D iCRANACEyE.] 134 [Campylopus.
3 strata o f cells, two anterior larger and empty, posterior small and
chlorophyllose ; basal cells rectangular hyaline, becoming fuscous when
old, above these smaller and quadrate, becoming incrassate and
irregularly rhomboidal and oval toward apex.
H ae.— Peaty soil in subalpine districts; rare.
With Dicranella hetcromalla in Trickley planting, top of Whiteside hill, Wooler,
Northumberland (Hardy and Boyd 1868) I 1 Ulpha bog near Levens, Westmoreland
(Barnes 1868)! ! Glencoe (Prof. Barker 1870). Morwell rocks near Tavistock, Devon
(Holmes 1873) ! ! Rumbold’s moor, Ilkley, Yorks. (Wesley 1878) ! ! Summit of Kinder
Scout, Derby (Whitehead 1881) ! !
Close as this species stands to C flexmsas, it has so peculiar an aspect,
that we prefer to keep them separate, basing the distinction on the short
straight leaves of C. paradoxus, with the lamina distinct to the apex. The
original specimens are scarcely an inch in height, and amongst the stems
are some with terminal rosettes of short ovate leaves more laxly areolate,
these are probably abortive males ; Whitehead’s specimens are in. high,
and Wesley’s nearly as tall. It is probable that it may eventually have to
sink to a Var. of C. fiexuosus.
D io ic o u s ; ta ll and slender, without r a d ic le s ; lea ves long, lax,
lanceolate-subulate, serrate, with large inflated au r ic le s ; caps, ovato-
pyriform, lid conico-rostellate. (T. X V I I I , E .)
S y n .— Campylopus setifolius W i l s . Bry. br. 89, t. 40 (1855). B e r k . Handb. br. m. 272 {1863).
S ch im p . Bry. eur. suppl. fasc. 3— 4, t. 6 (1866). Syn.musc. 2ed. 106 (1876). B r a it h w .
in Journ. Bot. 1870, p. 391. H o b k . Syn. br. m. 53 (1873).
D io ic o u s ; la xly tufted, glossy yellowish-green above, dark brown or
blackish below, stems slender 3— 10 in. high, dichotomous, w ith a few
radicles only a t base. L e a v e s ra ther distant, longly lanceolate-subulate,
with large inflated auricles, very concave and subtubulose, serrated
toward apex, subula formed o f the excurrent nerve, hispid at h a c k ;
basal cells hexagono-rectarig. empty, upper rhombic, ch lo ro p h y llo se ;
nerve h a lf width o f base, o f 3 strata o f c ells, outer minute chlorophyllose,
middle equal hyaline, inner tw ice as large hyaline. F ru it aggregated,
about 4 together, perich. b ra c ts oblong, convo lute sheathing, suddenly
narrowed into a setaceous su b u la ; seta short flexuose, reddish brown,
cygneous when m o is t ; caps, suberect, pale brown, ovato-pyriform,
becoming cylindraceous when old, sulcate, annulus very broad, breaking
up, lid conico-rostellate, h a lf length o f capsule, per. e re c t, dark reddish-
brown, c le ft above h a lf way, the legs y ellow, spores pale.
Male plant slender, infl. 3— 4 in a capitulum, gemmiform, outer
bra cts ovate, subulate, inner ovate-oblong, muticous, nerveless.
H ab .— R o ck s among gra ss and heath ; rare. F r . 6.
Carrig mountain, Dunkerron (Taylor 1836). Powerscourt and near Seven Churches,
Wicklow (Moore 1864) ! ! Cromaglown in fruit, intermixed with C. atrovirens and C.
DiCRANACEiE.1 135 [Campylopus.
jZcArtiOSiis in fruit {Capt. Hutton 1865)! Eagle’s nest, Pass of Dunloe and Kenmare
'RozL^slG.WTi.vriQy {Carrington and Hunt i8 6 i) !l Kylemore Castle, Connemara {Moore
1870)! ! Sligichan, Skye {Hunt 1863)! ! Island of Lewis, Hebrides {Moore 1868)!
Cwm Bychan near Harlech, in fruit {George 1878).
The fertile plant is shorter and more densely leafy than the sterile or
male, and the species is easily recognized by the large inflated auricles, and
serrated hispid subula.
Dio icous; in dense dark green cushions; leaves lanceolate-subulate,
auricled, ending in rough w hite points. (T. X IX , B.)
S y n .— Dicramim flexnosum y , piliferum T u r n . Musc. hib. 74, p.p. t. 5, f. 2 b,c. (1804)
Dicr. flexnosum fl, nigro-viride H o o k . T a y . Musc. brit. 2 ed. 94, p.p. (1827).
Campylcpzis longipilus B r id . Bry. univ. i, 477 {1826) p.p. W i l s . Bry. brit. 90, t. 40 (1855).
B e r k . Handb. br. m. 273 (1863). S c h im p . Bry. eur. suppl. fasc. 1— 2, t. 3 (1864);
Synops. 2 ed. 103 (1876). J u r a t z . Laubm. oesterr.-ung. 58 (1882).
Campylopus atrovirens D e N o t . Syll. musc. 221 {1838); Epil. bri. ital. 648 (1869). B r .
S c h im p . Bry. eur. fasc. 41, p. 6, t. 4 (1847), p.p. Synops. 98 (i860). S p r u c e in Ann.
mag. Nat. hist. 2 ser. iii, 483 (1849). B r a it h w . in Journ. Bot. 1870, p. 387. H o b k .
Syn. br. m. 50 (1873). H u s n . Mouss. nord-ouest 59 (1873).
Dicranum atrovirens C. M u e l l . Syn. i, 414 (1849).
D io ic o u s ; in dense silky cushions, lurid green or yellow-green
above, b la ck b e low ; stems slender, i — 5 in. high, repea tedly d icho tomous,
dense-leaved, sparingly radiculose. L e a v e s gradually larger
towards apex, erecto-patent, lan ceolate, canaliculate-subulate, s t r a ig h t ;
nerve dilated, J width of base, sulcate at back, excurrent in a long hoary
denticulate arista, in section o f 4 strata o f cells, the anterior and
posterior rather larger than the tw o median la y e r s ; basal cells lax
subrectangular, those of auricles ves icular lax brown, upper oblong and
H ab.— We t rocks and peaty ground on all our mountains ; common. Near
Penzance (Curnow)! !
Var. IS. falcatus Braithw.
Stem short, more robust; leaves dense, broader, falcato-secund, circinate,
very concave.
H ab .— Connemara (Prof. Barker 1868) ! !
A form parallel to the variety of C. Shawii. The comal leaves of the
ordinary state are frequently more or less secund, and slender flagelliform
ramuli are also common. When the fragile hair points are lost, it is best to
examine the young apical leaves, on which they are usually retained, otherwise
there might be a difficulty in the determination of the species.
D io ico u s ; olivaceous green, r ig id ; leaves not auricled, lanceolate
subulate, terminating in a spinulose hoary point, basal cells h y a lin e ;
capsules aggregated, rugulose a t base. (T . X IX , C.)
S y n .— Dicranum introfiexum H e d w . Sp. musc. 147, t. 29 (1801). S c h w a e g . Suppl. I, P. I, 190
(1811). C. M u e l l . Synops. i, 405 {1849).
D i c r . flexnosum y . piliferum T u r n . Musc. hib. p.p.