basal cells small, re c tangular, slig litlj' hyaline, upper small, incrassa te,
rotundate, or quadrate. Caps, oval or cylindra ceous, peristome of
i 5 teeth on a very short membrane, c le ft to base into two slender legs,
papillose, short or imperfect, or longer and spirally twisted, sometimes
wanting. D e r .— barba, a beard.
Although Barbula and Tortula have generally been combined, and must be
if we limit our views by the peristome alone, the habit and general aspect of
the species are so distinctive, that it is far more convenient to keep them
separate. These in Barbula are the rustj' tinge which more or less pervades
the plants, and the lanceolate leaves gradually tapering to an acute point,
appressed when dry, with recurved margins, the cells of the upper part being
rounded or quadrate and well defined. We have also in Europe B. bicolor
B r. S ch.— B . Lamyi (Schimp.)— B.cordata (Juratz.)— B. rufa (L orentz)
— B . fiavipes B-r. S ch.— B. gigantea F unck— B. crocea B rid.— B. icmadopliila
B r. S ch. and B . obtustda L indb. Schimper’s B. Woodii is nothing but
A mphoridium Mougeotii.
C lavis to the S pecies.
Gymnostomous. curviyostyis.
Leaves without thickened limb.
Peristome short, erect.
Infl. paroicous, lower leaves red. rubella.
Infl. dioicous.
Leaves acute, nerved to apex.
L. ovato-lanc., basal cells rounded, per. short, pale, lurida.
L. lanc.-acuminate, basal cells rectang. per. longer,
red. rigidula.
fa lla x
Leaves obtuse, nerve vanishing below apex.
L. short, ovato-lanc., caps, oblong.
L. long, lane.-acuminate, caps, cylindric.
Peristome elongated, contorted.
Leaves squarroso-recurved.
L. dense, gradually acuminate, acute.
L. distant, strongly recurved, short pointed.
Leaves erecto-patent.
L. points acuminate, very acute.
Nerve excurrent.
L. ovate acuminate, aristate with the thin
nerve. acuta.
L. ovato-lanc. cuspidate with the thick nerve. Hornschuchii.
Nerve vanishing just below apex.
Margin of leaf entire. cylindrica.
Margin sinuous in upper part, serrate at apex, sinuosa.
L. points short, obtuse.
Perich. bracts large, convolute. convoluta.
Perich. bracts not conspicuous.
L. short, linear, revolute at margin revoluta.
L. oblong-lanc., margin revolute in lower
half. unguiculata.
Leaves surrounded with a thickened limb. mucronata.
Sect. I. H YM E N O S T Y L IU M [Brid.) Tall, densely cæspitose, much
branched. Capsule ovate or oval, truncate, gymnostomous ; lid with a long
D io ico u s ; ta ll, densely cæspitose. L . linear-lanc., acute, with
recurved margins, nerve vanishing at apex. Caps, ovate, gymnostomous ;
lid obliquely ros trate, systylious . (T. X X X V I I I , D.)
Syn.— Pofrm curvirostris E hrh. Beitr. i, 188 (1787).
Gymnostomum curvirostre H e d w . Stirp. cr. ii, 68, t. 24 (178g), Sp. musc. 33 (1801).
H o f fm . Deutsch. fl. ii, 28 (1795). B r id . Musc. rec. II, P . I, 45 (1798), Sp. musc. I, 39
(1806), Mant. 18 (i8ig), Bry. univ. i, 84 (1826). R o th Fl. germ, iii, P. I, 125 (1800).
PoEHL. Moosg. deutsch. 82 (1800). S m ith Fl. brit. 1164 (1804), Eng. bot. t. 2214.
P. B e a u v . Prodr. 59 (1805). W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch. 83 (1807). S c h k u h r Deutsch.
kr. gew. P. II, 22, t. 10 (1810). S c h w a e g . Suppl. I, P. I, 32 ( i8 ii ) . W a h l e n b .
Fl. lapp. 302 (1812). M a r t . Fl. crypt, erl. 122 (1817). H ook T a y l . M us c . brit. 11,
t. 6 (i8i8). H a r t m . Skand. fl. 382 (1820). G r a y Nat. arr. br. pl. i, 714 {1821).
H o o k . Fl. scot. P. II, 122 (1821), Br. fl. ii, 7 (1833). N e e s H o r n s c h . Bry. germ. 170,
t. I I , f. 34 (1823). H u e b e n . M us c . germ. 55 (1833). Ma c k . Fl. hib. P. 2, 9 (1836).
D e N o t . Syllab. 28g (1838) Epil. bri, ital. 602 (1869). B r . S c h . Bry. eur. fasc. 33— 36,
p. 8, t. 7 (1846). R a b e n h . Deutsch. kr. fl. ii, S. 3, 122 (1848). W i l s . Bry. brit. 42,
t. 6 (1855). S c h im p . Synops 43 (i860), 2 ed. 43. B e r k . Handb. br. m. 294 (1S63).
H o b k . Syn. br. M. 32 (1873). J u r a t z . Laubm. oesterr.-ung. 15 (1882). L e s q . J a m e s
Mosses N. Amer. 54 (1884).
Bryum stelligerum Dicks. Crypt, fasc. II, 3, t. 4, f. 4 (1790).
Gymnostomum stelligerum B r id . Musc. rec. II, P . I, 46 (1798), S p . musc. I, 39 (1806),
Mant. 18 (1819), Bry. univ. i, 89, p.p. S c h r a d . Journ. bot. ii, P. I, 55 (1799). S m ith
Fl. brit. 1164 ; Eng. bot. t. 2202.
Gymnostomum oeruginosum (n on S m it h ). N e e s H o r n s c h . op. c . 160, t. l o , f. ig .
Weissia curvirostris C. M u e l l . Synops. i, 658 (184g).
Hymenostylium curvirostre M i t t . Journ. Linn. soc. i, Suppl. 32 (1859). L in d b . De
Tort. 230 (1S64). M i l d e Bry. siles. 48 (i86g).
Barbula curvirostris L in d b . Musc. scand. 22 (1879).
Dioicous ; in soft tumid tufts, yellow-green above with a fuscous
tinge, ferruginous below. Stems i — 4 in. high, fragile, much branched,
fa stigia te, radiculose. L e a v e s erecto-patent, s ca rc e ly incurved when
dry, lanc. a cute , carinate, minutely papillose, margin recurved, often
subserrated above the base, nerve semi-terete, prominent at back,
vanishing below apex ; cells at base pellucid, elongated, above quadrate
and oval, papillose. S e ta straw-colored, reddish at base. Caps, ovate, or
subspherical, pachydermous, gymnostomous, rufous, glossy, when old
tu rb in a te ; lid from a conic base, with a long ' subulate oblique beak,
systylious and long persistent ; c a lyp tra rea ching middle o f caps, long-
beaked. IMale plants similar to the female, infl. terminal, b ra c ts ovate,
Hab.— Alpine calcareous rocks. Fr. 9.
Var. fi. commutata {Mitt.) Lindh.
Plants taller, more rigid, tinged with brown ; leaves long, narrow, erect,
more obtuse, the cells all more or less rectangular, pellucid, smooth.
(T. X X X V I I I , E.)
S y n .— Hymenostylium cominutafum M i t t . Journ, Linn. Soc. i, Suppl. 32 (18 5 g ) .
Barbula curvirostris v a r , commutata L in d b , M u s c . Scand, 22 ( 1S 7 9 ) .