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minate fibrillose stratum, even, smooth, composed of basidia and
hymenial cells compactly arranged side by side and of uniform
height. Basidia 4-spored. Spores minute, roundish-ovate, white or
coloured. (Fig. 98.)
Fig. § 8 .— A , B, c, S ierejiin h irsu tum Pers., upper and lower surface and section, two-thirds
natura l size. D , basidium and spores, X 660. E , F , .S. P in i F r., upper surface and section, two-
thirds natural size.
Coriaceous or woody, mostly perennial, somewhat zoned, entire,
definite in form, effuso-reflexed. Species 1806—1818
a. Apodæ. Pileus dimidiate, sessile or at first resupinate, then
effusedly reflexed, marginate. 1806—1814
b. Resupinatæ. Agglutinate, effused; marg. not free, or
scarcely so. 1815—1818
1806. S. hirsutum Pers. (from the hairy pileus; hirsutus, hairy)
abc. Coriaceous, rigid.
P. hispid-zoned, effused, reflexed, lobed and crisped, usually
ivory-buff varying dull primrose, orange or brownish; marg.
subobtuse, white or whitish. Hym. even, smooth, obscurely
zoned, juiceless, usually warm-biscuit.
Imbricate. Stumps, oak, beech, birch, poplar, laburnum. Jan.-Dee. 4 in.
Said to cause “ fly "-wood and “ yellow- and white-piped” wood. Pileus
often green at the base from the growth of algae. A deep rose-coloured
stain is frequent on this plant caused by a parasitic mould, Hypomyces
roselhis. Var. subcostatiim Mass. Hym. costate or rugose. Var. cristu-
latum Quél. P. strigose, grey.
1807. S. oehroleueum Fr. (from the yellowish-white pileus; Gr.
ochros, pale yellow, leukos, white) a c. Coriaceous-membranous.
P . reflexed, expanded, flaccid, silky, zoned, hoary-yellowish,
shaded pale brownish. Hym. even, smooth, cracking, yellowish
or greyish.
Wood, fir, maple, oak, hornbeam. Jan. 2® in.
1808. S. purpureum Pers. (from the purple hymenium; purpureus,
purple) abc. Coriaceous-soft.
P. effuso-reflexed, subimbricate, zoned, villoso-tomentose, pale
yellowish. Hym. even, smooth, bright rose- or dark-purple,
clouded, salmon. Flesh sometimes i in. thick, bright rose-
purple, 5-7 zoned.
Dead wood, horse-chestnut, sycamore, hornbeam, fir, poplar, willow, birch,
elm, twigs, grass. May-Dee. 3® in. Said by Prof. J. Percival to be
the cause of “ silver-leaf” disease in plum, peach, apricot and sloe.
Var. atromarginatum W. G. Sm. A beautiful and apparently distinct
plant, illustrated with drawings by Purton and Sowerby, in the British
Museum collection ; it has been named Auricularia elegans Sow. t. 412, f. i .
Berkeley regarded the drawings as a variety of Stereum pcrpureum Pers.
P. woolly or frosted, white, with a narrow black zone near the white
margin. On a moss-covered tree.
1809. S. sanguinolentum Fr. (from the habit of the hymenium,
bleeding when bruised; sanguis, blood) a b. Coriaceous-thin.
P. effuso-reflexed, substriate, adpressedly silky, pale brownish-
yellow ; marg. acute, white. Hym. even, smooth, pruinose
when old, brown-whitish or ashy, rarely as P.
Wood, branches, twigs, pine ; common. Jan.-Dee. 3® in.
1810. S. eonehatum Fr. (from the shell-like shape ; concha, a shell) a.
P. conchato-reflexed, subcrisped, rugose, glabrous, obscurely
zoned, dull yellowish or brown-buff-whitish. Hym. even,
smooth, dry, brown.
Subimbricate. Fir. I® in.
1811. S. spadieeum Fr. (from the date-brown hymenium; spadix,
date-brown) a b. Coriaceous.
P. effuso-reflexed, hispid-zoned, very hispid at base, pale yellowish
or orange-brownish. Hym. even, smooth, brown-vinous over
pale yellow, not dark, or claret-brown, exuding red juice when
Stumps and branches, ash, oak ; common. Jan.-Dee. 4J in.
1812. S. rugosum Pers. (from the commonly wrinkled hymenium ;
ruga, a wrinkle) abc. Coriaceous-rigid.
P . effuso-reflexed, shortly reflexed, obtusely marginate, pruinose,
then smooth, buff, paler behind, zoned sienna. Hym. pruinose,
yellowish-brown or cream-buff, shaded pale livid, becoming
pale vinous where bruised.
Stumps, fir, hornbeam, oak, hazel; very common. Jan.-Dee, 6® in.
Var. Laiiro-cerasi Stev. grows on cherry laurel, Prunus Lauro-cerasus.