Biixh. indusiata Buio. Br. univ. i, 331 (1826) ; et ii, Suppl. 741, t. 2, fig. 1-8 {1827).
W a l l r . Fl. cryp. Genn. i, 116 (1831). I I a k t m . Sk. Fl. 2 ed. H u e b e n . Muse. germ.
540 (1833). B r . SciiiMP. in Mem. Soc. Mus. Strasb. ii, Mon. p. 4, t. 2 (1835) ; Bry. Eur.
iv, Mon. 6, t. 2 et suppl. t. i ; Syn. Muse. 454 (i86o) et 2 ed. 550 {1876). D e N o t . Syll.
musc. Ital. 146 (1838) ; Epil. Briol. Ital. 347 (1S69). C. M u e l l . Syn. i, 151 (1848) et
Deutsch. Moos. 147 (1853). R a b e n . Deutsch. Krypt. Fl. ii, P . I I I , 240 {1848) et Krypt.
Fl. Sachs. i,522 (1863). J e n s e n Bry. dan. 59, t. 8, f. 41 (1856). K l in g g r . Crypt. Preuss.
15 (1858). L a n g e Fl. dan. t. 2752, f. 2. FIa r tm . Sk. Fl. 9 ed. ii, p. 45 (1854). L in d b .
in Not. ur Sällsk. Fn. et Fl. fenn. i.x, 156 (1S67). M i l d e Bry. Siles. 256 (i86g). H o b k .
Syn. Br. M. p. 99 (1873).
Bnxb. aphylla ScHWzEGR in L. Sp. PL 5 ed. V, P. II, fasc. i, p. 24, p. p. (1830).
B . aphylla Var. ß . Indusiata W ä h l e n d . Fl. stiec. 2 ed. ii, p. 760 (1833). FIa m p e in Reg.
bot. Zeit. 1837, P* 279*
s tem none. V ag in u la th ick, covered w ith rufescent tomentum.
B ra c ts minute, rufescent, ovate or oblongate, obtuse, the lower
obsoletely crenulate at margin, the upper fimbriato-ciliate, areolation
la.x, 5-6 angled. S e ta rigid, e re c t or flexuose, shorter, rufo-fuscous,
less scabrous ; capsule suberect, ventrico se, ovate-oblong, pale greyish-
green, the cu tic le thin, loose, after th e fa ll o f the operculum splitting
up beneath and rolling back towards the s id e s ; operculum larger,
more conic , obtuse, peristome in four rows, te e th subtriquetro-linear,
the outermost v ery short, the others gradua lly in c rea sin g in length,
more or less evidently a rticulated, fuscescent. Spores larger, greenish.
H a b . On rotten branches in pine woods. 6-7.
Pannanich, near Ballater, {Cruickshank 1847).
Aboyne, at 500 ft. [Dickie and Roy, June, 186
North face of Craigendinnle hill, near
). Reported also from Rosshire.
Lindberg suspects this species to be synoicous, as he has frequently
found empty antheridia among the vaginular tomentum, but never male
T a b . III.
A. Buxbaumia aphylla (Virginia Water, Prof. Lawson).
B. Buxbaumia indusiata (Craigendinnie, Prof. Dickie).
a. Perfect plants, b. Young plant, nat. size and magnified.
I . Plant magnified. 2. Antheridium. 3. Perichætial bracts. 3a. Same, more magnified,
showing the areolation. 4. Calyptra. 5. Operculum and part of columella. 6. Transverse
section through the middle of capsule. 7. F'ilament connecting the spore-sac with
the lining of the capsule. 8. Transverse section through the operculum and endostome,
showing the plicoe and thickened ridges of the latter, g. Mouth of capsule after removal
of operculum. 10. Vertical section of part of same. a. Cuticular stratum, b. Pseud-
annulus. c. Cilia of peristome, d. Tubular endostome. 11. Pedicellate spore-sac,
the walls of capsule dissected away.
.. Ü 2-
Buxbaumia aphylla._____
H.fitiiitlfíy.ulr f/cl .,,i i,.,t D Hliti
liuxbuuifiia indu5>iaLt.