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348. M. galopus Quél, (from the white juice ; Gr. gala, milk, pons,
a foot) a b e.
P. hemispherical, subumbonate, dark then pale purplish-flesh-
colour ; mid. blackish. St. colour as P., base villous. G.
adnexed or adnate, white or glaucous. Milk white.
In troops. Almost tasteless or like radishes. Woods, amongst moss and
leaves ; common. July-Nov. f X 2 j X A in. Sometimes wholly dark
in colour.
349. M. leueogala Sacc. (from the milk-white juice ; Gr. leukos, white„
gala, milk).
P. campanulate, umbonate, purple-brown. St. lighter than P.^
white tomentose at base. G. adnate with a tooth, ashy.
Cæspitose. Amongst grass, rotten stumps. Oct. 4 X 3 X A ¡n.
g. Glutinipedes.
350. M. epipterygia Quél, (from its frequent growth on brake-fern,
Pteris aquilina) abc.
P. conical with a separable viscid pellicle, dark olivaceous then
pale livid-sulphur. Si. greenish-sulphur. G. sinuato-ascending,
whitish or greyish. Flesh pale sulphur.
Solitary, gregarious or cæspitose. Odour none. Woods, amongst grass,
leaves, dead bracken, on manure-heaps ; common. Auv. - Dec!
f X S4 X A There is a white var.
351. M. elavieularis Gill, (from its shape ; clavus, a nail) a b.
P. expanded, subumbonate, dry, pelliculose, white or light
yellowish. St. tough, slightly viscid, whitish. G. adnato-
decurrent, whitish.
Woods, fir, grassy places. Oct. | X 2 j x A i“-
352. M. pellieulosa Quél, (from the thin separable pellicle of the
pileus) abc.
P. at first umbonate then plane, viscid, brownish ; mid. darker.
St. rigid, livid grey-whitish. G. adnato-decurrent, thick, white.
In troops during very rainy weather. Taste none. Heaths, heathy woods -
frequent. Sept.-Dee. § X z j X Jg in. '
353. M. vulgaris Quél, {vulgaris, common) abc.
P. convex, depressed, papillate, subviscid, brownish or ashy-grey.
St. attenuate and slightly strigose below, ashy-grey. G. adnato-
decurrent, white.
Gregarious. Odour strong of new meal, or none. Woods, fir, amongst moss
ondeadtwigs, larch and pine leaves; common. July-Nov. | x i j X gig in!
354. M. eitrinella Quél, (from its colour ; citrus, lemon) abc.
P. hemispherical, subviscid. St. pale brown villous at
G. adnato-ascending, at first white.
Gregaiious. Woods, pine, rotten trunks ; uncommon. Oct. A X 4 X A in
The var. Candida Gill, is at first white, sulphur in drying.
355. M. plieatoerenata Gill, (from the folded and margin-notched
pileus ; plica, a fold, crena, a notch) a.
P. conic, subumbonate, white then light yellow. St. pale pallid-
reddish. G. adnato-ascending, white.
Amongst heath and moss, under larches. Oct. | X i f X A in-
356. M. rorida Quél, (from the dripping jelly of the stem; roridus,
dewy) abc.
P. convex, whitish-ochre, pale buff, faintly ashy or white.
St. white. G. arcuato-decurrent, white.
Taste none ; odour somewhat rank, strong. Dead sticks, twigs, bramble ;
rare. June-Sept. J X i f X A inh.
357. M. stylobates Quél, (from the shape of the stem ; Gr. siulos, a
pillar, basis, a base) abc . White or faint grey.
P. campanulate, sprinkled with minute hairs. St. pruinose above.
G. free.
Dead grass, leaves, rushes, fern-stems, twigs, bark, chips, in wet places;
uncommon. June-Oct. | X 2j X gV in. In infancy the edge of the
pileus is attached to the edge of the basal disc and forms a veil,
358. M. tenerrima Quél, {tenerrimus, very tender) abc . White.
P. hemispherical, pruinose. St. pubescent below. G. free.
Gregarious. Mossy bark of trees, willow, dead bramble, fir-cones, dead
wood, sticks, chips, etc. ; uncommon. Aug.-Mar. A X § X B in.
Edge of pileus and disc as in 357.
359. M. dlseopus Gill, (from the basal disc of the stem ; Gr. diskos, a
disc, pous, a foot) a b. White.
P. conical, subumbonate, pulverulent. G. adnate.
Twigs, acorns, dead wood, etc., in moist places. Autumn. A X | X A in-
360. ffl. saeeharifera Gill, (from its sugary appearance under a lens ;
saccharon, s u g a r , t o bear) abc . Whitish.
P. hemispherical, covered with minute subglobose granules. G.
sub decurrent.
Dead bramble, rose, furze, nettle. Nov.-Mar.
electica Mass. the P. is sulcate and G. adnate.
IS X X A ill. In var.
361. ffl. ptenig-ena Quél, (from its habitat ; pteris, a
bear) abc.
fern, gigno, to
P. hemispherico-oblong, pale rose with orange marg. St. paler
than P. G. adnate, pallid with bright orange edge.
Gregarious, sometimes fasciculate. Dead Lastrea, veins of dead leaves, etc. ■
uncommon. Sept.-Nov. A X i j x in.
i. InsititicB.
362. ffl. eortieola Quél, (from its habitat ; cortex, bark, colo, to
inhabit) abc.
P. hemispherical, depressed, brownish, varying grey. Si. slightly
furfuraceous, paler than P. U. sinuate, colour as St.
Amongst moss, on living ash, bramble, oak, willow, apple, pear ; common
June-Jan. A X l4 X in.