xly a reolate, the margin o f tw o layers o f c e lls ; caps, on a
yellowish-red seta, e re c t, oval-oblong, subcylindraceous, oliv aceous,
finally pale fuscous, leptodermous, irregularly p lica te when em p ty ;
annulus compound ; lid con ico-rostella te, pa le red, suboblique ; teeth
deep purple, long, erect, v ery variable, papillose, the legs binate, more
or less united a t base or pa r tly obsolete.
Male infl. gemmaceous, on short branches below the perlchffitia,
bra cts 3, broadly ovate, suddenly subulate, concave, patulous.
H a b .— Rocks covered with earth on the Highland mountains ; rare. Fr. 7— 8.
Glen Phee {Drummond) ! ! Clova {Fergusson) ! !
Lindberg regards this moss as holding the same position in Oncophoreae
as Ditrichnm does in Ditrichese, from which its much closer affinity to Ceratodon
necessarily separates it. It is a good example of a truly natural genus.
T a b . XIV. A. Archidium alternifolium (Todmorden, Nowell). B. Pleuridium axillare (Mere,
Hzint). fl. var. strictum [Dickson). C. Plcur. szibulatum (Hampstead, Braithwaite).
D. Plezir. alternifolium [YLtiahy, Hunt). L. Ditrichum tenuifoUum (Finianá, Lindberg).
F. Ditr. tortile and fl. var. pusillum (Castle Howard, Black). G, Ditr. homomallum
(Sale, Wilson), f l. var. zonatum (Clova, Fergusson). H. Ditr. subulatum (Saltash,
T a b . XV. A. Ditr. flexicaule {A. Finianà, Lindberg). c. & fl. var. densum (Cheedale, West).
B. Swartzia montana and fl. var. compacta (Ben Lawers, Braithwaite). C. Sw.
inclinata (Sands of Barrie, Gardiner). D. Dicranella crispa (Gale green, Wilson).
E. Dicr. seczinda (Gibson wood, Nowell). F. Dicr. czirvata (Cwm Gafr, Wilson). G.
Dicr. hetcromalla (Chislehurst, Braithwaite), j j . var. stricta (Inverness, Croall), y,
var. interrupta (Ardingly, Davies), o, var. sericea (Alderley, Hunt).
T a b . XVI. A. Dicr. cervieulata (Levens, Barnes). B. Anisothecium rzibryim and fl. var.
tenuifoUum (Bangor, Wilson), var. callistomziin (Scotland, Dickson). C. Anis.
rufescens (Ashley, Hunt). D. Anis. Grevillei (Glen Tilt, Hooker). E. Anis. crispum
(Bowdon, Hzint), var. elatum (Stirrupwood, Nowell). F. Anis. sqziarrosum (Lawers,
Braithwaite). G. Seligeria Donii (Castleton, Whitehead). H. Sel. pusilla (Levens,
Barnes). I. Scl. aczitifolia (Gotland, Lindberg), fl. var. longiseta (Tideswell dale,
Whitehead). K. Scl. trifaria {Litton, Whitehead).
T a b . XVII. A. Sel. paucifolia (Lewes, Unwin). B. Sel. calcarea (Shere, Capron). C. Sel.
setacea (Greenfield, Whitehead). D. Brachydontium trichodes (Westward, Wood).
E. Blindia ceespiticia (Ben Lawers, Hunt). F. B l. acuta (Ben Ledi, Braithwaite).
G. Didymodon dcimdaUis (Skye, Lazvson), fl. var. alpinus (Lough Bray, Moore).
H. Dicramim aspcrulzim (Mains Castle, Galt). I. Campylopzis pyriformis (Ightham,
T a b . XVIII. A. Campylopus fragilis {B&nLtài,Braithwaite). B. Camp.szibzilatus [KxWaxnty,
Wilsozi). C. Camp. Schimperi (Ben Lawers, Braithwaite). D. Camp. Schwarzii
(Glencoe, Hunt). E. Camp, setifolizis (Cromaglown, Moore). F. Camp, flexuosus
(Glyder Vawr, Wild),fl- var. paludoszis (Loch Maree, Boswell). G. Camp, paradoxus
(Wooler, Hardy).
T a b . XIX. A. Camp. Shawii and fl. var. hamatus (N. Uist, Shaw). B. Camp, atrovirens
(Killin, Braithzvaltc), fl. var. falcatus (Connemara, Barker). C. Camp, introflexus
(a. O'porio, Newton, b. Penzance, Cnziiow). D. Camp, brevipilus {Ltwis, Braithwaite).
E. Dicranoweissia crispula (Ben Lawers, Braithwaitc). F. Dicranow. cirrhata (Levens,
Barnes). G. Dicramim fulvellum (Scawfell,
T a b . XX. A. Dicranum schisti (Ben Lawers, Braithwaite). B. Dicr. falcatum (Ben Lawers,
Braithwaite). C. Dicr. Starkei (Glen Callater, Hunt). D. Dicr. molle (Braemar,
Black). E. Dicr. majus [F^káaÍQ, Braithwaite).
T a b . XXI. A. Dicr. scoparium (Eskdale, Braithwaite), f l. var. alpestre (Innisfallen, Hunt),
y. var. recurvatum (Godalming, Mitten), var. turfoszim [Wesley). B. Dicr, Bonjeani
(Bowness, Barnes), fl. var. juniperifoUum (Blandford, Boswell), y. var. calcareum
(Woolstonbury, Mitten).
T a b . XXII. A. Dicr. spurium (Barmby Moor, Sprzice). B. Dicr. Bergeri (Wybunbury Bog
Wilson). C. Dicr. congestum (Lojo, Finland, Lindberg), fl. var. flexicaule (Loch-na-
Gar, Black). D. Dicr. fuseeseens (Ben Lawers, Braithwaite), fl. var. falcifolium
(Dunoon, Stirton).