■ ! (1
A u to ico u s ; densely cæspitose, in dwa rf rigid tu ft s ; about J in.
high, dull yellow-green above, fuscescent below, rigid dichotomous and
fastigia te. Le a v e s crowded, erecto-patent, or slightly falcato-secund
above, oblong, subulate, ending in a v ery short hyaline point, entire,
thin-nerved ; cells at base narrow linear-oblong, angular enlarged brown
incrassate, upper narrow smaller flexuose. Perich. b ra c ts much larger,
sheathing. Capsu le immersed, obovate-globose, tru n cate , gymnostomous,
pachydermous, pale brown ; ca lyp. covering only the lid which
is orange, depressed, obliquely rostrate, and adnate to the columella.
Male infl. gemmaceous, at base o f fertile branches ; b ra c ts con cav e,
ovate, acuminate.
H ab.— C revices of wet mountain rocks ; rare. Fr. 7— 9.
Summit of Ben Lawers (Hooker 1830) ! !
2. BLINDIA ACUTA [Huds.) Br. Sch.
Dio icous ; lea ves oblongo-lanceolate, linear-subulate, acute.
Capsule exserted, pyriform ; w ith 16 lan ceo la te entire or perforated
te e th . (T. X V I I , F.)
S y n .— Bryum pilosum, sphagni subulati facie D i l l . Hist. musc. 374, t. 47, f. 34 (1741) et herb.
Bryum verticillatum L ig h t f . F l . S c o t . ii, 733 (17 7 7 ) .
Bryum acutum H u d s . Fl. angl. 2 ed. 484 (1778). W i t h . Bot. arr. br. veg. 3 ed. iii, 823
(1796). D i c k s . Herb. sicc. fasc. 17, n. 20. H u l l Br. fl. P. 2, 260 (1799). P. B e a u v .
Prodr. 45 (1805).
Weissia acuta H e d w . Stirp. cr. iii, 85, t. 35 (179a) I Sp. musc. 71 (1801). B r id . M usc .
rec. II, P. I, 78 (1798) ; Sp. musc. I, i io (i8o6) ; Mant. 47 (i8ig) ; Bry. univ. 1, 362
(1826). S c h w a e g . Suppl. I. P. I, 69 (1811). R o e h l . Deutsch. fl. iii, 51 (1813) ; Ann.
Wett. ges. iii, 112. W a h l . Fl. lapp. 322 (1812). H o o k . T a y l . M usc. bt. 48, t. xv.
{1818). G r a y Nat. arr. br. pl. i, 732 (1821). H o o k . Fl. Scot. P. 2, 131 {1S21) ; Brit. fl.
11,24(1833). F u n c k Moost. 14, t, 9 (1821). H u e b e n . Musc. germ, 146 (1833). M a c k . Fl.
bib. P. 2, 16 (1836). D e N o t . Syll. musc. 230 (1838).
Weissia rupestris H e d w . Sp. musc. t. 14.
Grimmia rupincola W e b . M o h r R e is e S c h w e d . t . 2, f. 3 a — d (1804).
Grimmia nciite S m . F l . brit. iii, 1192 (1804); Eng. Bot. t. 1644. T u r n . M u s c . hib. 29
(1804). Web. M o h r Bot. Tasch. 145 (1807). S c h k u h r D. kr. gew. P. I I ,50, t. 26 (iS ii).
Weissia fastigiata N e e s H s c h . Bry. g e rm , ii, t . 35, f. 31 (1831).
Blindia acuta Br. S c h . Bry. eur. f. 33— 36,p. 3, t. I (1846). C. M u e l l . Syn. i, 342 {1849).
R a b e n . Deutsch. Kr. fl. ii, s. 3, 133 (1848). W i l s . Bry. brit 58, t . 15 (1855). S c h im r .
Syn. i ig (i860), et 2 ed. 131 (1876). B e r k . Handb. br. m. 286, t, 24, f. i (1863). M i l d e
Bry. siles. 88 (i86g). H o b k . Syn. br. m, 39 (1873). J u r a t z . Laubm. Oesterr.— ung.
72 (1882),
Seligeria acuta D e N o t . E p i l. b r i. ita l. 653 (1869).
D io ico u s ; la xly cæspitose, in com p ac t fragile tufts i — 4 in. high,
yellow-green above, olivaceous or b lack below ; th e young stem pale
red. Le a v e s crowded, e recto-patent, the apical sometimes secund,
oblongo-lanceolate, linear-subulate, a cute , entire, convo lute-concave ;
angular c e lls large, orange-brown ; nerve thin, excur rent. Perich.
b ra c ts from a broad sheathing base, suddenly plicato-subulate. Caps,
on a short purple seta, pachydermous, pyriform oval, erect, pale brown.
cyathiform and bla ck when old ; calyp. reaching middle o f capsule ;
lid orange, depressed, with an oblique subulate beak ; teeth o f per. erect,
lanceolate, entire or perforated here and there, or c le ft at apex, purple,
Male pl. shorter, infl. terminal, gemmae, with ovate a cuminate
H a b .— Crevices of alpine rocks, and among stones by mountain rills ;
frequent. Fr. 7.
In exposed places the plants become dwarfed, and the seta so short as
scarcely to elevate the capsule above the leaves ; tall plants are generally
decumbent and denuded of leaves at the base.
10. D ID YM O D O N (H e d w .) W e b . M o h r .
(Bot. Tasch. 1807.)
Plants slender, cæspitose, dicho tomous,’interwoven with radicular
tomentum ; lea ves secund, lanceolate setaceous, with a broad nerve ;
angular cells dilated. Cap s, stra ight oblong or cylindric, on a cygneo-
flexuose seta ; ca lyp. cuculla te, entire at base ; per. arising below mouth
o f caps, o f 16 teeth, c le ft to base into two nearly equal, linear-subulate
legs, remotely a rticu late , erect, connivent when moist.— Deriv. &Su/ros
twin, 080US a tooth.
The genus Didymodon was established by Hedwig in 1792 for D. rigidnlus,
to which in 1801 he added D. homomalhis; the former is now referred to
Barhula, the latter to Ditrichnm. In 1807 Weber and Mohr placed under it
the two species of Swartzia, Ditrichum pusillum and glaucescens and a new species
longirostrum which Bridel had a year previously named Dicranum denudatuiii.
It is clear this last remains the type of the genus, and cannot be set aside for
the modern Dicranodontium, than rvhich it is also far more appropriate, for the
teeth are not like those of Dicranum, and by the peristome alone can it stand
separate from the latter genus. Closely allied is the Mexican Atractylocarpus
M i t t , of which a third species is the Metzleria alpina S c h im p . found in Switzerland
and Austria.
Dio icous ; leaves from an oblong base lon gly subulate, slightly
denticulate above, with hyaline angular cells. Cap s, on a cygneous
seta, subcylindric, lid with a long straight beak. (T. N 'Y !!, G.)
S y n .— Dicranum flexuosum B r id . M u s c . rec. Il, P. I, 163 (1798). R o e h l . Moosg. deutsch. 32g
D ic ram im dciiu d atuni B r id . Sp. musc. I, 184 (1806) ; Mant. 61 (1819). C. M u e l l . Synops.
i, 403 (1849). J e n s . Bry. dan. 95 (1856).
Didymodon longirostrum W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch. 155 et 463 (1807). R o e h l . Deutsch. fl.
iii, 56 (1813). F i c in . Fl. dresd. ii, 43 (1823). B r id . Bry. uihv. i, 512 {1826). D u b y
Bot. gall, ii, 567 (1830). H u e b e n . M us c . germ. 27g (1833). D e N o t . Syll. musc. ig6
Cynodontium long. S c h w a e g r . Suppl. I, I, m , t. 29 (1811). M a r t . Fl. cr. erl. 94 (1817).