i l
i l
h .'L 1 ■*
l’ ’ i '
'""S-like texture;
P. plane, smooth, ashy or rufous. St. lateral, whitish G
decurrent or adnato-decurrent, whitish or ashy
Solitary, rarely cæspitose. Trunks, beech. Sept 2ê v 3 v r v
juglandu Karst, grows on walnut. S X * X j in. Var.
428 P. serotinus Gill, (from its late appearance; serotinus, late) rr b c
P. remform, ohvaceous. N/. lateral, brilliant deep yellow
squamulose, spotted near gills, somewhat rich brown G
c row jd , smuato-decurrent, cream ochre to bright yelkw o!
429. P. mitis Quél, (from its taste ; niitis, mild) abc.
W. remform, pistly, without a viscid pellicle, pale flesh-colour or
r s o i e h r'"" ’G-. somewhat rou nded, white. flesh-colour or tan
Tarie and obsolete. Dead trunks, sticks, fir, larch. Octg
e n e r a llp p f am lc e ft“ ” ' S omewhat like 1 444 in
P. dimidiate or reniform, convex, membranous, very glutinous
when moist white ; mid. salmon ; marg. incurved. Z b e c om
mg recurved, vmous-reddish, salmon-red within, white in centre
ÏE »'■1“. i«»“S
On wood. Autumn. J X A X A in.
--« 'b ia n c a to the bivalve
Gadima, Gr. «Ar, appearance) rz ^ f. White
S'Tooth or clothed with adpressed flocci
no gelatnmus upper stratum. minute, lateral or none ^
adnate, slightly branched. '
Tree-fern stems. May. Diam. Î in. Reniform as seen from below
431. P.UmpidusGill. (from its pellucid substance ; Umpidus, clear)
P. reniform, plane, subumbonate, whitish. S t sublateral
Ï Ï “ " or obsolete. U. sinuato-decurrent, whiteZr S
Taste mild. Stumps, ash, willow, beech. Dec. Diam. i j in
Branches, silver fir, on the ground amongst moss. Aug.-Oct. Diam. i in.
433. P. Laurocerasi Sacc. (from its habitat, stems of cherry-laurel,
Primus Laurocerasus) a b.
P. convex, oyster-shaped, sulcate, pale brownish-salmon. St.
obsolete. <G. very broad, adnate, veined, salmon-white.
Oct. Diam. i f in.
434. p. tremulus Quél, (from its tremulous habit) a b c .
P. reniform, depressed behind, fuscous-grey, pale slate or brown.
St. attenuate downwards, grey. G. adnato-decurrent, whitish-
umber or greyish.
Solitary. On the ground, on moss, fungi, e.g. 1790, when growing on moss ;
rare. Aug.-Dee. i j X A X 4 in.
435. P. aeerosus Quél, (from its habitat, amongst dead pine-leaves ;
acersosus, full of chaff or husk) abc.
P. plane, reniform, membranous, whitish, brownish or greyish.
St. faintly umber-whitish. G. adnate, branched, colour as P.
or paler.
Taste insipid, somewhat disagreeable. Lawns, wood, gravel, leaves, pine-
wood, pine-leaves, Sphagnum ; rare. Aug. - Dec. i f X 4 X f in.
Resembles 1388.
c. Resupinata.
436. P. p om g en s Gill, (from its stretched out habit ; porrigo, to
stretch out) ab c. White.
P. at length plano-depressed, undulate. G. thick, sometimes
forming pores. Flesh thin, subcartilaginous.
Imbricate. Odour pleasant or insipid. Stumps, chiefly pine. June-Nov.
Diam. 6J in. Base villous.
437. P. septieus Quél, (from its habitat, rotten wood ; septicus,
putrifying) a bc . White.
P. convex, villous. St. lateral, villous, at length disappearing.
G. rounded-adnate, subdistant.
Decayed wood, branches, twigs, pine, bramble, straw, dung, fungi. Mar.-
Nov. I X A X xV in-
438. P. mastrueatus Sacc. (from its somewhat woolly coat ;
mastruca, a sheepskin) abc .
P. ear-shaped, plane, squarrose-scaly, greyish- or whitish-brown.
G. adnato-decurrent. Flesh mouse-colour.
Imbricate. Old trunks, logs, beech, amongst moss and lichens ; rare.
Diam. 3f in.
439. P. atroeseruleus Gill, (from the colour of the pileus; ater,
black, cceruleus, azure-blue) abc.
P . plane, reniform ; marg. ochreous-sienna. G. whitish straw-
colour. Flesh with an olive middle stratum.
Gregarious, subimbricate. Odour pleasant. Trunks, birch, elm, po;rlar,
beech, etc. Oct.-Dec. Diam. i f in.
440. P. Leightonii Sacc. (after the Rev. W. A. Leighton) abc.
P. at first obliquely conical, furfuraceous, umber or lead-colour.
G. thick, distant, forked at base, pallid tan.
Wood, rotten rails. Dec. Diam. J in. Might be mistaken for 444.