464 LYCOPERDACEÆ Battarrea
Peridium double, rarely single, gelatinous stratum absent. Spores
forming a powdery mass at maturity, mixed with a well-developed
capillitium.. A very feeble membrane separating the gleba from the
double outer peridium, may be detected in immature examples.
Species 2046—2084
K ey to the Ge n er a .
S t e - a p i c a l ......................... „ 1 B a t t a k r e a .
s i Z a n S L ...........................................................................................Stoma none . . . ............................................................................ TQu l OSTOMA. u e l e t ia .
Exoperidium splitting in a stellate m a n n e r n . G e a s t f r
Exoperidium^breaking up in the form of warts or épiées'.
Exoperidium flaking off in patches. Sterile base absent ... ii6
(After Antonio Battarra.)
Voha universal, central stratum gelatinous. Peridium vertically
compressed, pileus-like, bursting through the volva and at length
raised on a tall stem. (Fig. 127.)
2046. B. phalloides Pers. (from a fancied resemblance to Ithy-
phallus; Gr. eidos, appearance) a b.
W. convex, bearing the spores and capillitium, orange-brown.
M. hollow with a central pith of silky threads, wall of three
layers, the outer broken up into coarse fibres pointing downwards,
orange-brown. Vo. ovate formed of two white membranes
with an internal gelatinous olive-yellow layer.
In and near decayed trees, ash, on sandhills. Dec. 12® x 2 in When in
the young state sometimes buried several inches deep in sand or decayed
wood. bometimes 14 in. high with a pileus 2® in. in diam.
Battarrea LYCOPERDACEÆ 465
F ig . 127.— B a tta r r e a phalloides Pers. One-half natural size.
A young plant, bursting outer peridium or volva, v o . b , section of ditto, c , mature plant.
D, section o f ditto, e , section of upper part o f stem. Natural size, f , threads o f capillitium and
spores. X 750. G , gleba, with capillitium and spo re s; G E , gelatinous stra tum; i P, inner
peridium; s t , s tem ; v o , volva.
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