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Barhula inclinata S c h w a e g . Suppl. I, P. I, 131, t, 33 ( iS ii) . R o e h l . Deutscli. f l. iii, 80
(1813). S c h u l t z Recens. Barb, et Syntr. 218, t. 33, f. 27 (1823). B e i d . Bry. univ. 1,
575 (1826). H u e b e n . musc. germ. 332 (1833). B e . S c h im p . Bry, eur. fasc. 13— 15, p.
25, t. 12 (1842). R a b e n h . Deutsch. kr. fl. ii, s. 3, 107 {1848}. C. M u e l l . Synops. i, 600
(1849). S c h im p . Synops. 178 (i860), 2 ed. 217. M i l d e Bry. siles. 123 (1869). H u s n .
Mouss. nord-ouest 83 (1873). J u r a t z . Laubm. oesterr.-ung. 121 (1882).
Mollia tortuosa V a x . ¡3. inclinata L i n d b . Musc. scand. 21 (1879).
D io ic o u s ; in large broad tufts, flat, dense, dull yellowish green
above, fuscous at base. Stems robust, J— I inch high, dense-leaved,
fragile. L e a v e s erect, acute, nearly stra ight, lineal-lanceolate, complic
a te and cirrato-crisped when dry, the wings somewhat undulate, the
nerve whitish at b ack, excurrent in a v ery short mucro ; basal cells
hyaline very narrow, running obliquely upward and outward, upper
small, roundish-quadrate, papillose, opaque. Pe rich. b ra c ts erect,
longer, narrower, acuminate, more la xly areolate ; seta red, flexuose,
caps, cernuous, oval-oblong, more or less incurved and gibbous at base,
castaneous ; lid rufous, narrowly conic, ros trate, peristome fugacious, of
two spirals. Male infl. terminal, gemmiform, b ra c ts ovate, pointed,
H a b ,— Sandy banks and heaths, especially by the sea ; sterile.
Holton stone-pits, Oxford (Boswell 1872) ! ! Banks by the sea, Groomsport, Co. Down
(Rev. C. H. Waddell, 1885} ! ! Dysart, Forfar (Ewing 1883) !!
Resembling a small state of M. tortuosa, but differing by the shorter,
broader, lineal-lanceolate leaves, more suddenly pointed, and with the
margins at the point more or less incurved ; the capsule also is generally
more gibbous than that of M. tortuosa. The leaf resembles ihat of M. flavo-
virens very closely in areolation, but may be distinguished from it by being
cirrato-crisped when dry.
23- MOILIA TORTUOSA (L.) Schrank.
Dioicous ; in la rge pulvinate tufts. L e a v e s dense, strongly curled,
longly lineal-lanceolate, subulate, undulate, nerve excur rent. Caps,
oblongo-cylindric, peristome con torted. (T . X X X V I I , C.)
S y n . Bryum trichoides longifolium, crassiuscidis cauliculis, capitulis erectis aduncis acutis D i l l .
in R a y Synops. 3 ed. 98 (1724).
Bryum cirratum, setis et capsulis longioribus D i l l . Hist. musc. 377, t . 48, fig. 4 0 A — D
{1741) et Herbar.
Bryum tortuosum L. Sp. plant, ii, 1119, (1753)- H u d s . Fl. angl. 408 (1762). N e c k .
Meth. musc. 227 (1771). W i t h . Bot. arr. br. veg. ii, 675 (1776). L i g h t f . Iri. scot. 11,
72- (1777). E h r h . Hann. mag. 1780, p. 236. R e l h a n Fl. cant, suppl. 18 (1786). bl.
danica t. 888. H u l l Br. Fl. P. 2, 255 (1799). H o f f m . Deutsch. fl. 11, 46 (1795)-
Hypnum tortuosum W e b . Spic. fl. goett. 90(1778).
Mnium tortuosum S w a r t z Meth, Musc. 27 (1781).
Mollia torhiosa S c h r a n k Baiers. f l. ii, 458 {1789)- Pr- A- salisb. n. 833 (1792). L i n d b ,
Musc. scand. 21 (1879).
Tortula tortuosa E h r h . Beitr. vii. lo i (1792). S c h r a d . Spic. fl. genu. 64 (1794). B r i d .
Musc. rec. II, P. I, 189 (1798), Sp. musc. I, 264 (i8o6). S w a r t z M u s c . suec. 39
(1798). R o e h l . Moosg. deutsch. 391 (iSoo). R o t h Pl. germ, iii, P. I. 202 (i8oo).
H e d w . Sp. musc. 124 (1801). R i c h . Fl. amer. bor. ii, 295 (1803). S m i t h Fl. brit. iii,
1258 (i8o6j ; Eng. bot. t. 1708. T u r n . Musc. hib. 52(1804). H e d w . f i l . in W e b .
M o h r Beytr. i, 121, t. 6 (1805). P. B e a u v . Prodr. 93 (1805). W a h l e n . Fl. lapp. 317
(1812); Fl. carpat. 358 (1814). H o o k . T a y l . Musc. brit. 32, t. 12 (1818). G r a y Nat.
arr. br. pl. i, 724 (1821). H o o k . Br. fl. ii, 46 (1833). D e N o t . in Mem. acc. Torin. xl,
322 (1838), Syllab. 182 (1838), Musc. ital. I, 66, t. 39 (1862), Epil. bri. ital. 556 (1869).
W i l s . Bry. brit. 125, t. 12 (1855). B e r k . Handb. br. m. 255 (1863). L i n d b . de Tort.
253 (1864). PIoBK. Syn. Br. m. 72 (1873).
Barbula tortuosa W e b . M o h r Bot. Tasch. 205 (1807). S c h w a e g . Suppl. I, P. I, 129, t.
33(1811). V o i t Musc, herb. 53 (1812). R o e h l . Deutsch. fl. iii, 80 (1813'). M a r t . P'l.
cr. erl. 88 (1817). B r i d . Mant. musc. 95 (1819), Bry. univ. i, 574 (1826). F u n c k Moost.
23, t. 15 (1821). S c h u l t z Recens. Barb, et Syntr. 219, t. 34, f. 28 (1823). H u e b e n .
Musc. germ. 333 (1833). B r . S c h im p . Bry. eur. fasc. 13— 15, p. 26, t. 13 (1842).
R a b e n h . Deutsch. kr. fl. ii, S. 3, 107 (1848). C. M u e l l . Synops. i, 601 (1849). S c h im p .
Synops. 179 (i860), 2 ed. 218. M i l d e Bry. siles. 123 (1869). H u s n , M o u s s . nord-
ouest 84 (1873). J u r a t z . Laubm. oesterr-ung. 122 (1882). L e s q . J a m e s Mosses N.
Amer. 129 (1884),
Dio icous ; in large soft swollen pulvinate tufts, fine yellow-green
above, fuscous below. S tems tall i — 4 in. high, dichotomous fastigia te,
tomentoso-radiculose at base. L e a v e s densely crowded, fle.xuoso-patent
when moist, circina to-cr ispa te when dry, from a thin pale ovate base,
longly lineal-lanceolate subulate undulate, nerve strong, excurrent in a
short subdenticulate p o in t ; upper cells minute, obscure, basal hyaline
narrow and elongated, running obliquely upward and outward to the
margin. Perich. bra cts erect, semivaginant, narrowly acuminate,
w h itish ; caps, on an elongated red seta, erect, from ovate oblongo-
cylindric, subregular or more or less a rcuate, leptodermous, at first
greenish-yellow, afterwards pale brown, when old dark b row n ; lid
elongato-conic, subulate, as long as caps, or shorter, not annulate,
peristome red, very slender, scabrous, several times convolute. Male
plant smaller, with shorter lanceolate leaves, infl. terminal, bracts
ovate, concav e, suddenly lanceolate, nerved.
H ab.— R ocks, especially calcareous, but also on sandstone and on banks and
walls. Fr. 7.
Var, ¡3. dieranoidea Ferg. MSS.
Stems tall, compactly tufted 3— 6 in, high, densely radiculose nearly to
the apex ; leaves subsecund, firm, rigid, the terminal collected into a cuspidate
Hab.— M. Uam, Glen Shee, &c. (Fergusson 1879) ! !
Var. y. angustifolia (Juratz.)
Plants shorter, more slender, glaucescent; leaves from a longish base,
very narrowly lanceolate-subulate, the hyaline cells extending far up the
basal margin.
S v n .— Barhula tortuosa Var. (3. nugustifolia J u r a t z . Laubm. oesterr.-ung. 123.
Hab.— Winnatts, Derby (T. Rogers 1881) ! ! Wall west of Brj-anford, Co.
Down (Rev. H. W. Lett 1885) ! !