.i- k
ii <1
2. DITRICHUM TORTUE {Schrad.) Hampe.
Dioicous ; la xly cæspitose ; lea ves p a tent or subsecund, lanceolate-
subulate, serrate a t point, recurved a t margin. Capsule erect, subcylin
d ric , lid sh ortly ros tellate. (T . X IV , F.)
S y n .— Trichostomum tortile S c h r a d . Samml. Kr. Gew, n. 49 (1797). U s t e r i Neue Bot. Ann.
Fasc. XX. 108 (1799). B r id . Sp. musc. I, 231 (1806) ; Mant. 82 {1819) ; Bry. univ. i, 488
{1826). S c h w a e g r . Suppl. I, P. I, 13g, t. 35 ( i8 ii). S c h u l t z Suppl. Fl. Starg. 70
(1819). F u n c k Moostasch. 25, t. 16 (1821). H u e b e n . Musc. Germ. 300 (1833). B r .
S c h . Bry. eur. fasc. 18-20, p. 14, t. 10 (1846). R a b e n h . Deutsch. Kr. Fl. ii, P. 3, 116
(184S). W i l s . Bry. brit. 115, t. 41 {1855). H u s n . Mouss. nord-ouest 71 (1873). PIo b k .
Syn. Br. m. 62 (1873).
Dicramim tortile B r id . Musc. rec. ii, P. I, 129 (1798). W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch. ig8, t. 7,
fig. 12-13 (1807). V o it M u s c . herbip. 47 (1812). R o e h l . Deutsch. Fl. iii, 70 (1813).
Mnium tortile G m e l . Syst. nat. ii, 1328 (1791).
Didymodon tortUis W.-Arn. Disp. meth. 37 (1825). De N o t. Syllab. musc. n. 367 (1838).
Lcptotrichum tortile H am p e Linnæa 1S47, p. 74. C. M u e l l . Syn. i, 454 (1849). S c h im p .
Syn. 143 (i860) et 2 ed. 139 {1876). B e r k . Handb. Br. m. 262 (1863). M i l d e Bry.
Siles. 136 (1869). De No t. Epil. Briol. ital. 516 (iS6g).
Dio icous ; dwarf, la xly cæspitose, pale g los sy green ; stem simple or
little divided. L e a v e s subsecund or patent, curved, lanceolate-subulate,
margin thickened, reflexed to the middle, serrate a t apex, nerve subexcurrent
; perich. b ra c ts similar, but longer and sheathing ; cells a t base
linear, elongated, above small and rounded. S e ta subflexuose, slender,
rufous, tw istin g to th e left. Capsule erect, narrowly cylindraceous,
regular or slightly curved, leptodermous, pa le b row n ; annulus broad,
revoluble ; lid J length o f caps, red, conic, shortly ros tellate ; teeth of
peristome on a broadish basal membrane, e re c t, sligh tly incurved when
dry, red, the legs free or united here and there, papillose.
Male plants short, slender, infl. te rm in a l; bra cts 6— 9, ovate,
con cav e, subulate, nerved.
H ab.— Sandy banks, and old stone quarries ; rare. Fr. 10— 12.
Castle Howard [Sprzice 1844) ! 1 Rusthall common, Tunbridge Wells {Borrer 1846) 1
Hurstpierpoint {Mitten 1846) ! Sea shore near Whitby {Ibbotson) ! !
Var. ß. pusillum {Hedw.)
Stems shorter, more densely crowded. Leaves shorter, nearly straight.
Capsule oval or oblong, peristome shorter.
S y n .— Trichostomum pusillum H e d w . M u s c . frond, i, 74 t. 28, f. 2, 4, g, 10 (1787). R o t h . Fl.
germ, i, 469. S m . F l . Brit, iii, 1237. Eng. Bot. t . 2380. H a r tm . S k . Fl. 5 ed. 385.
H u e b e n . M us c . germ. 298. FI. Dan. S u p p l. t. 45, f. 2.
Ditrichum ptpsillum T im m Fl. megap. n. 777 (1788).
Bryum pusillum G m e l . Syst. nat. ii, 1333 (1791).
Bryum didymodon H o f fm . Deutsch. Fl. ii, 43 (1796).
Didymodon pusillus B r id . M u s c . rec. ii, P. I, 115, t. 2, f. 4 (1798), Sp. musc. I, 159; Mant.
lo i ; Bry. univ. i, 509. S w a r t z M usc . suec. 29. H e d w . S p . musc. 104. R o e h l .
Moosg. D. 242 ; Deutsch. Fl. iii, 56. P. B e a u v . Prodr. 56. W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch.
157. S c h u l t z Fl. Starg. 288. S c h k u h r Deutsch. Kr. Gew. P. 2, 67, t. 30. S c h w a e g r .
Suppl. I, P. I, 176. W a h l e n b . Fl. lapp. 316; Fl. carp. 337. H o o k . Br. Fl. ii, 31.
M a c k . Fl. hib. P. 2, 19.
Barbnla curta H e d w . M u s c . fr. iii, 75, t. 31 B (1792) ; Sp. musc. 115. B r id . Musc. rec.
ii, P. I, 192. S c h w a e g r . Suppl. I, P. I, 119. S c h u l t z Rev. gen. Barb. 5, t. 32, f. 2.
Tortula curta S w a r t z M usc . Suec. 41. H o o k . G r e v . in Edin. J. Sci. i, 202.
Desmatodon curtus B r id . Mant. musc. 87; Bry. univ. i, 526.
Trichostomum tortile V ß. pusilhim Bry. eur. t. 10 ß.
H ab.— I n similar localities and sometimes intermixed w ith th e type.
Near Belfast {Drummond). Dodge’s glen, Cork {Carrol). Castle Howard {A. 0 . Black
1854) ! !
Sm alle r than the next species w ith much shorter lea ve s and th e lid with
a more pointed beak.
Dio icou s ; cæspitose, dichotomous ; leaves p a tent or subsecund,
from an ovate base, subulate, nerve broad, excurrent in a setaceous
point, entire. Capsule erect, o vate-oblong , lid con ica l, obtuse.
(T. X IV , G.)
S y n .— IVeisia hetcromalla H e d w . Musc. fr. i, 22, t. 8 (1787) ; Sp. musc. 72 (1801). S w a r t z
Musc. suec. 26 (1798). B r id . musc. rec. ii, P. I, 77 (1798) ; Sp. musc. I, 119 (1806) ;
Mant. 47 (1819) ; Bry. univ. i, 361 {1826). R o e h l . Moosg. Deutsch. 161 (1800) ; Deutsch.
FI. iii, 51 (1813) ; Ann. Wett. Ges. iii, 109 (1814). S c h u l t z Fl. Starg. 284 (1806).
S c h w a e g r . Suppl. I, P. I, 68 (1811). W a h l e n b . Fl. lapp. 321 (1812).
Afzelia hetcromalla Ehrh. PI. crypt, n. 173 (1787).
Bryzim Weisia D ic k s . Fasc. cryp. II, 5 (1790). W i t h . Bot. arr. Br. veg. 827 (1796).
H o f fm . Deutsch. Fl. ii, 33 (1796). H u l l Br. Fl. P. 2, 261 (1799).
Grimmia hetcromalla R o th FI. Germ, iii, 145 (1795). S m . FI. Brit, iii, 1194 (1804), Eng.
Bot. t. 1899. T u r n . Musc. hib. 30 (1804). W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch. 137 (1807).
Grimmia homomalla Sm. loc. c.
Didymodon homomalhis H e d w . Sp. musc. 105, t. 23, f. 1-2 (1801). P. B e a u v . Prodr. 56
(1805). B r id . Sp. musc. I, 161 ; Mant. 102 ; Bry. univ. i, 510. W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch.
156. S c h k u h r Deutsch. Kr. Gew. P. 2, 64, t. 29 (i8io). S c h w a e g r . Suppl. I, P. I,
116. V o it Muse, herbip. 35 (1812). W a h l e n b . Fl. lapp. 315. R o e h l . Deutsch. FL
ili, 56; Ann. Wett. Ges. iii, 205. M a r t . FL cr. erl 96 (1817). F u n c k Moost. 21,
t. 14 (1821).
Didymodon hctcromallum H o o k . T a y l . M u s c . Br. 68, t. 20 (1818). G r a y Nat. arr. Br.
PL i, 743 (1821). M a c k . F L hib. P. 2, 19 {1836).
Trichostomum homomallum B r . S c h . Bry. eur. fasc. 18-20, p. 16 t. 12 (1843). R a b e n h .
Deutsch. Kr. FL ii, P. 3, 117 (1848). W i l s . Bry. Brit. 116, t. 20 (1855). H u s n . M ouss!
nord-ouest 72 (1873). H o b k . Syn. Br. m. 63 {1873).
Lcptotrichum homomallum H am p e Linn. 1847, p. 74. C. M u e l l . Synops. i, 453 (1849).
S c h im p . Synops. 143 {i860), et 2 ed. 141 (1876). B e r k . Handb. Br. m. 263 (1863).
M i l d e Bry. siles. 136 (1869). D e N o t . Epil. Bri. ital. 515 (1869). Te n s . Bry. dan. 100.
FL Dan. t. 2688, f. i.
Dio icous ; la xly cæspitose, pale green, subsericeous ; stem simple
or slightly divided. L e a v e s subsecund, from an o v a te base, lanceolate-
subulate ; nerve dilated, concave, longly excurrent, quite entire or with
a few minute crenulations a t point ; perich. b ra c ts sheathing, longer,
subfalcate ; cells firm, v ery narrow. S e ta tall, straight, purple. Capsule
pachydermous, rufous, erect, ovate-oblong or subcylindric ; annulus
broad, compound, rolling b ack spirally ; lid purple, conic, obtuse ; teeth
o f per. purple, w itho ut basal membrane, the legs free or united.
Male plant slender, dichotomous, bracts lanceolate-subulate.