Andrccea Rothii. Isle of Man (ifo/Z 1881). MacgilHcuddy's reeks [Stewart and Holt 1885).
Var. hamata. Injebreck, I. of Man [Holt 1881).
------------- crassinervis. Cromaglown [Stewart and. Holt
Buxbaumia aphylla. Ogden Clough [Hanna, Wood and Whitehead). P. 28 and 29. For
paroicous read autoicous.
Georgia Brownii. Rocks by R. Aray, Inverary [Borrer 1810). Ben Laoigh [Holt 18
beck, Kilton and Saltburn [R. Barnes 1886).
Catharinea crispa. Staley brushes [Whitehead 1859).
-------------- angustata. Wickham Bishops, Essex [Dixon 1884, S t.).
Polytrichum aloides var. Dicksoni. Lound and Fritton, Suffolk (Rev. E. N. Bloomfield). Delamere,
Cheshire [Holt 1880).
Polytrichum strictum. Kinder Scout [Whitehead and Holt). Hutchmere, Cheshire, I. of Man
and Cwm Bychan [Holt).
nmune var. fastigiatum. I. of Man and Delamere [Holt). Harleston firs,
Northants [Dixon).
------------------- var. minus. I. of Man, Delamere and Hale moss [Holt).
P. 77, for T. XI, D. read T. XII, A.
armouth [Whitehead). Hatherley, Cheshire Pleuridium alternifolium. [Whitehead and
Ditrichnm homomallum. Joyden’s wood, Kent [George). Halstead [Holmes). Strome ferrv
[Dixon 1883). Carlingford Mtn. Down [Holt).
P. 100, Weissia zonata add Nees H o r n s c h . Bry. germ, ii, P. II, 123, t. 35, f. 33.
Ditrichnm subulatum. Bickleigh Vale and Tamerton Ffolliot, Devon [Holmes).
Dicranella crispa. Ashley mil! [Holt 1884).
— .....— curvata. I. of Man [Boyd 1886).
----------- hetcromalla fi. stricta. Anglesey Mtn. Co. Louth [Rev. C. Waddell 18S3).
•------------secunda. Trecrobleen hill, W. Cornwall [Marquand 1880) ! !
Anisothecium ruhrum fi. tenuifoUum. Larne. Antrim (Sfavart 1876). Ryde [Cockshott).
Ashley mill [Holt 1883). Nassington, Northants {Dixon 1885).
------------------------- callistomum. Ashley mill and by R. Bollen, Manchester {Holt
1884)! ! Ashwood dale (Ho/f).
-------- crispum fi, elatum. Stirrup wood, c. fr. [Whitehead 1859). Kersal moor
[Wild 1879). Bamford wood [Holt 1881). Cotterall [Holt 1882). Hagg beck and
I i
Guisbro’ beck, Cleveland [R. Barnes 18
Seligeria Donii. Ashwood dale, Ravensdale and Monsal dale [Holt 1880).
----------- acutifolia fi. longiseta. Ravensdale and Taddington dale [Holt 1884).
----------- trifaria. Castleton, Derby [Rogers and Cunliffe 1881).
— paucifolia. Tunnel wood, Watford [Holmes 1883)! ! Morants Court hill
Kemsing and Boxley hill, Maidstone [Holmes). Between Dartford and Darenth wood
[Holmes). Undercliff, Folkestone [Holmes.)
■ calcarea. Taddington dale, Derby {Holt 1882).