G. crowded, whitish, pale yellowish or pale salmon, Milk
Taste mild, sweet then slightly acrid ; odour faint, sweetish. Woods, fir,
mossy places, swampy ground. Aug.-Oct. 3i X 2j X 5 in.
1286. L. tomentosus Cooke (from the woolly tomentose pileus) a b.
P. at first umbonate, then infundibuliform, dull salmon to deep
sienna. St. stuffed to hollow, equal, naked, smooth, pallid or
salmon above, ochreous below red-streaked at mid. G. yellow
flesh-colour or ochre, or white-ochre near edge and red above.
Milk whitish.
Taste mild to slightly acrid ; odour pleasant. On the ground, damp places.
44 X i f X 4 in. Sometimes confused with 12S5.
1287. L. mammosus Fr. (from the papillate pileus; mamma, a
breast) a b.
P. convex to depressed, at first acutely umbonate, dry, grey-
fuscous or dull pale indigo-greenish, zoneless or faintly zoned;
marg. white pubescent. St. stuffed to hollow, equal, pubescent,
faint yellowish or brownish. G. crowded, whitish or pale
yellowish to pallid ferruginous. Milk white.
Taste slowly acrid ; odour none. Woods, pine, on the ground. Oct.
34 X 24 X i in. Var. monstrosus Cooke. Larger than type.
1288. L. glyeiosmus Fr. (from the sweet smell; Gr. glukus, sweet,
osme, smell) abc.
P. convex to slightly depressed, acutely papillate, yellowish,
shaded over with pale lavender-purple, zoned pale purplish.
Si. stuffed to hollow, pubescent, whitish or light yellowish,
tawny when bruised. G. crowded, thin, white to straw-
ochreous. Milk somewhat scanty, white, unchanging or
changing to pale straw-green.
Taste mild, then slowly acrid ; odour strong, pungent-sweet, fragrant-
aromatic. Woods mixed, chiefly pine, on the ground. Sept.-Nov.
2 j X 2j X I in.
1289. L. fuliginosus Fr. (from the smoky colour; fidigo, soot) abc .
P. convex to subinfundibuhform, dry, full velvety ochreous- or
smoky-brown; marg. paler. St. stuffed, equal or attenuate
downwards, white, tan or pale tan-umber. G. somewhat
distant, white, then pale ochreous, pale indian-red when
bruised. Milk white, sometimes watery, changing to rose and
saffron. Flesh changing to vinous when cut.
Probably poisonous. Taste mild, becoming very acrid-nauseous ; odour faint
nauseous-pungent. Shady woods ; frequent. Aug.-Oct. 44 X 2j X i in.
Often growing in company with 1267.
1290. L. pieinus Fr. (from the black pileus ; picinus, pitch-black) ab.
P. convex, obtuse or subumbonate, minutely velvety, umber to
blackish-umber. St. stuffed, equal, smooth, paler than P. or
almost white, brownish below. G. adnate, thin, very crowded,
pale ochreous to rufous tan. Milk white.
Taste acrid. Woods, pine, dried turfy swamps. Aug.-Oct. 24 X 2 X f in.
rilil ,
1291. L. lignyotus Fr. (from the woody substance; hgnum, wood,
P ?oL!eDtrTuWnfu„dibuliform, umbonate, pUcato-rugulose
velvety, deep umber-purplish or ®°oty-umbei^ ^
to stuffed equal, striate above, colour as I ., yeliowisn
u'k' K th-ico r adnexed to decurrent, somewhat crowded,
scanty changing through reddish to saffron.
, “ 2 : T J J « , .W.1 p— e T j ' T ' i t :
damp places under firs, beech. Oct. 3 i X 3 X 2
. . . . _ 4 . . . « .0^ 0.10. , p * "
pam’d fle sh io io : o. yellowishLhite. Milk white, copious.
Taste acrid. Woods, damp places. Aug.-Oct. 2j X i4 X J m.
E h i Milk sweet, white, changing to brown and becoming
tenacious. 1 5 -
Under beeches, on the ground. Sept. 3^ X 2^ X -g m-
1294 L. spinosulus Quel, (from the spines on the pileus ; spinosulus,
57 stuffed to hollow, rugose, granulate,
G. thin, yellowish flesh-colour to yellowish. MUk white.
Taste acrid. On the ground. Sept. i4 X l i X A m.
1995 L volemus Fr. (from its resemblance to a certain large pear—
the “ Red Warden ” or baking-pear—
P dano-convex to subdepressed, compact, bright rufous-tawny
^ „ f g oW ™ beco«i„8 ph e ; m.d. dee,>.ie»n. » « I « -
“wo“undd.e‘dd, white, sometimes changing to yellow.^
- V p . r r d : p î . s ^ d . ! ^ “ Æ
marg. sienna-yellow, sometimes zoned. 57 solid, equal.
I 11 I