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scaly, paler than P. or smoky. G. subadnate, pallid mouse-
Odour faint, not unpleasant. Woods, pine, moist places; rare. Aug.
i f X 2f X J in. The colours are not unlike those of Series II.,
605. I. einelnnata Quél, (from the curved scales of the pileus ;
cincbmus, a curl) a.
P. convexo-plane, usually subumbonate, villoso-scaly, fuscous.
St. fibrilloso-scaly, fuscous-violaceous or lavender above,
brownish below. G. adnexed, fuscous-violaceous or lavender.
Subgregarious. Odour none. Woods, beech. Autumn. i X 2 X f in.
Compare 618 and 641a.
606. I. hæmaeta Sacc. (from the change of colour to blood-red when
broken ; Gr. haimaktos, mingled with blood) a b.
P. plano-convex, floccoso-fibrillose, umber ; mid. dark ; marg.
pallid. St. scaly-fibrillose, whitish above, dull verdigris below
inside and out. G. adnate, clay-umber. Flesh crimson in
P., greenish-blue below.
Subcæspitose. Lawns. Aug.-Oct. i j X 2 X J in.
607. I. fasciata Sacc. (from its growing in bundles ; fasciatus, bound
together in bundles) a b.
P. convex, obscurely acuto-umbonate, minutely brown-squarroso-
scaly on a pale ground. St. solid, attenuate below, pallid
above, vinous within and without at base. G. adnato-sinuate,
crowded, thin, soft, pallid.
Densely cæspitose. Taste and odour none. Grassy places. 3 X X A « •
b. Lacera.
608. I. pyriodora Quél, (from its odour of pears ; pyrus, a pear, odor,
a smell) abc.
P. convex, subumbonate, fuscous to tan-ochreous. St. solid,
whitish. G. adnato-emarginate, fuscous, often olive-shaded,
edge whitish. Flesh becoming pale reddish.
Taste none ; odour strong, sweet, pleasant of pears, decaying pears, violets,
cinnamon, of Muscari racemosum. Woods, gardens. May-Dee.
2f X 3f X A .Sometimes P. and St. whitish-tan, G. tan-rufescent.
609. I. incarnata Bres. (from the flesh-coloured pileus ; incarnatus)
a b .
P. expanded, broadly umbonate, sometimes tinged with pale
orange-scarlet, crimson or purple ; marg. appendiculate with V.
St. solid, base enlarged, colour as P. G. sinuate, whitish to
olive-brownish, often spotted orange, scarlet or crimson, or
wholly rufescent, edge crenulate, white. Flesh pale orange or
pale purple-hyacinth.
Odour strong of meal or pears. Woods, pine, etc. June-Oct. 3 X 3 ÌX J in.
Red when bruised or broken. Closely allied to 608.
609a. I. adequata Sacc. (from its claim to equal specific rank with
P. campanulate, then expanded, squarrose and fibrous-scaly,
yellow and red-brown or pale, somewhat vinous-umber with
darker umber sc. St. whitish- or reddish-fibrous, or as P.
G. adnexed, thick, somewhat distant, pale greyish-white or
yellowish-umber, becoming greyish-brown, always with a white
Odour none. Woods. Summer and autumn. 3j X 4 i X A « - Allied to 610.
610. I. scabra Gill, {scaber, rough) abc .
P. convex, subgibbous, pale fuliginous, tan or umber. St. solid,
whitish. G. adnexed, often separating from stem, dull
whitish-brown. Flesh white.
Suspected poisonous. Woods, plantations, fir, mixed; frequent. June-Oct.
l | X l i X Ì in. I&x. firma Mass. fuscous-tan with fuscous scales.
611. I. maritima Karst, (from its being first found on the sea-shore)
abc .
P. hygrophanous, expanded, obtuse or umbonate, fuscous or
mouse-colour, hoary when dry. St. solid, paler than P. G.
adnexo-rounded, or somewhat sinuate, grey, then ferruginous.
Sometimes cæspitose. Odour faint. Woods, pine, sandy places, damp sand
by sea-shores. Sept.-Oct. i j X i f X A
612. I. lacera Quél, (from the scaly-torn pileus ; lacerus, torn) a c.
P. expanded, subumbonate, mouse-colour, pale and yellow when
old. St. stuffed, paler than P., white and mealy. G. attenuato-
adnexed, mouse-colour. Flesh reddish.
Commonly gregarious. Woods, pine, mixed. July-Oct. X i f X A in-
613. I. floeeulosa Sacc. (from the small flocci on the pileus) a b c.
P. convex, umbonate, rufescent-sienna. St. paler than P., solid,
stuffed or hollow. G. adnato-ascending, colour as St., then
chocolate with a white edge.
Odour of new meal, but nauseous. Amongst grass, woods. Sept,-Oct.
I X 2j X J in. Compare 602 and 612.
614. I. Bongardii Karst, (after H. G. Bongard, a Russian botanist)
a b c
P. campanulate, obtuse, greatly to slightly scaly, often cracking
between the sc. and showing the flesh, fuscous, pale when
dry. St. solid, subbulbous, lighter than P., sometimes dark
below. G. adnexed, ventricose, reddish, cinnamon or umber,
edge white. Plesh reddish.
Usually solitary. Odour pleasant of ripe pears or bergamot. Sandy ground,
sand-hills, pine-woods, pastures. May-Oct. 2| X 4 X § in.
615. I. mutica Karst, (from the at first obtuse pileus; tnuticus,
curtailed) a b .
P. obtuso-convex, plane, then subdepressed, whitish, tan or straw.
St. hollow, attenuate downwards, colour as P. G. adnate,
white or tan, then subfuscous.
Woods, shady places, roadsides. Sept.-Oct. 2j X 2 X J in.