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ventricose, cinnamon with a white slightly jagged edge. Flesh
pale salmon.
Odour strong of clove-pinks, evanescent. Grassy places, woods. Aug.-
Sept. Î X iJ X A « • Sometimes i j X i j in.
d. Velutina.
635. I. sambueina Quél, (from its being first noted under elder,
sambiicus) a.
P. convex, obtuse, often repand, whitish. St, solid, striate,
colour as P. G. adnexed, colour as P. or pale tan-brownish.
Solitary. Odour strong, disagreeable. Woods, pine, grassy places.
2| X i f X 4 in. Compare 638, which has narrower gills.
636. I. eæsariata Karst, (from the woven-hairy pileus ; casariatus,
covered with hair) abc .
P. expanded, subumbonate, dull tawny. St. solid, pale brownish-
ochreous. G. adnexo-adnate, dull whitish to brown.
Gregarious, subcæspitose. Odonr disagreeable. Under beeches. Sept.-Oct.
2 | X i f X A in.
637. I. lucifuga Gill, (from its habit, apparently shunning light ;
lux, l i g h t , t o flee) abc .
P. plane, subumbonate, brownish-olivaceous or fawn. St. solid,
paler than P., or pallid. G. adnexed, yellowish or olivaceous,
then dark olive.
Odour strong, pleasant or unpleasant, somewhat of radish. Woods, pine ;
frequent. Sept.-Oct. l | X 2| X J in.
638. I. sindonia Karst, (from the woven surface of the pileus ;
Gr., sindon, muslin) abc.
P. convex, gibbous or subumbonate, whitish or faintly ochreous ;
marg. when young fibrillose with V. St. hollow, whitish. G.
attenuato-adnexed, whitish-fuscous.
Mixed woods, damp shady places ; rare. Sept.-Oct. 2j x X x% in.
Resembling 640, but differing in the hollow stem and absence of odour.
639. I. Clarkii Sacc. (after J. Aubrey Clark) a.
P. campanulate, obtuse, whitish. St. stuffed to solid, flocculose,
colour as P. G. ascending, adnexed, whitish-fuscous with a
white edge.
On the ground, shady places in w o o d s. Oct. i x i f X
639a. I. eopydalina Quél, (from its odour of Corydalis cava) a.
P. campanulate, then expanded, fibrillose, white, the prominent
um. glaucous-green. St. fragile, pruinose, white, then fuscous.
G. adnato-emarginate, narrow, brown, with a white edge.
Flesh white, sometimes tinged violet.
Under oaks. Sept. 2 x 2f x f in.
640. I. geophylla Quél, (from the earthy colour of the gills;
Gr. ge, the earth, phullon, a leaf) abc.
P. expanded, umbonate, never truly squamulose, white, lilac or
pale or dark bright purplish-blue ; mid. sometimes brown ;
or whole P. brown. St. stuffed, sometimes with slight trace
of A., white, or as P. G. adnexo-free, separating from
hymenophore, umber.
Odour usually faint, sometimes very strong and unpleasant. Woods, under
trees, hedges. Autumn. | X 2 x ^ in. Var. lateritia W. G. Sm.,
Agariais geopkyllus Sowerb., var. lateritius Stev. P. red, varying yellow
or white, sometimes white-scaly. There is a large form, twice the size
of type or larger.
641. I. seahella Quél, (from the roughish pileus ; scaber, rough) a b.
P. expanded, umbonate, scaly-torn, fuscous. St. white, or as P.
G. adnato-adnexed, yellow-brown or fuscous.
Gregarious. Odour none. Woods, amongst short grass. Sept.-Nov.
14 X l i X 4 in.
641a. I. fulvella Bres. [fulvus, yellowish-brown).
P. subhygrophanous, conico-campanulate, then expanded and
umbonate, floccosely silky, yellowish, then brownish-olive ;
mid. tawny. St. stuffed, narrowed downwards, glabrous, lilac,
then rufescent, apex white-pruinose. G. subdistant, ventricose,
rounded behind and nearly free, pale lilac, then ochraceous-
cinnamon ; edge fimbriate. Flesh yellow, rufescent-lilac at
apex of stem.
Shady places. Autumn. 4 R '4 A Allied to 641.
642. I. violaeeofusea Sacc. (from the dusky-violet colour of the
stem and gills) a.
P. expanded, obtusely subumbonate, squamose, umber ; marg.
fimbriate with V. St. solid, pale violaceous above, pallid below.
G. adnate or emarginate, pale dull violaceous, then umber.
Subcæspitose. Amongst grass in open places. Autumn. 2j X i f X i| in.
e. Viscida.
643. I. treehispora Karst, (from the rough spores ; Gr. trachus,
rough, spora, a seed) abc.
P. expanded, umbonate, whitish with mid. tawny. St. stuffed,
white with a mass of white mycelium at the base. G.
emarginate, or attenuato-adnexed, pinkish-grey, then brown.
Woods, damp places, amongst ferns. July-Oct. i j X 2f X J in. Sometimes
fatal to pheasants.
644. I. vatrieosa ICarst. (from the stem, twisted below ; vatricosus,
with bad feet) a c.
P. plane, broadly subumbonate, whitish or shaded light-yellowish.
St. hollow, colour as P., white-pulverulent. G. adnexed,
broadly emarginate, ochreous-fuscous.
Odour none. Woods, pine, bare places, on dead stumps, twigs, chips.
Sept. i f X 2f X A in.
645. I. Whitei Sacc. (after Dr. F. Buchanan White, botanist) a c.
P . hemispherico-campanulate, obtuse, tawny; marg. whitish.
St. solid, white, becoming tawny. G. adnexed, tawny.
Woods, pine. Oct. i j X i f X 4 in. Allied to 640.