cernuous, tumid, ov ate ; lid obliquely ros trate ; peristome short,
irregular. (T. V I , D.)
S y n .— Folytrlchum alpinum ratnositm, capsjclis e sninmitate cUipticis D i l l . Hist. musc. 427,
t. 55, f. 4 {1741} et Herb.
Tol. alpinum L. Sp. pi. ii, iiog, n . 2 (1753) ; Syst, nat. ii, 700. N e c k . meth. musc. 120
(1771). W i t h e r . Bot. arr. Br. Veg. ii, 663 (1776). L ig h t f . Fl. Scot. ii, 703 (1777).
W e b e r Fl. gott. 40 (1778). H u d s . Fl. Angl. 2 ed., ii, 470 (1778). R o th Fl. Germ. 1,
457 (1788), et iii, 34g. B r id . M u s c . rec. ii, P. I, gg {1792)-, Sp. musc. I, 62 ( i8o5) ;
Mant. musc. igS (i8ig). H o f fm . Deuts. Fl. ii, 24 (1796). M e n z . Tr. Lin. Soc. iv, 83
(1798). S w a r t z musc. suec. 76 (1798). H u l l Br. Fl. P. 2, 248 (1799). H o p p e Bot.
Tasch. 153 (1800). H e d w . Sp. musc. 92, t. 19, f. 2 —5 (1801). S m ith Fl. brit. iii, 1377
(1804) ; Eng. Bot. t. 1905. T u r n . Musc. hib. 85 (1804). P. B e a u v . Prodr. 85 (1805).
L am . D e C. Fl. franc. 3 ed. ii, 490 (1805). W e b . M o hr Bot. Tasch. 223 (1807). Fl.
Dan. t. 1362. W a h l e n b . Fl. lapp. 346 (1S12) ; Fl. carp. 348 (1814). H a r tm . Skand.
Fl. 286. S c h w a e g r . Suppl. I, P. 2, 307 (1816). H o o k . T a y l . M u s c . brit. 27, t. xi
(1818). H o o k . Fl. Scot. P. 2, 126 {1821); Brit. FI. ii, 50(1833). F u n c k Moostasch.
6g, t. 57 (1821). G r a y Nat. arr. Br. pi. i, 721 (1821). W a l l r . Fl. crypt, gei'm. i, igS
(1831). H u e b e n . M us c . germ. 527 (1833). M a c k a y Fl. Hib. P. 2, 28 {1836). D e N o t .
Syll. musc. n. 209 (1838). F io r . M a z . Briol. rom. 2 ed. 29 (1841). R a b e n h . Deuts. Krypt.
Fl. ii, P. 3, 236 (1848). C. M u e l l . Syn. musc. i, 210 (1849). L in d b . op. c. 12g (1867).
Fol. urnigerum var. ß . H u d s . Fl. Angl. 400 (1762).
Pol. ferrugineum B r id . Sp. m u s c . i, 61 (1806).
Pogonatum alpinum R ö h l . Deutschl. Fl. 2 ed. iii, 59 (1813) ; et in Ann. Wetter. Ges. iii, 225 (1814). B r id . Bry. univ. ii, 129 {1827). B r . S c h im p . Bry. Eur. iv, Mon. 9, t. x
(1844) ; Syn. musc. 441 (i860), et 2 cd. 538 (1876). W i l s . Bry. Brlt. zoS, t. xi (1855).
B e r k . Handb. Br. m. 211 (1863). M i l d e Bry. Siles. 24g (1869). D e N o t . Epil. Briol.
Ital. 338 (1869). H o b k . Syn. Br. m. 102 (1873).
Pal.furcatum H o e n s c h . in N. E s e n . Hor. phys. berol. 67 (1820).
Fog. furcaUim B r id . B r y . u n . ii, 133 (1827 ).
Dio icous ; la xly and irregularly c e sp ito s e , deep green, rufous brown
when old. Stem ro otin g only at base, trigonous, slender, e re c t or
ascending, 2— 4 in. high, dichotomous and fasciculate-branched. L e a v e s
b elow scale-like, scariose, a r is tate with th e excurrent nerve, upper
g rad ua lly longer, from a whitish, glossy, long sheathing base, patulous,
recurved or subsecund, when dry erecto-appressed, with the margin
inflexed, long, lineal-lanceolate, cuspidate, concave, sharply serrate,
spinulose and reddish at b a ck towards a p e x ; lamellcs about 32, higher,
each in section o f one row o f 4— 7 rounded cells, th e marginal larger,
ovate, incrassate, papillulose on the surface. S e ta long, flexuose,
orange. Ca lyp tra shorter than capsule, fulvous brown. Capsule
obliquely inclined, tu rg id ly ovate or subgibbose—-oblong, with a short
n e ck bearing stomata, leptodermous, smooth, a t first greenish-yellow
with the mouth red, afterwards olive brown or b la ck when old ; lid
small, conoid, w ith a subulate oblique beak ; teeth o f peristome y ellow,
short and v e ry irregular ; spores punctulate. Male plants shorter and
more slender, sca rce ; b ra c ts obovate, pointed.
H ab.— R o ugh stony and g ra s sy p la c e s on all our mountains, descending to
the lower moorlands in a dw a r f form. F r . 7— 8.
This pretty moss may be readily known by its branching stems and
tumid, pale, oblique capsule. Several well-marked varieties have been met
with on the higher mountains and in northern Europe, one of which Var.
silvaticum (M e n z .) is probably a native of Scotland, and is chiefly distinguished
by its narrower oblong, subincurved capsules. Another, Var. septentrionale
(Sw.) L in d b . is incorrectly referred by Hooker and Wilson to P. sexangiilare,
misled apparently by specimens so called in Herb. Turn., Swartz described
his P . septentrionale with “ leaves acute at apex, serrulate,” and it must be
referred to P. alpinum, as is well shown by Lindberg.
S e c t . 3. E U P O L Y T R IC H U M C . M u e l l .
Stems taller ; leaves lanceolate, a cute . Capsule with 2— 6 angles.
Dio icou s ; simple, erect. L ea ve s linear-lanceolate, obtuse, with
the margin inflexed and quite entire. Capsule ovate, 5—5 an g led; lid
ros trate. (T. V I I , A.)
S y n .— Polytrichum sexangulare F l o e r k e in H o p p . Bot. Taschenb. 1800, pp. 43 et 150, n. 4.
S t u r m Deutschl. Fl. ii, 4 (1800). W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch. 220 (1807). B r id . Sp.
musc. II, 52 (1812) ; Mant. musc. ig6 (1819); Bry. univ. ii, 145 (1827}. R ö h l . Deutsch.
Fl. iii, 58 ; Ann. Wett. Ges. iii, 218 (1814). F u n c k Moostasch. 68, t. 54 {1821).
W a l l r . FI. crypt, germ, i, 199 {1831). B r . S c h im p . Bry. Eur. iv, mon. 7, t . i i (1844) ;
Syn. Musc. 443 {i860) ; et 2 ed. 540 (1876). W i l s . Bryol. brit. 209, t. 10, fig. g (1855).
H a r t m . Skand. Fi. 8 ed. 373, p.p. (i86i). B e r k . Handb. Br. m. 207, t. 18, f. 6 (1863).
M i l d e Bry. Siles. 251 {1869). D e N o t . Epil. Briol. Ital. 333 (1869). H o b k . Syn. br.
m. 102 {1873).
Pol. crassisetum L a m . De C. Fl. franc. 3 ed. ii, 486 (1805), et v, 224 (1815).
Pol. septentrionale (non Sw T Z .) P. B e a u v . Prodr. 86 (1805) ? Eng Bot. t. 1906 (1808).
S c h w a e g . Suppl. I, P. II, 313, excl. syn. (1816) ; et in L. Sp. pi. 5 ed. v, P. II, p. 5 excl.
syn. (1830). W a l lm . in L i l j e b l . Svensk fl. 3 ed. 527, p.p. (1816). H o o k . T a y l .
Musc. br. 25, t. X, p.p. (1818). H o o k . Fl. Scot. P. 2, 126 {1821) ; Brit. Fl. ii, 49 {1833).
Somm. Suppl. Fl. lapp. 55, p.p. (1836). H u e b e n . Musc. germ. 528, excl. syn. (1833).
D e N o t . Syll. musc. Ital. 160 (1838). C. M u e l l . Syn. musc. i, 223, excl. syn.
(1848) ; et Deutsch. moos. 171, excl. syn. (1853). R a b e n . Deutschl. Krypt. FI. ii, P. I l l ,
2 3 7 , p.p. (1848).
Pol. hclvcticum S c h l e i c h , cent. I l l , n. 16 (1815).
Dioicous ; widely c e sp ito s e , deep green above, rufo-ferruginous
below, without I'adicular tomentum. Stem naked at base, rigid,
flexuose, 2— 5 in. high, simple, erect, or decumbent. L e a v e s short,
gradua lly elongating as th ey ascend, incurvo-patent or secund, when
dry la xly incumbent, from a broad base, suddenly elongato-lanceolate,
quite entire, glossy, rigid, semiterete, rather obtuse, smooth at back,
margin thin, papery, inflexed; lamellas high, about 52, each in section o f
4— 6 cells, the marginal one larger, incra ssa te, ovate, smooth. Pe rich.
bra cts longer, with longer sheaths. S e ta bright red, thick. Calj-ptra
rea ching middle o f capsule, brownish. Capsu le erect or inclined, ovate
with 6 obtuse angles, reddish brown, when dry hexagono-prismatic,
pachydermous ; hypophysis obconic, not well defined ; lid from a