296 AGARICACEÆ Cantharellus
stuffed, equal or slightly attenuate upwards, cinereous. G. thin,
crowded, white to faintly brownish.
Gregarious. Taste and odour almost obsolete. Woods, amongst mosses;
rare. Aprii-Oct. iJ X 3 X J in. Sometimes becomes reddish when
1376. C. albidus Fr. (from the whitish colour ; albus, white) a c.
Whitish to faintly yellowish.
P. subinfundibuhform, irregular, splitting, tough, somewhat faintly
zoned. St. solid, equal or attenuate downwards, smooth.
G. thin, subcrowded, branched.
Taste and odour heavy, earthy. Pastures, mossy places, amongst larch and
fir. Sept.-Oct. 2 X Í X J in. A form occurs with the gills distant and
1377. C. leueophæus Nouel (from its white gills; Gr. leukos, white,
phaino, to appear) a c.
P. depressed to deeply infundibuliform, smooth, tough, umber.
St. slightly attenuate upwards, even, colour as P., darker at
base. G. distant.
On the ground. Autumn, i® X i j X J in.
1378. C. Houghtonii Phill. ex Cooke (after the Rev. William
Houghton) a b.
P. umbilicato-depressed, smooth, dull white, somewhat flesh-
colour; marg. waved, ¡regular. St. attenuate downwards,
delicately flbrillose, rooting, colour as P. G. narrow, scarcely
forked, pallid flesh-colour to salmon.
Single or subcæspitose. On the ground. Autumn. 2j x 3 X J in.
1379. C. tubæfopmis Fr. (from the trumpet-shaped, mature pileus;
tuba, a tuxmyiet, forma, form) abc .
P. umbilicato-convex to deeply infundibuliform, flocculose, umber
or yellowish-umber, sometimes faintly olive-shaded, sometimes
perforate to base of St.; marg. waved. St. compressed,
lacunose, smooth, orange-yellow, paler above and below.
G. distant, much branched, yellow-fuliginous or yellowish-
Gregarious. Woods, often on fallen branches, twigs, rotten wood, and on
the ground ; common. Aug.-Nov. 4I X 4Í X | in. Intermediate forms
occur between this and 1380. Var. lutescens Fr. St. pale yellowish.
1380. C. infundibuliformis Fr. (from the shape; infundibulum, a
inxmeX,forma, form) abc.
P. convex, umbilicate to infundibuliform, sometimes pervious to
base of St., floccoso-wrinkled, yellow-cinereous or fuliginous,
paler when dry, sometimes pale purplish-lavender ; mid. deep
sienna-umber; marg. undulate. St. even, smooth, light or
bright yellow, sometimes pale purplish-lavender above. G.
light yellowish to cinereous.
Gregarious; somewhat cæspitose. Suspected poisonous. Woods, chips,
rotten wood, on the ground ; common. July-Jan. 2® X 2® x A in.
Intermediate forms occur between this and 1379.
t H:i
Cantharellus AGARICACEÆ 297
1381. C. cinereus Pers. (from the cinereous gills) abc .
P. infundibuliform, often pervious to base of St., villoso-squamulose
; marg. lobed, waved and very irregular, hoary-fuliginous
or streaky umber. St. attenuate downwards, smooth, fuliginous-
blackish or gradually dark umber to base. G. somewhat pale
Woods, beech, on the ground. Sept.-Nov. 2 x 2 X ® in. Must not be
confounded with 1782.
1382. C. eupulatus Fr. (from the cup-shaped pileus; cupa, a cup) abc.
P. when young strongly umbonate, then plane to cup-shaped,
with um. sometimes at bottom of cup, smooth to flocculose,
pallid fuscous, pale and slightly rufescent when dry, or pale
umber or brownish-buff; marg. striate. St. equal, tough,
smooth, pale buff or paler than P. G. very distant, much
branched, grey, lavender or yellotvish-brownish.
Waste places, on the ground ; rare. Oct. | X | X A in. Must not be
confounded with 1448.
1383. C. Stevensonii B. & Br. (after the Rev. John Stevenson) a c.
P. convexo-umbilicate, smooth, buff-white. St. delicately pulverulent,
white to buff-white. G. pallid, becoming fuscous
in front.
Rotten stumps and wood amongst moss. Mar.-April. § X f X A « •
1384. C. replexus Fr. (from the margin of the pileus, bent back,
repand) a b.
P . membranous, convex to depressed, subumbonate, fuscous to
cinereous or umber-yellowish; marg. striate. St. smooth,
equal or slightly thickened above, white above, lavender below.
G. adnate to decurrent, hoary-white, cinereous or pale purple.
On the ground, amongst grass, moss and leaves. Oct.-Nov. f x i J x A « •
With the habit of a Mycena. Var. devexus Fr. F. hood-shaped.
b. Pleuropodce-.
1385. C. museigenus Fr. (from the habitat; muscus, moss, gigno, to
bear) abc.
P . membranous, spathukte, smooth, undulate, fuscous, cinereous-
whitish when dry, or umber-yellowish or buff. St. horizontal
and continuous with P., colour as P., villous at base. G.
distant, branched, colour as P.
On larger mosses, Hypnum, Tortula, sometimes on the ground ; uncommon.
June-Nov. f X ® X A « •
1386. C. glaueus Fr. (from the sea-green colour; glaucus, sea-green)
abc . Grey or indigo-whitish,
P. membranous, spathukte, silky, zoneless. St. pruinate. G.
distant, dichotomous.
On the ground, sandy slopes. Autumn. J X A iS