riSv. t
2024. T. elavata Pers. (from its somewhat clavate shape) a.
Incrassate, fleshy-red, becoming black at base.
Solitary, simple or connate. Branches. Average size of single growth
a t h A 7 / ' ^Tircoides With., and, if so, a condition of
Omhophtla sarcouies one of the Discomycetes.
With, is an early condition of Ombrophila scarcoides Tacq.
T.folncola Y xlqV. is not a Tremella; it forms small gelatinous tufts or
spots on the leaves of in company with Phragmidium.
1. brass,ceecola B. c% Br. is probably a form of Hypocrea rufa Fr ; it
grows on and in cabbage stumps.] ‘
(From the gelatinous substance which surrounds the nucleus •
Gr. natma, gelatine, eileo, to roll or wrap round.) ’
Subgelatinous, firm, convex, with a firm fleshy central solid
portion called the nucleus, not shrivelling when dry. Basidia
subglobose, lon^gitudinally quadripartite. Spores broadly elliptical
continuous. (Fig. 1 1 7 .) i f ,
O n e / V ‘ neepJvala F r., entire and in section.
Une-haif natural size, c, basidium with surface view, b, and snores- D, spore germinating and producing sporidiola. X 500. ’
Readily distinguished by the presence of the central solid
nucleus, which is composed of interwoven hyphæ and covered with
a thick gelatinous spore-bearing stratum. Growing on wood
sometimes on moss, rarely terrestrial. Species 2 0 2 5 -2 0 2 8
2025. N. encephala Fr. (from the contained nucleus; Gr d«
within, kephale, the head) abc. ’
Somewhat sessile, pulvinate, plicato-rugose, pallid flesh-colour,
salmon or salmon-whitish, nucleus hard, large white
' 1 P” ®’ ft-®*'' ' Sept-Mar.
2026. N. pubiformis Fr, (from a fancied resemblance to a small
fruit of Rubus, bramble) a b.
Somewhat sessile, orbicular, gyroso-tuberculose, yellow.
Dead branches, twigs, sometimes on moss, spreading to the ground. Oct.
A “ ■
2027. N. nueleata Fr. (from the nucleus) abc.
Sessile, flattened, somewhat gyrose, whitish, then tawny yellow,
nucleus white, about -gV in. in diam.
Rotten wood, sticks, lime, plane, oak ; rare. Mar. Single plants m.
in diam. Connate to i j in. Must not be confounded with 2007.
2028. N. vireseens Corda (from the greenish colour ; vireo, to be
green) a b.
Sessile, suborbicular, depressed, gyroso-tubercular, somewhat
pale leaf-green. Forming green gelatinous masses.
Furze, ivy ; common. Oct.-June. Single plant A “ • Connate chains
I® in.
(From the globular shape; Gr. guros, round, kephale, the head.)
Sporophore erect, substipitate, flattened, subspathulate, irregular,
tremelloso-cartilaginous. Hymenium confined to one surface.
Fie. i i8 .—A B, Gyrocephalus -nifus Bref., entire and in section. One-half n atu ral size.
' c, basidium with surface view, b, and sp o re s; d, spore germinating. X 500.
Basidia globose, soon longitudinally quadripartite. Sterigmata 2- 4 ,
elongate, thick. N/nra ovato-pyriform, continuous. (Fig. 118.)
2029. G. rufus Bref. (from the red colour; rufus, red) abc.
Erect, cartilagineo-gelatinous, substipitate, subspathulate, sometimes
stemless, variable, orange to red or dull scarlet above
and orange below. Hymenium inferior, smooth.
Terrestrial, under pines, on rotten trunks, fragments of wood. 3 i X 3 m.
1 ll il