Pniinosc, with minute elevations as if frosted.
Pseudannidus, an apparent annulus of non-
vesicular cells.
Pscudopodhim, an altered innovation, leafless,
and often gemmiferous at apex.
Pugioniform, dagger shaped.
Pulvinatc, like a cushion.
Punctate, with opake dots.
Pungent, ending gradually in a hard sharp
Pyriform, pear shaped.
Quadrate, square.
Rachis, the main axis.
Radical, at the root.
Radicles, root fibrils.
Radiculosc, covered with radicles.
Ranienta, thin membranous scales.
Ramnlus, a small branch.
Receptacle, the apex of stem in which the repro.
ductive organs are fixed.
Reclínate, bending back.
Recurved, curved back.
Reflexed, suddenly bent back.
Regular, symmetrical.
Rcpand, slightly sinuous.
Repent, creeping.
Rcsupinate, inverted in position by twisting of
the stalk.
Reticulate, netted with projecting lines.
Refuse, round at end with the centre
Revolute, rolled back.
Rhizina, hair-Iike radicles on the stem, also
termed adventitious radicles.
Rhizome, a creeping subterranean stem.
Rimóse, gaping in a chink.
Rostellate, with a little short beak.
Rostrate, beaked, terminating gradually in a
long hard point.
Rosulate, arranged like a rosette.
Rubiginose, rusty red.
Rufescent, reddish brown.
Rugose, wrinkled.
Rugulose, slightly wrinkled.
Sanguineous, blood colour,
Saxicolous, growing on stones.
Scalariform, ladderflike.
Scalpelliform, like the blade of a penknife.
Scabrous, rough with minute warts.
Scaberulus, slightly scabrous.
Scariose, dry thin and semi-transparent.
Secund, turned to one side.
Semiamplexicaul, half clasping the stem.
Sexniterete, half cylindric.
Septate, having partitions.
Sericeous, with a silky gloss.
Serrate, with sharp straight-edged teeth point-
ing forward.
Serrulate, with small serrations.
Sessile, without evident pedicel.
Seta, the fruit-stalk.
Setaceous, bristle shaped.
Sigmoid, curved like the letter S.
Sinuose or sinuate, having the margin with
alternate concavities and convexities.
Spadiceus, a clear brown colour.
Spathulate, from a lineal base gradually obovate.
Spinulose, with minute prickles.
Sporangium, the sac holding the spores.
Spores, seeds.
Sporogonium, the capsule.
Squamose, scaly.
Squarrose, spreading out at right angles.
Stegocarpous, the capsule having a lid.
Stellate, radiating like a star.
Stipitate, attached to a stipes or foot-stalk.
Stolons, horizontal or descending shoots from
the base of stem, with minute leaves.
Stomata, air pores in the wall of capsule.
Stramineus, straw coloured.
Striate, marked with stri® or slight furrows.
Strigose, covered with sharp stiff hairs, stiff
and pointed.
Strumose, wich a swelling on one side at base.
Stylidium, the upper end o f the archegonium.
Stib , in comp, somewhat, as subacute
rather pointed.
Subulate, awl shaped.
Sulcatc, furrowed with longitudinal channels.
Surciilus, a leafy upright shoot from the root.
Suture, line of junction of two parts.
Synoicous, antheridia and archegonia in one inflorescence.
Systylius, the lid continuing fixed to the
columella, and thus elevated above the cap.
sule when dry.
Terete, cylindric and tapering.
Tcretiusculus, very slightly terete.
Terminal, at the end.
Thcca, the capsule.
Tomentose, covered with tomentum or woolly
Tortuose, irregularly bending and turning.
Trabeculate, with transverse bars on the teeth
of peristome.
Triquetrous, triangular.
Truncate, cut off abruptly.
Tuberculate, covered with minute knobs.
Turgid, slightly swollen.
Turbinate, top shaped.
Tympanum, see epiphragm.
Umbonate, round with a projecting point in
the centre.
Umbraculiform, umbrella shaped.
Uncinate, hooked, curved back at point.
Undulate, with an alternately convex and concave
Unequal, the two sides not symmetric.
Ungxiiculate, ending in a point like a claw.
Urceolate, pitcher shaped.
Utricles, oblong, somewhat inflated cells in
Vaginani, sheathing.
Vagimila, a sheath round the base of the seta
where it joins the receptacle.
Vaguely, without any definite direction.
Valves, parts which separate in a definite
Vasctilar, having vessels.
Veil, the calyptra.
Veyitral, in front or anterior.
Ventricose, bulging on one side.
Vermicular, thick cylindric, and bent at certain
Verrticose, covered with prominences.
Vesicular, inflated like a bladder.
Villi, branched processes on the stem.
Villose, covered with villi.
Vitiate, striped.
^ , male. ? , female.
, between, as 3— 6, between 3 and 6.
!, examined by the author.
! !, in the author’s herbarium,
p.p.. partly.
S e c t . i .
S e c t . 2 .
' . A n a k t h e o d o n t e i .
2. BU X B A UM IA C E rE .
3. G EO R G IA C E /E .
4. PO L Y T R ICH A C E /E .
A r t h r o d o n t e i .
f Gamophylhce.
5. F IS S ID E N T A C E rE .
t i Ektithefophylkn.
6. L E U C O B R Y A C E iE .
7. D IC R A N A C E .E .
8. G R IM M IA C ErE .
9. T O R T U L A C E A i .
10. W E B E R A C E tE.
12. S P L A CH N A C E iE .
13. O E D IPO D IA C E iE .
14. F U N A R IA C E .E .
15. B R Y A C E A i.
i 5. B A R T R AM IA C E iE .
18. MNIACE.E;.