Pol. minimum C r om e in H o p p . Bot. Tasch. 1807, 108: et Samml. n . 30.
Pol. latcrale Crome op. c. i i i , et. Samml. ii, 89.
Pol. dcfluens B r id . Mant. musc. 200.
Pog. aloides var. y. dcjiucns, B r id . Bry. univ. ii, i2r. C. M u e l l . Syn. i, 203. S c h im p .
Synops. Musc. V a r . ¡B. minus B r y . eur. Bry. brit. B e r k , b la n d b .
H.\b.— On dry banks. Not common.
Near Yarmouth (Dickson). Derry, Ireland (D. Brozon). Hopton, Suffolk [Turner 1802).
Banks of Tay, Glebe of Kenmore (Herb. Hook) ! Strome Ferry [Hunt, 1866) ! !
Madron, Penzance [Curnow). Compton and Moretonhampstead [Brent).
This species should strictly bear the name of P. nanum, having been so
called and clearly defined by W e i s s in 1770 in his excellent “ PL crypt. Fl.
gotting; ” but seeing that later authors have transferred the name to the preceding
species, it would lead to endless confusion to retain it. Th e plant is
taller and more branching than P. siibrotimdum, and like it presents several
different forms, the serration varying in extent, and size of teeth and sometimes
being nearly obsolete on the back of the nerve ; in P. rubellum M e n z . it
is very distinct, and the stems also are taller and more branched.
Occasionally both stems and set^ become greatly elongated, a state which
appears to be frequent in N. India and Japan.
S e c t . 2. P O G O N A T U M P . B e a u v .
Stems taller, simple or branched, lea fy throughout ; leaves narrower,
lanceolate, acute. Capsule as in S e c t. i .
D io icou s ; glau ce scent, branched above. L e a v e s from a short,
sheathing base, lan ceolate, acute, sharply serrated. Capsu le erect,
ovali-cylindric, narrowed in the middle, p ap illo se ; lid convex, rostrate.
(T. V I , C.)
S y n .— Polytrichum ramosum, setis ex alis urnigeris D i l l . Hist. musc. 427, t. 55, f. 5 (1741) et Herb.
Pol. urnigerum L. Sp. pi. ii, 1109, n. 3 (1753) ; et Fl. suec. 967. H u d s . Fl. angl. 400
{1762). O e d e r Fl. Dan. t. 296. N e c k . meth. musc. 129 (1771). W i t h e r , Bot.
arr. Br. veg. 663 (1776). L i g h t f . Fl. Scot. ii, 703 (1777). W e b . Fl. Gott. n. 119
(1778). R o th Fl. germ. i. 457, et iii, 350 (1788). E h r h . Hann. mag. 235 (1780).
H o f fm . Deutsch. FL ii, 24 (1796). M e n z . Tr. Lin. soc. iv, 81 (1798). B r id . Musc.
rec. ii, P. I, 97 (1798) ; Sp. musc. I, 65 (1806) ; Mant. musc. igg (i8ig). S w a r t z
musc. suec. 77 (1798). H u l l Br. Fl. P. 2, 248 (1799). R o h l . Moosg. Deutsch. 210
(1800). H o p p e Bot, Tasch. 154 (1800). H e d w . Sp. musc. 100, t. 22, f. 5-7 (1801).
S m , Fl. Brit, iii, 1378 (1804); Eng. Bot. 1218, T u r n . Musc. hib. 87 (1804). W e b .
M o h r Bot. Tasch. 216 (1807). W a h l . FL lapp. 347 (1812) ; FL carp. 349 (1814).
V o it Musc. herb. 60 (1812). S c h w a e g r . Suppl. I, P. 2, 318 (1816). M a r t . FL cr.
erlang. 81 (1817). H o o k . T a y l . Musc. brit. 27, t. xi (1818). H a r t m . Skand FL 286
(1820). F u n c k Moostasch. 70, t, 57 (1821). H o o k . FL Scot. P. 2,126 (1821) ; Brit. P'l.
ii, 50(1833). G r a y Nat. arr. Br. pi. i, 721 (1821). Z e n k . D i e t r . Musc. Thur. n. 9
(1821). W a l l r . FL crypt, germ, i, 197 (1831). H u e b e n . Musc. germ. 525 (1833).
B a l s . D e N o t . Pr. Bry. mediol. 21 (1834). M a c k . FL hib. P. 2, 28 {1836). D e N o t .
S y l l . musc. n. 210 (1838). F io r . M a z . Briol. rom. 2 ed. 30 (1841). R a b e n h . Deuts.
Krypt. FL ii, P . 3, 236 (1848). C . M u e l l . Syn. musc. i, 208 (1849). L in d b . in Not.
ur Sällsk. FL Fn, fenn. ix, 134 (1867).
Bryum urnigerum N e c k . Delie, gallo-belg. ii, 462 (1768).
Pol, dubium S c o p . FL earn. 2 ed. ii, 310 {1772).
Pol. axillare L am . FL franc, i, 43 (1778).
Pol. pulverulcntum R e y n , in Act. Lausan. ii, P. i, p. 11 (1780). R ö h l . op. c it . 216.
B r id . M u s c . rec., Sp. musc. et Mant. S c h w a e g r . op. c. 322.
Pol. fasciculatum M i c h x . FL bor..amer. ii, 294 (1803). B r id . Sp. musc. 64.
Pogonatum pulverulentum P. B e a u v . Prodr. 84 (1805).
Pog.fasciculatîim P . B e a u v . op. cit. 84.
Pog. urnigernm P. B e a u v . op. cit. 85. R ö h l . Deutsch. FL iii, 60 (1813) ; A n n . Wett.
ges. iii, 228 (1814). B r id . Bry. univ. ii, 124 (1827). B r . S c h im p . Bry. eur. iv, Mon. 8,
t. 9 (1844) ; Syn. musc. 440 (i860), et 2 ed. 537 (1876). W i l s . Bry. Brit. 208, t. xi
(1855). B e r k . Handb. Br. m. 2ir (1863). M i l d e Bry. siles. 249 (1869}. D e N o t .
Epil. Briol. Ital. 338 (1809). H u s n . M ouss. Nord-ouest 135 (1873). H o b k . Syn.
br. m. 102 (1873).
Dioicous ; pale glaucous green above, ferruginous brown below ; in
wide lax pa tches. Stem erect i — 3 in. high, rigid, innovating laterally
and more or less fa scicula te. L ow e r leaves minute, scale-like, cuspidate,
upper crowded, coriaceous, pa tent when moist, straight and incumbent
when dry, from a shortly sheathing base, broadly lineal-lanceolate, very
acute, nearly plane, margin serrate throughout with solid acute teeth,
also slightly serrate at b ack o f apex ; lamellæ dense, low, straight, about
48, each in section o f one row o f 4— 5 cells, the marginal larger, round,
incrassate, papillose on th e surface. Pe r ichæ tia l bracts narrow, subulate,
with long sheathing bases. S e ta longish, reddish y ellow. Ca lyp tra
yellow-brown, prolonged below capsule. Capsule nearly erect, ovate-
oblong, cyhndraceous, somewhat contra c ted below the mouth, p a ch y dermous,
rufous brown, papillose with ascending conica l granules,
without stomata ; lid convex w ith a stra ight subulate beak. Peristome
from a broadish orange basal membrane, te e th 32, equal, rufous, rather
short. Spores smooth. Male plants shorter and more slender, b ra cts
v ery broad, obovate, with a short point.
H a b .— On banks and by streams in subalpine districts, not uncommon.
Fr. I I— I.
Var. ß. Hiimile Wahlenb.
Stem short, simple ; leaves shorter, straight. Capsule narrower, ovate,
subcernuous, on a shorter seta.
S y n .— Pol. iirnigcrtwi var. ß. liiimile W a h l e n b . F l . lapp. 347 (1S12). B r id . Mant. musc. igg ;
Bry. univ. ii, 126. S c h im p . Syn. musc. 440, et 2 ed. 537.
H a b .— Dry stony places on moorlands.
This species varies somewhat in size and colour, and the capsules
occasionally are a little asymmetric ; the papillæ extend over the lower part
of the lid.
Dio icous; stem tall, fasciculate-branched. Le a v e s longly sheathing,
lineal-lanceolate, sharply serrate, spinulose a t back. Capsule sub