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W e b e r a c e æ .] 292 f Webera.
— Shhagnuin acaulon maximum, foliis in centro ciliaribus H a l l . It. helv. i 739> P- 83,
c. icone (1740), Enum. stirp. helv. i, 97 (1742)- D i l l . Hist. musc. 253, t. 32, f. 13
(1741), et. Herbar.
B».v'èrta7»Za 56’55/Z/s S c h m id . Diss. de Buxb. 26, t. 2 (1758). H e d w . Fund, ii, 96(1782).
H o f fm . Deutsch. fl. ii, 21 (1795)-
Phascum subulatum Var. f i . H u d s . Fl. angl. 397 (1762).
Phascum snbzilatum O e d e r Fl. d an . t. 249, p .p . { 17 6 6).
Phascnm Halleri F. M u e l l . Fl. fridrichs. ig6 (1767). P o l l . Pl. palat. iii, n. 974 (1777)-
Bryum HalleriNECK. Meth. musc. 233 (1771).
Phascum maximum L ig h t f . Fl. scot, ii, 693 (1777)-
Phascum montanum H u d s . Fl. angl. 2 ed. 466 (1778).
Buxbaumia foliosa W eb e r Spic. fl. gott. 128 (1778)- Sw a r tz Meth. musc. 33. t. 4, f- 2
(1781), Musc. suec. 74, t. 4, f. 4 (1799)- L. Syst. veg. 14 ed. 925 (1784) • Tent,
fl. germ, i, 47S ( r W i t h . Bot............ arr. br. veg. 3 ed. -------- iii, 790 ^—
( 1 7 9 6 ). H u l l Br. fl.
p.P , 2, 276 - (-1799). •
B r id . M u s c . rec. II, P. III, 150 (1803). Sm. Eng. Bot. t. 32g.
brit. iii, 114S (1804). Turn. M u s c . hib. 104 (1804). ScHULTZ Fl. starg, n. 355
(1806). R o e h l . Deutsch. fl. iii, 120 (1813). W .s h l e n b . Fl. carp. 363 (1814). S c h w a e o .
s ïp p L L P r f l , ’65 (1 8 16 ). h I e b e n . M u sc . germ. 540 (1833)
Webera Diphyscmm E h r h . Hann. mag. 1779, p. 257. Beitr. i, 189 (1787).
Brynmphascoides J a c q . Collect, ii, 220 (1788.)
Dibhyscium foliosum M ohr Obs. bot. 34 {1803). W e b . M ohr Bot. Tasch. 377, t. 11,
f. I (1807) V o it M u s c . herb. 112 (1812). B r id . Sp. musc. I l l , 112 (1817), Mant. 123
(1819), Bry. univ. i, 326 (1826). M a r t , Fl. cr. erl. 85 (1817). H o ok . T a y l . Musc. bi.
16, t. 8 (1818). F u n c k Moost. 37, t. 24 (1821). G r a y Nat. arr. br. pl- 1, 717
H o o k . Fl. scot. P. II, 124 (1821), Br. fl. ii, 13 (1833). Fl. Lond. H a r tm . Skand. fl.
M a c k . Fl. hib. P . 2, 12 (1836}. B r . S c h im p . Bry. eur. fasc. y t. 2, et fasc. 64, SuppL
(1837). D e N o t . Syll. 145 (1838), Epil. bri. ital. 349 ( i ” '
R a b e n h . Deutsch. kr. fl.
•• r, _ /_0.0\ n O.. ......... c- , Î'tSx/.
ii, S.'V, 240 (2848); C . 'm 'u e Vl ' . 'Synops. i, 812^1849). W i l s . Bry. brit. 201, t. 8
(, 2855.)-J.’ J ^ , . ts r- C - , . . . , . . . C...44A..-.IS , - T 2 c d . 547. e n s . Brv. dan. t. 8, f. 40(1856). S c h im p . Synops. 451 (18 ^
B e r k . Handb. br.'m. 214, t. 19 ,1.5 (1863). M il d e Bry. siles. 254 (1869). H o b k .
Syn. br. m. 99 (1873). H u s n . M ouss. nord-ouest 138 (1873). J u r a t z . Laubm. oesterr..
ung. 351 {1882). L e s q . J am e s Mosses N . Amer. 267 (1844).
Hymempogon hcierophyllum P. B e a u v . Prodr. 60 (2805).
Diphysc'mm sessilc L in d e , in Oefv. Vet. Ak. foerh. xx, 303 (1863).
Webera scssilis Linde, in Op. c. 394, in obs. (1S63) et xxi, 576, in nota (1864) i in Not,
saells. prò Fauna et fl. fenn. foerh. ix, 237 (1867).
D io icou s; brown or bla ckish green, in expanded tufts. Stems very
short, radiculo se ; leaves lingulate, curled when dry, chlorophyllose,
thick, o f th re e strata o f minute rounded hexagonal cells above, narrowly
rectangular at b a s e ; apex concave, obtuse, the margin crenulate with
p rojecting cells, nerve vanishing below apex. Perich. b ra c ts very large,
rufescent at base, ovato-lanc., thin and membranous without ch lo ro phyl,
deeply serrate or la ce ra te and c ilia te at apex, the nerve excurrent
in a long roughish piliform a rista, c e lls quadrate and re c tangular,
hyaline, with incrassate transverse walls. Cap s, immersed in the
perichætium, pale yellowish-brown, leptodermous, v en trico se ly ovato-
conic, oblique ; mouth small with an annulus o f a single series o f cells ;
lid conic, a cuminate, peristome none or represented b y irregular proje
c tin g fragments o f tis su e ; endostome a white membrane twisted in a
cone, i6 -ca rin ato-piicate , the ridges thickened and p ap illo se ; spores
minute, smooth, green.
W e b e r a c e æ .] 293 ¡Webera.
Male plants short, scattered, the infl. gemmiform, terminal, inner
bra cts ovate, concave, nerve excurrent.
H a b ,— Turfy banks and moist rocks in mountain districts ; not uncommon.
Fr. 8.
Var. fi. acutifolia Lindh.
Plants taller, denser and more branched; leaves longer, acuminate,
acute, arista of perich. bracts smooth.
H a b .— With the type, but more frequently in Ireland, though iisuall}'
sterile. Connemara c. fr. (Moore 1853) !! Luggielaw [Lindberg 1873) !!
T a b . X L I I I .
Webera sessilis (Ben Lawers, Braithwaite). fi. Var. acutifolia (Ireland,
a. Fertile, b. male plant, a*. Fertile pl. mag. r. Leaf, i a. apex, i ab. areolation
of base, i x. transv. section. 2. Perich. bract. 3. Male infl. 4. bract and antheridia.
5. Capsule. 6. Spore sac. 7. Calyptra. 8. Operculum. 9. Endostome.