white to rosy, red when bruised. Flesh white, reddish when
bniised, becoming black.
Taste mild to slowly acrid. Woods, under trees. Aug--Sept. 4iX 2jx® in.
1310. R. semierema Ft. (from the white stem becoming cinereous
and black when broken; semi, half, cremo, to burn) «. White
or faintly yellowish.
upwards. G. decurrent, crowded, thin. Flesh in P. white.
Taste mild ; odour none. Woods, mixed, amongst leaves. Aug.-Sept.
4i> X X ^ in.
1311. R. deliea Fr. (from its resembling a milkless 1272 in appearance
; dehcus, weaned) abc . White or whitish
con^vex to depressed, even, smooth. 5 /. even, smooth.
G. decunent, thm, distant, unequal, exuding small watery
drops m wet iveather. ’
Woods, mixed, usually pine ; uncommon. Sept.-Oct. 5 X 2 x I§ in.
1311a. R. ehloroides Bres. (from the greenish-yellow colour of the
gills ; Gr. chloros, greenish-yellow, eidos, appearance) abc .
A. fleshy plane to infundibuliform; marg. incurved, pubescent,
whitish, whitish-buff or hvid. 57. solid, equal or attenuate
downwards thinly pubescent, whitish. G. decurrent, somewhat
crowded, furcate, veined, verdigris-white, greenish-white, or
turquoise-white, shaded emerald-green-white. Flesh thick
whitish to snow-white. ’
Acrid. Woods, pine. Aug.-Oct. 4 X 2j X i in.
1312. R. elephantina Fr. (from Fries thinking, in error, that Bolton’s
obese Agaricus elephantinus might be one form of this
comparatively slender species) a b.
P. convexo-umbilicate, fuscous-tan ; marg. undulate, paler, dark
wash-leather colour when dry. 57. hard, even, smooth, paler
than I . G. adnate or sinuato-adnate, then subdecurrent
arcuate, somewhat crowded to distant, thin, obtuse, divided
behind unequal in front, spotted pale yellowish when touched
auJl pale salmon when dry.
Odour none. Woods. Sept. 3 x 24 X I in. Habit of 1341 but
!ass ItS sshhoowwnn by the remote gills and the change oft -c 2o8lo)u irs uton dbolaucbkte. dly 1306,
p . convex to depressed, opaque yellow-ochre or sienna with
D sienna. 57. white, whitish, or faintly
shaded yellowish brownish or salmon. G. adnexed, adnate
or rounded, crowded, veined above, somewhat branched.
Woods. Oct. 3 X 2j X i in.
b. Furcatce.
1314. R. olivaseens Fr. (from the pileus, more or less olive) a b.
P. gibbous to slightly depressed, olive, ochreous-olive or olive-
brownish; mid. yellow to olive-brown. 57. equal, white or
shaded pale yellowish or olive-tan. G. adnate, crowded,
almost equal, colour as St.
Taste mild, becoming slightly acrid, gills acrid. Woods, bushy shady
places. Aug. 5 X 2® X i in.
1315. R. fureata Fr. (from the forked gills ; furcatus, forked) abc.
P. gibbous to depressed, even, smooth, not breaking into warts,
teruginous-greenish, umber-greenish, olive-tan, dark indigo-olive,
slate, or dull reddish-purple, sometimes clouded dull rose.
57. equal, white. G. adnato-decurrent, rather thick, somewhat
distant to crowded, white. Plesh white, often pale rose under
olive pellicle of pileus.
Taste mild to more or less bitter. Woods, g ra s sy places under trees,
meadows ; common. May-Oct. 54 X 2§ X I® m. Var. A r * /« Cooke.
rosy above, greenish below. Var. ochrmiridis Cooke. F. marg.
ochreous, mid. olivaceous or fuliginous. Flesh fuliginous when cut.
1316. R. sanguinea Fr. (from the blood-coloured pileus; sanguis,
blood) abc.
P. convex to depressed, shining, even, mid. thick ; rnarg. becoming
pale, sometimes white-clouded. 57. equal, slightly striate,
white or reddish. G. decurrent, sometimes adnate, crowded
and veined, white. Flesh white, carmine under pellicle of
Poisonous. Taste acrid, peppery. Woods, chiefly fir, grassy places ;
uncommon. Aug.-Sept. 4 X 2 j X i in. Must not be confounded with
1329, which differs in the solid firm flesh and the form of the gills.
1317. R. rosacea Fr. (from the rose-coloured pileus) a b.
P. convex to flat, even, pellicle viscid and separable in wet
weather, white, salmon, pale rose to red-rose and darker at the
sometimes faintly-ochreous mid., sometimes white, red-spotted.
57. even, smooth, white to reddish. G. adnate, thin, crowded
to distant, white. Fksh white, rose-colour under pellicle of P.
Taste mild, becoming slowly acrid, gills acrid. Woods, mixed grassy places ;
frequent. Aug.-Oct. 3| X 2j X J in.
1318. R. maculata Quél, (from the spotted pileus and stem ; maeulatus,
spotted) ab .
P. hemispherical to depressed, viscid, reddish flesh-colour to
pallid then discoloured and spotted purple or brown; marg.
striate, often dark. 57. reticulato-striate, white or rosy then
spotted ochre, not becoming grey. G. adnate, palhd-sulphur
to somewhat peach-colour.
Taste somewhat acrid. Sept. 3Ì R ' i ^ S h“
ft ij