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442 C L A V A R IA C E / E Typhula
1992. T flliformis Fr. (from the thread-like stem ; filum, a thread
forma, form) abc. ’
Cl. elongate, thickened, smooth, whitish. St. often branched,
decumbent, date-brown.
Dead leaves, holly, Comptonia aspkfiifolia, matting ; 7rare. Nov. 2# in
1992a. T. tenuis Fr. (from its attenuation; tenuis, thin) '«.
Cl. simple, glabrous, hair-like, thickening upwards, brown-black.
Gregarious. On rotting wood in cellar. ® to ® in. “ It resembles a little
black hair thickening upwards,” Sowerby.
1993. T. graeilis Berk. & Desm. (from the slender habit; gracilis,
slender) a b. Pallid. *
Cl. simple or forked, acute, pubescent. Y/. short, distinct,
smooth or as club.
Putrid leaves ; uncommon. Dec. * in. Has the appearance of Zr«™ ptibenda, but bears bisporous basidia.
1994. T. pusilla Schrcet. (from its very small size; pusillus, very
small) a. White.
Cl. linear, usually drooping. St. linear.
J in. Leaves often covered with
minute sclerotia, from which the Typhula sometimes springs.
1995. T translueens B. & Br. (from its translucent substance) «.
Pellucid white.
Cl. irregular, somewhat obovate. * . short, thickened upwards.
Terrestrial Oct. “ Not a fungus,” Massee, Brit. Fung. Fl. vol. i. p. gi
Resembhng somewhat a prematurely dried Myxogast, but a true Basidiomycete,
B. & Br. in A tm . Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. xvii. p. 138.
(From the form, like a pestle, pistillum.)
Small, club-shaped or attenuate downwards into a short continuous
stem, rarely forked, cartilaginous and rigid when dry, sometimes
springing from a sclerotium. (Fig. i n . ) Species 1996—2000
1996. P. tenuipes Mass. (from the thin stem; temds, thin, pes, a
foot) «.
Cl. inflated, obovate, wrinkled, pallid clay-colour or ochre.
St. slender, flexuous, somewhat distinct from the club, ivory.
Bare heathy ground, charcoal heaps. Nov.-Jan. i in. Clavaria tenuipes
1997. P. mieans Fr. (from its glistening surface; mico, to glisten) abc.
C/. inflated, obovate, obtuse, smooth or slightly pruinose,
glistening rose-colour, rarely purplish. St. short, attenuate,
Dead stems and leaves, thistles, nettles, spurge, Artemisia ; rare. July. ® in.
---- ih
Pistillaria C L A V A R IA C E d E 443
1997a P. fulgida Fr. (from its shining colour ; fulgeo, to shine) «.
Cl. lanceolato-clavate, subacute, white or pale orange below,
yellow or orange above.
“ On the bracteiE of Dipsacuspilosus," Sowerby. ® m.
Fig I I I . -A , P is tilla r ia p u h c ru la Berk., n atu ral size, b, ditto, X 4-
’ c, basidium and spores, X 50°-
1998. P. eulmigena Fr. ex Mont. (frorn its habitat, grass-stems;
culmus, a haulm, gigno, to bear) « b e. White
CL ovato-clavate, obtuse, hyaline-pellucid. St. distinct, very
short, cartilaginous when dry. „ , , not
Stems and leaves of grasses, Seeale, Trttieum, Dactyl,s glomerata. Oct.
1999 Prquisquiliaris Fr. (from its habitat, sweepings, rubbish, etc.,
a tS i S C i. '.om'“ co„p,=s.=d rarely M d , .of. .h e n
fresh, rigid when dry. 5/. short, often springing from a
FernitemrLic, wych-elm, grass, willow-herb, Charophyllum. Apnl-Nov.
^in. ,
iQQQsi P ovata. Fr. (froiri the ovate shape) a.
l l obovSe! ventricose,, subdepressed, hollow, white. 5/. very
short, glabrous, pellucid.
Dead stems and leaves, birch, bramble, poplar, elm, willow. ® m
2000. P. puberula Berk, (from the tomentose stem; pubes, downy)
c L o t a ie , £ t r i c o s e . 5/. short, distinct, attenuate upwards,
pellucid, fibrous, tomentose. ^ . re , j in
Ferns, stems and leaves of herbaceous plants ; rare. Sep .-Oct. * m.
2000a. p. pusilla Fr. (from its very small size;
Small, linear, attenuate upwards, stem scarcely distinct, white.
Dead leaves. Feb. ®-f in.
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