as P. G. scarcely crowded, white to tan-yellow or ochreous.
Milk white, unchangeable.
Taste sweet; odour strong. Woods. Oct. 2§ X X J in.
1297. L. serifluus Fr. (from the watery milk; serum, vi\\ey,fluo, to
flow) a b c.
P. plane to depressed, dry, brown-tawny or orange-reddish,
sometimes crimson-purplish, zoneless or with one faint zone.
St. solid, yellowish, red-salmon or paler than P. G. crowded,
colour as St., yellowish or ochre-brownish. Milk whitish,
especially thin in examples from wet places.
Taste almost mild ; odour disagreeable, bug-like. Woods, mixed, damp
places ; frequent. July-Nov. 3 X 2j X J in. Resembling 193.
1298. L. mitissimus Fr. (from its mild taste; mitissimus, very
mild) abc.
P. convex to depressed, at first papillate, even, bright golden-
tawny or bright orange, zoneless or faintly zoned. St. stuffed
to hollow, even, smooth, colour as P. G. thin, paler than P.,
often rufous-spotted. Milk copious, white.
Taste mild to somewhat bitterish or slightly acrid-disagreeable. Woods,
mixed, pine, hedge-banks, etc. ; common. Aug.-Nov. 2 X 2§ X in.
Like a small 1295.
1299. L. subduleis Fr. (from the somewhat sweet taste; dulcis,
sweet) abc .
P. convex to depressed, at first papillate, even, dry, rufescent or
orange-sienna, usually zoneless. St. stuffed to hollow, equal,
subpruinate, colour as P. G. crowded, colour as P., or paler.
Flesh rufescent. Milk white.
Taste mild or sweet, then slightly bitter-acrid ; odour none or like cedar-
wood. Woods, mixed, fir. July-Nov. 3 X 2 X J in. Resembling 201.
Form concavus Fr. P. concavo-depressed; colours of 1284. Form
sphagnetiYr. Marg, of P. reflexed, crenate, shining as if varnished, red-bay.
1300. L. eamphoratus Fr. (from the strong odour, sometimes of
camphor) ab c.
P. convex to depressed, dry, brownish-red to sienna-orange,
paler when young, somewhat zoned or zoneless. St. stuffed,
. equal, colour as P., paler above. G. yellow-reddish, paler
than I^., or salmon. Flesh somewhat ochre or sienna. Milk
watery, white.
Taste mild ; odour sometimes of melilot, permanent in dried examples.
Woods, chiefly pine ; frequent. Aug.-Nov. 2f X 2j x J i n . Resembling
194. Var. Terrei Cooke. P. 4 in, in diam. corrugate, depressed, bay-
brown. St. colour as P., clad with orange-down.
1301. L. eimieanius Mass. (from the odour; cimex, a bug) a.
P. convex to subinfundibuhform, deep sienna, shaded deep
umber. St. stuffed to hollow, lighter than P., paler above.
G. dusky ochre, sienna or rufous. Flesh grey to yellowish.
Milk watery, white.
Taste somewhat acrid; odour when fresh, strong, heavy, oily, bug-like,
fugitive. Woods, on the ground. Autumn. 2j X r® X J in.
1302. L. subumhonatus Lindgr. (from the somewhat umbonate
P cdnvex to'^'depressed, acutely papillate, rugose, punctate, dark
dnnlmon, zondess. 57 stuffed, equal or attenuate downwards,
mfescent, cnmson-umber below. G. adnate, flesh-colour or
reddish. Flesh pale brown. Milk watery, white.
Taste mild; odour none when fresh, fetid in drying. Woods, on the
ground. Sept. i f X i X A « •
1303. L. otanubilis Fr. (from the clouded pileus ; obnubilo, to averié
DnUeDto depressed, at first papillate, brown-fuliginous or
iimhipr zoneless mare, somewhat striate. 57 stuffed to
hollow, equal, paler than P. G. somewhat crowded, yellowish.
Milk white.
re|iiarly sulcate. Usually larger than type. Fir woods.
1304 L. minimus W. G. Sm. (from its very small siz e ; minimus,
vpfv small) abc . Palhd clay-colour.
P. pulvinate, obtuse, or subumbonate ''U 'l^ ilk
G. furcate, moderately distant, slightly darker than P. Milk
white. .
Taste mild. Woods, pastures. Oct. A X tb X A m.
P L E U R O PO D iE .
1305. L. obliquus Fr. (from the oblique stem) «. White, changing
P Dno-depressed, lobate, silky, zoned grey. 57 stuffed to
hollow. G. crowded, white. Milk white.
Oct. 2® X I X i in.
Milk white.
Odour strong. Trunks, beech, burnt stumps, banks.
Pileus sometimes 6 in. or more in diam.
(From the frequently reddish colour of the pileus; russulus, reddish.)
Veil obsolete Hymenophore confluent and homogeneous with the
stem S ? fleshy; rigid, regular, at length depressed. Stem
central stout, rigid, without cartilaginous bark, shining, exannulate
adnate rigid, fragile, often equal in length or furcate, edge
thin acute, sometimes exuding watery drops, especially in rainy
S h D b u t not milky as in Lactarius; » Spores
- . r r n - a—
with the poisonous. Odour none or unpleasant.
‘ ’ iS)| 'II