Dioicous ; plants tall, slender, crowded into lax rufo-fuscous tufts.
Le a v e s when dry: laxly incumbent and sligh tly twisted, when wet
suddenly fa lcato-recurved, subtrifarious, from an oblong base, lanceo late ,
shorter and broader than those o f B . fallax, more solid, a cute ly carinate,
with stronger longitudinal folds at base, strongly papillose on both
sides, nerve fuscous, o f equal width, vanishing in the apex, margin erect,
plane above, resupinato-reflexed towards base, one wing reflexed almost
from the middle ; cells as in la st, lowest basal ra ther larger, quadrate
and rectangular, pachydermous, upper rounded. Ca lyp tra v ery narrow,
prolonged to J of capsule, subulate; caps, e re c t, elongate, cylindraceous,
regular, rufo-fuscous ; lid with a subulate beak ; ann. none ; peristome
o f B . fallax. Male plant more slender.
H ab.— Among earth on limestone rocks and walls ; not common.
Above Airlie Castle, Forfar (Drummond) ! Buxton and Middleton, Derby (Wilson) ! !
Ingleboro’ and Giggleswick Scar. {Baker 1S55) ! ! Mucross, Killarney (Schimper and
Wilson 1865). Barrowfield and Whitbarrow (Barnes 1867). Litton and Malham
(Hunt 1867)!! Ben Lawers (Hunt). Hayle sands (, Curnow 1871)!!, ,
Via Gellia,
Matlock (Holmes 1875). Miller’s dale,
Castleton and Buxton {Holt 1883) ! !
Var. B. robusta Braithw.
Stems tall, 3-5 in. high, in lax incoherent tu ft s ; leaves more dense,
broader and thicker.
H ae.— Limestone rocks at Ben Buiben, Sligo (Moore) !!
The slender form of B . reflexa and the carinate strongly recurved leaves,
suddenly pointed and never acuminate, at once separates it from B . fallax.
The fruit is extremely rare, and the drawing of it is copied from Schimper’s
figures ; Mr. Holt finds not unfrequently in the Matlock districts a slender
fruiting form of B . fallax growing intermixed with B. reflexa, for which it
may be readily mistaken.
The Var. fi. was at first referred by Mr. Mitten to B . gigantea (Geheebia
catarractamm S c h im p .) but that species has much longer leaves with very
different areolation. In his Synopsis, 2 ed. Schimper records the latter from
Scotland, but no British specimen exists in his herbarium, and it is therefore
probably only an erroneous repetition of the Irish record.
Dio icous ; lurid green, la xly tufted. L e a v e s patent from the base,
elongato-lanceolate, nerved to the apex, margin recurved below, cells
incra ssa te and rounded from the base. C ap s , cylindric, lid shortly
rostrate. (T . X L , A.)
S v n .— Didymodon rigidulus B r id . M u s c . rec. II, P. I, 116 (1798), Sp. musc. I, 160 (1806),
Mant. ro o (i8 ig ) , Bry. univ. i, 5 14 (1826). Sw a r t z M u s c . suec. 38 (1799). R o th F l.
germ, iii, P. I, 198 {1800). W e b . M o hr Bot. Tasch. 59 (1807). S c h k u h r Deutsch. kr.
gew. P. II, 68, t. 30 (1810). S c h w a e g . Suppl. I, P. I, 116 (1811). H u e b e n . Musc,
germ. 286 {1833).
Bryum rigidnlum D i c k s . PI. crypt, fasc. iv, 12 (1801).
Trichostomum rigidnlum (non H e d w .) S m , Fl, brit. 1238 (1804), Eng. Bot, t . 2178. T u r n .
Musc. hib. 34 (1804). B r . S ch im p . Bry. eur. fasc. 18-20, p. 10, t. 7 (1843). C. M u e l l .
Synops. i, 570 (1849). W i l s . Bry. brit. 114, t. 20 (1855). S c h im p . Synops. 148 (i860).
H u s n . M ouss. nord-ouest 73 (1873), Musc. gall. 85, t. 24 (1885).
Barbula spadicea M i t t , in S e e m . Journ. Bot. 1867, p. 326.
Barbula insidiosa JUR. M i l d e Hedwigia 1869, p. 97. M il d e Bry. siles. 120 (1869).
J u r a t z . Laubm. oesterr.-ung. i i i (1882).
Barbula rigidula S c h im p . Synops. 2 ed. 206 (1876).
Tortula spadicea B r a it h w . in S e e m . Journ. Bot. 1871, p. 293, t. 119, f. 6. H o b k . Syn.
br. m. 69 (1873).
D io ico u s ; resembling B ./ a Z to , but more robust, in looser thicker
tufts, dull brownish-green above, fuscous below. Stems I— 2 in. high,
simple or branched ; leaves when dry incurved and imbricated, when
wet patent from the base, spreading and recurved, from a broadly ovate
base, elongato-lanceolate, channelled, margin recurved in the lower
half, the folds more distinct, nerve strong, d istin c t to the apex ; cells
incrassate and rounded-quadrate from the base, only the lowest elongate-
oval, obscure above, papillose. Pe rich. bracts lanceolate, recurved,
from a longish la x-celled base, seta red, caps, erect, cylindric, slightly
curved, castaneous with a red mouth, annulus o f 3— 5 rows o f small
cells, lid sh o r tly rostrate, nearly h a lf length o f cap s ., peristome short,
teeth red on a very short orange basal membrane, scarce ly twisted. Male
plant more slender, infl. terminal, bra cts broad, suddenly acuminate.
H ab.— Damp walls, earth covered rocks and sandy banks of rivers ; not
uncommon. Fr. 9— 11.
Forfar (Croall 1852)!! Sheddon Clough, Burnley (Nowell)'.', Buxton (Wilson 1863)!!
Bolton Abbey (Haiti 1868) ! 1 Haselden gill (Nowell 1866). Dent (Barnes 1872) ! !
Dovedale (Holmes 1875)!! Castleton (Holt 1885) !! Glen Prosen (Fergusson 1868) I !
Crathie (Sim 1872) ! Belfast (Stewart 1877). Newcastle, Co. Down, Fairhead, .Antrim
(Rev. H. W. Lett 1884)!! Eskdale. Yacks. (Boswell 1878). Bearley, Warwick
Readily known from B. rigidula by the broader-pointed leaves, with thick
nerve vanishing just below apex, and very different basal areolation, and
from B. fallax by the longer leaves with opake rather obtuse points and short
non-spiral peristome.
D io ic o u s ; densely tufted, dingy green. L ea ve s subrecurved, longly
lanceolate from an e re c t base, nerve ending in the th ick obscure point,
margin revolute below, basal cells narrowly rectangular. Cap s, oval-
oblong, lid obliquely beaked. (T. X L , B.)
S y n .— M us cus trichodes parvus, folUs musci vulgaris, capitulis longis acutis D o o d y . R a y
Synops. St. br. 243 (i6go).
Muscus Adiantum aurcum dictiis assurgcns, foUolis tenuissimis, capitulis parvis erectis in
oblongis pcdiccllis Ray Syn. 2 eti. 31 (1696).
Bryum pcrangusiis foliis et cauliculis, foliis crchrioribus et circa cxtrcmitates magis
congcstis, capitulis erectis, ad summitatcm magis egrcdicntibus D i l l . Cat. Giss. 225 (1719).
R a y Syn. 3 ed. 99 (1724).