j . Cariosoe.
1511. B. eyaneseens Bull, (from the change of colour in the flesh to
blue ; cyanms, dark blue) abc.
P. convex, floccoso-scaly, brownish-ochre. St. equal to clavate
spongy-cavernous, dry, cracking, slightly annulate when young,’
squamose, corticate, colour as P. T. adnato- or adnexorounded,
yellowish-white or faintly-shaded olive. Flesh
yellowish- or brownish-white, changing to blue.
Taste none. Woods, mixed; rare. July-Sept. 24 v s i x in W h o l e
plant dry like 1516, drying in decay, not decomposing.’ Wholly veiled in
infancy by a thick floccose coat. Changes to sulphur-yellow when dry.
1512. B. eastaneus Bull, (from the colour of the pileus ; castanea, the
chestnut) abc.
P. convex, expanded, velvety, sometimes becoming repand,
yellowish-white or vinous-cream, then cinnamon. St. clavate
velvety, corticate, cracking transversely, stuffed to hollow!
colour as P. T. free, whitish-sulphur to pale primrose
becoming clouded or spotted pale brownish. Flesh white.
Woods, pastures under trees, amongst brambles; rare. Aug.'-Oct.
Ss X 2g X 5 in.
1513. B. fulvidus Fr. (from the yellowish-brown or tawny pileusfulvus,
tawny) a b. j c ,
/ ’. convex to plane, smooth, shining, rigid, yellowish- or
brownish-orange. St. equal to subclavate, cracking, stuffed to
hollow, colour as P., paler below. T. free, white to sulphur-
yellowish. Flesh white to yellowish.
Taste sweet, nutty. Under trees, oak. Aug.-Sept. 2j x 2| x | in.
SuBGENus 2 . Gyrodon.
(From the gyroso-toothed tubes ; Gr. odous, a tooth.)
1514. B. eæspitosus Mass. (from the cæspitose habit) a.
P. hemispherical, tomentose, dry olivaceous-umber; marg pale
rose. St. solid, even, glabrous, yellow, base dull red. T. very
u, L^Lsh firm, yellow, changing to dark blue or
bluish-black, then rufous fading to dull white, dingy-red at base
Densely fasciculate, stems more or less connate at base. Under trees
amongst grass. Aug. 2® x 2® x i in. ’
1514a. B. Sistotrema Fr. (from the resemblance in the tubes to those
of Sistotrema) a.
/ ’. fleshy at mid., thin at marg. where it is flattened above and
below, glabrous, dry, rufous- or yellowish-brown. Ä. equal or
shghtly enlarged below, even, pallid rufous or as T., tinged
pale brown. T. adnate, short, unequal, yellow-tawny or pale
yellowish-sulphur, Po. becoming gyroso-plicate. Flesh white
clouded pale sulphur.
Dry woods. Autumn. 2f x 2f x f in. Var. brachyporus W. G. Sm.
(Boletits brachypor-usRoA.) P. white. A. white, pale sulphur below.
toucM sulphur-white. Changing to pale green where
1515. B. MeWeeneyi W. G. Sm. (after Dr. Edmunds McWeeney),
Gyrodon rubellum McWeeney, a.
P. convex, even, smooth, dry, red; mid. purplish; marg.
yellowish or clouded and streaked liright crimson on a bright
yellow ground. St. equal, smooth, even, solid, bright yellow.
T. pale yellow. Po. bright yellow. Flesh unchanging bright
On the ground amongst moss. Oct. | X i X Yb «■
SuBGENus 3. B o le t in u s .
(Diminutive of Boletus)
1515a. B. eavipes Opat. (from the hollow stem; cavus, hollow, pes, a
foot) a.
P. convex, umbonate, dry, floccoso-scaly, dull yellow, yellow or
pale buff. St. hollow, floccose and pale buff below white A.,
white above. T. decurrent, somewhat large, compound, pale
sulphur. Flesh white, clouded pale buff.
Autumn. 3® X 3 | X ® in.
(From a fancied resemblance in the pileus to a pine-cone;
Gr. strobiles, a pine cone, mukes, a fungus.)
Veil white, floccose, appendiculate at the margin of the pileus
and forming a fugitive annulus on the stem, Pileus fleshy, tough,
broken into scales, hymenophore continuous and homogeneous with
the stem. Stem solid. Tubes very large, anastomosing. (Fig. 74.)