f . ’- Hi
! ' 374
b. Lignosoe. Pilais corky or coriaceous.
Spines changing colour, and, as well as the spores, somewhat
fuscous. 1698—1700
Spines changing colour, and, as well as the spores, ferruginous.
1701, 1702
Spines unchangeable, spores whitish. 1703—^1706
P l e u r o p o d æ .
Stem lateral, somewhat dimidiate. 1707
Fig. 85.—A , H y dm w i repattdtiin L., section, one-half natural size. B , H . auri-
scalpinm L ., entire, one-half natural size, c, ditto, section through pileus, natural
size. T>, H . ertJtaceus "BuW., S&CÛOU, one-half natural size. E , H.o ch ra ceu v i Pers.,
entire, one-half natural size, f , ditto, section, one-half natural size. G, H .
sguali7ium F r ., section, one-half n atural size.
M e r i s m a t æ . Branched.
Very much branched. 1708
Simple, as seen without cutting, tuberculiform, immarginate,
but slightly branched as seen in section. 1709, 1710
A p o d æ . Stem absent.
Pilais fleshy, soft. 1711—1713
Cæspitose. Pilei imbricate, commonly pliant, tough. 1714
Simple. Pileus coriaceous or corky. 1715
R e s u p i n a t æ . Pileus none. Spiius vertical or oblique according to
1737, 1738
Spines fuscous, ferruginous.
Spines yellowish, greenish.
Spines flesh-colour, lilac, rufescent.
Spines white, or light yellowish when old.
M e s o p o d æ .
a. Carnosce.
1687. H. imbrleatum L. (from the imbricate scales of the pileus)
abc. ,
P. at length depressed, rich, dark claret-brown, the innate sc.
exposing the paler flesh. St. even, whitish- or yellowish-claret-
brown, base as P. Sp. decurrent, pale brownish-biscuit. Flesh
pale claret-brown in upper part of P., white elsewhere.
Usually single. Said to be edible. Taste when cooked like tough liver,
bitter, disagreeable. Amongst firs ; rare. Sept.-Nov. 9^ X 2^ X i f m.
1688. H. squamosum Schæff. (from the scaly pileus ; squama, a
scale) a. .
P. at length depressed, breaking up into rough irregular sc.,
brownish- or vinous-salmon ; sc. brownish. St. equal or
attenuate downwards, somewhat scaly, pale- or brownish-buff,
sometimes darker below. Sp. decurrent, purplish-salmon.
Flesh pale purplish-salmon, almost white.
Often connate. Amongst mosses in pine woods. Sept.-Oct. 2| x i j x f m .
1689. H. seabrosum Fr. (from the rough, scaly pileus ; scabrosus,
rough) a b.
P turbinate, then plane, usually uneven, squamulose, pale vinous-
umber ; mid. darker ; marg. white ; sc. umber. St. attenuate
downwards, vinous, umber or cinereous, blackish at base. Sp.
decurrent, buff-ivory or ferruginous with a grey fuscous effect.
Flesh salmon-ivory.
Usually single. Woods, pine. Sept. 4 X i® X i in.
1690. H. molle Fr. (from the downy pileus ; mollis, soft) a c. White.
P. at length depressed, tomentose. St. almost equal. Sp.
decurrent. Flesh pale, brownish-white.
Woods, pine. 4® X l | X i in.
1691. H. lævigatum Swartz (from the smooth pileus ; loevis, even) « b
P. at length depressed, pale yellowish-umber. St. equal, whitish
above, colour as P. below. Sp. decurrent, pale brown.
Woods, pine. Aug.-Nov. 4® X i f X i in. Sometimes occurs three times
the size of drawing. Becoming more or less black in drying.
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