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456 tr em el lina ceæ Femsjonia
fhen°nL becoming septate,then orange-brown. (Fig. at first colourless, 120.)
Growing on wood, erumpent, brightly coloured.
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20S6a. F. luteoalba Fr. (from the yellow disc and white exterior :
luteus, yellow, albus, white) a b.
At first cup-shaped, becoming disc-shaped and plane, at length
convex and folded, disc bright brassy-yellow, with a narrow
white marg., under surface at first white-tomentose to brassy-
white, the tomentum soon passing away, rooting, erumpent.
scale. Guepinta Femsjoniana ‘‘ ° “'« 2035 on a large Olsen is perhaps the same as this.
(After Jean Pierre Guepin.)
„„1 L^^ually cup-shaped, substipitate, versiform, cartilagineofaterffi°“
L S - T * structure. Hymenium unilateral.
linear, deeply bifurcate. Spores CMrgeff Chains of
conidia produced on the tips of hyphæ springing from the surface
opposed to the hymenium. (Fig. 12 r.) ^ Species 2037, 2038
2037. G. Peziza Tul. (from the Peziza shape) a b.
Cup-shaped, cup oblique, sessile or stipitate, yellow.
Dead branches, wood. | x ^ in.
Fig. 121.—A, B, Guepinia Pe z iza Tul., entire and in section. X 2.
c, basidium and spores. X 500.
2038. G. obllqua Mass. (from the oblique habit) a.
Minutely hairy on reverse side of Hym. Hym. slightly concave,
oblique, passing into a very short stem-like base, glabrous,
deep bright orange when moist, tinged with pink when dry.
Gregarious. Nov. J in. high.
(From the down-like universal veil; Gr. dittos, double, ioulos, down.)
Veil universal, down-like. Stroma firm, more or less stem-like.
Hymenium discoid, gelatinous. Basidia furcate. Spores at first
continuous then septate. (Fig. 122.)
Massee has removed 2040 and made it the sole type of a new
genus, Dacryopsis. It is undesirable to break up such a small and
natural genus as Ditiola. Dacryopsis is said to be distinguished from
Ditiola by having the hymenial surface at first covered with conidio-
phores and conidia as in Tubercularia ; but this is hardly a distinction
of generic value as conidia are present in some species of Tremella
and not in others. Species 2039 2041
2039. D. radieata Fr. (from the rooting base; radix, a root) a c.
Stipitate, rooting, cups nearly plane, disc golden-yellow. St.
thick, white.
Wood, fir, amongst pine-leaves. ® X ® in. No conidia recorded.