sharply serrate to b ase; lamellæ v ery low and close, about 60, each in
section o f a row o f 3— 4 cells, equal in size and smooth. Perich. b ra c ts
v ery long, erect, with long sheaths, lamellose only toward apex. S e ta
long, reddish y ellow. C a lyp tra cov ering all capsule, fulvous brown.
Capsule erect when moist, cernuous when dry, finally horizontal,
prismatic with 6— rarely 5 or 4— angles, and an obconic ra ther indistinct
hypophysis, pale y e llow green, finally fawn-colored, leptodermous ; lid
from a broad base with a purple margin, conico-acuminate. T e e th 64,
pale yellow, short. Spores v ery small, dark yellow. Male plants
shorter and more slender, b ra cts cuspidate.
H.4.B.— D r y woods in suba lpine distr icts. Common in the north. F r . 6— 7.
This species is at first sight often mistaken for P . commune, but is a
more delicate plant, easily distinguished by its soft, less quadrangular
capsule, without a distinct perichætium.
P. pallidisetum is only a form with shorter stems, straighter leaves, and
narrower and longer capsule.
D io ico u s ; la xly cæspitose. Stems short, simple, naked below,
densely comoso-leafy above ; leaves e longato-lanceolate, wings inflexed,
entire, nerve prolonged into a rough hoary hair-point. Capsule tetra-
g on ou s; lid depresso-conic, ros tellate. (T. V I I I , A.)
S y n .— Muscus triclwides .ninor foliis oUongis, &c. R a y Synops. 2 ed. 2g, n. 5 (i6g6).
Polytrichum quadrangulare minus, juniperi foliis pilosis D i l l . Hist. musc. 426, t. 54, fig. 3
{1741) et Herb.
Pol. commune via. y. L. Sp. PI. ii, n o g {1753). H u d s . Fl. angl. 400 (1762). W it h e r .
Arr. Br. Veg. ii, 662 (1776). Var. y. pilosum W e i s s PI. cr. fl. gott. 172 (1770).
Pol. piliferum S c h r e b . Spic. fl. lips, 74 (1771). B r id . M u sc . rec. ii, P. I, 85 {1792) ; Sp.
musc. I , 52 (1806) ; Mant. musc. ig6 (1819) ; Bry. univ. ii, 142 {1827). S i b t h . FI. Oxon.
306 (1794). H o f fm . Deuts. Fl. ii, 21 (1796). R o th Fl. Germ, i, 457 et iii, 348. M e n z .
Trans. Linn. Soc. iv, 75 (1798). S w a r t z Musc. suec. 76 (1798). H u l l Br. Fl. P. 2,
247 (1799)- R ö h l . Moosg. Deuts. 181 (1800) ; Deutsch. Fl. iii, 58 (1813) ; Ann. Wett.
ges. iii, 217 (1814). H o p p e Bot, Tasch. 148 (1800). H e d w . Sp. musc, 90 (1801).
S m ith Fl. Brit, iii, 1374 (1804) ; Eng. Bot. 1199. T u r n . M u s c . Hib. 82 1804 .
P. B e a u v . ^rodr, 86^ (1805h D i ÿ . Fl. franc. 3 ed. ii, 48S (1S05). S c h u l t z Fl.
Starg. 287 (r8o6). W e b , M o h r Bot.” ' Tasch. 118 (' 1807') , "Vnorr Musc, herb. 59 (1812).
W a h l e n . Fl. Lapp. 243 (18 12) ; Fl. carp. 34 7 (1S 14 ). S c h w a e o r . Suppl. I, P. 2, 313
( 18 16 ). M a r t . Fl. cr. Erlang, 82 { 18 17 ). H o o k . T a y l . M u s c , Brit, 24, t. x ( 18 18 ) .
H o o k . Fl. Scot. P. 2, 125 (1821) ; Brit. Fl. ii, 48 (1833). F u n c k Moostasch. 68, t. 54
(1821 ). W a l l r . Fl. crypt, germ, i. i g g (18 3 1). H u e b e n , Musc. germ. 524 (1833).
B a l s . D e N o t . Pr. Bry. mediol, 18 (1834). M a c k a y Fl. Hib. P. 2, 27 (1836). B e .
S c h im p . Bry. Eur. iv, Mon. ir , t. xiv (1844) i Syn. Musc. 446 (i8 60), et 2 ed. 542 (1876).
C. M u e l l , Syn. Musc. i, 2 1 7 (184g), W i l s . Bry. Brit. 2 13 , t. x (1855). B e r k . Handb.
Br. m. 208 (1863). L in d . Not ur .Sails. Fn, et Fl. fenn, ix, 124 124 ((18 18 6 6 7).7). I
M i l d e B r y .
Siles. 252 (i8 6 g ). D e N o t . Epil. Briol. Ital. 335 ( "
H u s n . M o u s s . n o rd -o u e s t 137
(18 73 ). H o b k . Syn. br. m. 104 (1873).
P o l . p ilo sum N e c k . Meth. musc, 123 ( 1 7 7 1 ) . S c h r a n k Balers. Fl. ii, 446 (1789).
P o l . commune [3. p ilo sum E h r h . Hann. Mag. 235 {1780).
P o l . p i li fo l ium G r a y Nat. arr. Br. pi. i, 720 ( 18 2 1 ).
D io ico u s ; la xly cæspitose, glaucous green above, fuscescent below;
rhizome subterranean, flexuose, branched and densely tomentose.
Stems short, i in. high, erect, simple, naked b e low ; lower lea ves very
small, ovate, appressed, upper suddenly larger, erecto-patent, when dry
imbr icated and forming a c la v a te penicillate head, from an ovate,
coloured, sheathing base, elongato-lanceolate, the wings inflexed,
connivent, entire, with wide rectangular areolation, the apex smooth at
b ack ; the nerve prolonged into a serrate hoary hair-like arista ; lamellæ
low, about 32, each in section o f a row o f 4— 6 cells, the marginal one
larger, with a large papilla at apex, and hence somewhat cruciate.
Perich. bracts lineal-lingulate, erect, v ery concave, innermost thin,
w ithout lamellæ, all longly aristate. S e ta purple. C a lyp tra reaching
below capsule, fulvous with paler fringe. Capsule tetrágono— ovate,
erect, cernuous when dry, finally horizontal, pachydermous, pale brown ;
hypophysis narrow, conoid, purple ; lid depresso— conic, shortly
ros tellate, orange or red. T e e th 64, shortish, regular, with an orange
median line. Spores very small, ferruginous.
Male plants have leaves more lax, with shorter awn s; inflor. rosy
purple, orange or green, b racts obcordate, apiculate, lamellose at apex.
H ab.— On dry heaths ; very common. Fr. 5— 6.
Pol. Hoppei Hornsch. is an alpine form with lingulate leaves, long very
rough hair-points and cubic capsules. Pol. hyperboreum R. B r . appears to be
a good species, confined to arctic Europe and America, having the leaf cells,
three times the size of those of P. piliferum and the capsule leptodermous and
flattened as in P . commune.
Dio icous ; gregarious, glau ce scent. L e a v e s patulous and subrecurved,
lineal-lanceolate, the wings inflexed, entire, nerve excurrent
in a short reddish awn. Capsule tetragono -pr ismatic, pachydermous ;
lid plano-convex, ros tellate. (T. V I I I , B.)
S y n .— Adiantum aurcum pilcóla villoso, vicdium R.a y Syn. Stirp. B r . 2 ed. 28 (i6g6).
Polytrichmn montanum ct minus, caf>stila tjurdratigulan D i l l . cat. giss. 221 (1719) ; et in
R a y Syn. 3 ed. 90 (1724).
Pol. quadrangulare juniperi fo liis brevhrihus et rigidioribus D i l l . Hist. Musc. 424, t. 54,
f. 2 (1741).
Pol. commune var. ß . L. Sp. PI. ii, n og , p.p. {1753). Huns. Fl. Angl. 400 (1762). Var. ß-
minus W e i s s Crypt, gott. 171, p.p. (1770). N e c k . Meth. musc. 125 (1771). W i t h .
Bot. arr. Br. Veg. ii, 662 (1776). L i g h t f . 700 (1777). R e l h . F l . Cant. 397 (17S5).
Pol. commune—juniperifoUum E h r h . in Hann. Mag. 235 (i;So).
Pol. juniperinum b e ro l. prodr. 305 {17S7). R o t h . F l . germ i, 457 (17SS), et iii,348.
B r id . Musc. rec. ii, P. I, S3 (1792) ; Sp. musc. 1. 4; (iSo6) ; ^íant. musc. 194 (1S19) ; B iy .
univ. ii, 136 (1S27). S i b t h . Fl. oxon. 306 (1704). A b b o t F l . bedf. 232 (179S). M e n z . Tr.
Linn. Soc. iv, 76, t. 6, f. 4 (179S). S w a r t z ^íusc. suec. 77 (179S). R ö h l . Moosg. Deuts.
170 (1800) ; Deutsch- fl. iii, 57 (1S12) ; Ann. Wett. ges. iii, 215 (1S14). H e d w . Sp. musc.