I ’
877. P. gyroflexa Quél, (from the weak flexuous stem ; gyrus, a
cao\o,flexns, bent) a b.
P. atomate, striate, whitish or pale grey; mid. pale buff or
rufescent. St. white, silky-shining. G. adnato-ascending,
ventricose, greyish-purple to slate.
Scattered or subcæspitose. Margins of woods, amongst rubbish. Au<r
i j X 2 X A inb.
878. P. spadieeogrisea Quél, (from the brown-grey pileus; sfadix,
bay-brown, griseus, grey) abc . Watery, fragile.
P. even, pellucid-striate to mid., date-brown, greyish and buff
when dry. St. subpulverulent, striate above, whitish. G.
adnexed, crowded, narrow, umber-fuscous or brown.
Solitary or gregarious, subcæspitose. On trunks, old boards, chips, on the
ground. Aug.-Nov. i | X 3J X J in.
879. P. obtusata Gill, (from the obtuse pileus) abc.
P. even, brown-fuscous or pale umber, paler and striate at marg.
St. fibrilloso-silky, not pulverulent, even above, whitish. G.
adnate, broad, subdistant, ashy-brown or umber.
Single or cæspitose. Woods, on the ground, on wood, trunks, oak ; rare.
June-Dee. i f x 2j x J in. Stem sometimes rooting.
880. P. negleeta Mass. (from its having been overlooked) a b.
P. almost plane, even, glabrous, atomate, pale rufous, almost
white when dry ; mid. pale clay. St. somewhat wavy, pellucid,
pruinose above, white, tinged pale rufous below. G. slightly
attached, ventricose, crowded, pink then purple-browm.
On the ground, gardens. Oct.-Nov. f X I X in.
c. Fibrillosoe.
881. P. fpustulenta Sacc. (from its fragility, breaking at a touch ;
frustulentus, full of pieces) a.
P. hygrophanous, glabrous, substriate, sienna-tan, tan when dry.
St. subwavy, whitish. G. adnato-ascending, crowded, brownish.
Gravel in damp places. Sept. i j X 2 j x A in-
882. P. bifpons Sacc. (from the two-coloured pileus; bifrons, with
two faces) a b.
P. obtuse, subwrinkled, ochreous-brown tinged with red, whitish
when dry, evanescent white-fibrillose. St. subrooting, minutely
satiny, fibrillose below, white. G. adnate, broad, ventricose,
pink-cinereous ; edge white.
Sometimes two or three connate. Woods, amongst sticks, twigs, chips ;
rare. Aug.-Sept. i j X 3j X A Var. semitincta Sacc. P. vinous^
purple ; mid. pale ochre.
883. P. semivestita Sacc. (from the pileus white-fibrillose halfway
to the middle ; semi, half, vestio, to clothe) a b .
P. obtuse, chestnut-brown, tan when dry. St. fibrilloso-silky,
whitish. G. adnato-ascending, grey, becoming umber.
Solitary and large, or cæspitose and smaller. Rich pastures, waysides,
woods. Oct. Solitary 2j x 4Î X J in. Cæspitose f X 3j X A
884. P. Loseosii Sacc. (after Francisco Loscos) a b.
P. flat, radiato-pitted, sulcato-wrinkled, moist, cracking, atomate,
tan-umber. St. striate, twisted, subfibrillose, elastic, ^ tan,
white-pruinose above, rufescent below. G. adnate, ventricose,
thin, purple-umber with pale edge. Flesh sienna.
Cæspitose. Taste and odour slight, fungoid. Gardens, on mushroom-bed.
Nov. 2 X 7 i X A « -
885. P. fatua Quél. (from its resemblance to its allies ; fatiius,
foolish) a. , - - u -J
P rugose, at length smooth, dingy-ochreous, then whitish ; mid.
sienna. St. striate and mealy above, becoming smooth, white.
G. adnato-ascending, crowded, brown.
Gardens, Autumn, i j X 3Î X J in.
886. P. flbrillosa Quél. (from the fibrillose covering) «
P. conical then flat, striate, becoming smooth, livid or whitish,
the white fibrils becoming black with age or disappearing. 57
white squamulose on pale steel-grey ground, or spreading white-
fibrillose. G. adnate, pale slate then purple-black.
Solitary. Woods, damp places, rotten branches, sticks and leaves ; rare.
Oct. 2j X 2j X A « -
887. P. Gordonii Gill, (after the Marchioness of Huntly) a.
P. sulcato-striate, pale cinereous to white. St. transversely
undulate, white-pruinose above, then shining, smooth, white.
G. ascending, narrowly adnate, cinereous.
Densely cæspitose. Odour faint to strong and nauseous. Stumps, amongst
chips. Oct. I f X 2 j X J in.
888. P. helohia Sacc. (from its habitat ; Gr. helos, a marsh, bios, life) a c.
P. flat, subumbonate, radiato-rugose; mid. with concentric
elevated ridges, sooty-brown, becoming ochreous-salmon 01
reddish. St. reddish-umber, salmon when dry. G. adnate,
sooty-brown. Flesh pale pink.
Woods. Sept. 2i X 5Î X A « - Allied to 884.
889. P. pennata Quél. (from the feathery scales ; pemia, a feather)
r i l i v Q whitish or pale brown; mid. sienna ; marg. appendiculate
with large white sc., then naked. St. villous, white pulverulent
above, white. G. adnexo- or adnato-ascending, ventricose,
Gregarious. Gardens, scorched ground, earth, burnt sawdust ; rare. June-
Oct. i f X 2 | X J in.
- ill,