l y
entire, smooth, crowded ; apices not pointed as in Hydnum, usually
indented or excavated as i n / ‘«/-«//¿i/fr/OT. 4-spored. (Fig. 91.)
The hymenial surface is often spuriously papillose from Sphafice
on the bark beneath. Species 1770—1774
1770. G. granulosa Fr. (from the minutely granular hymenium) a b c
Agglutinate, tan to sienna-ivory ; marg. determinate, ivory. Gr.
small, crowded in groups, smaller at marg., hemispherical to
somewhat elongate.
D e a d b ran ch e s, p in e , Myrka Gale. O c t.-M a y . 5 in . C ra c k in g w h en d ry ,
1771. G. mucida Fr. (from its waxy mucid substance) a.
Subinnate, somewhat gelatinous, biscuit; marg. determinate
subradiate, minutely villous, ivory-white. Gr. large, unequal
soft, scattered or in groups. . ’
R o ttin g wo o d , p in e , b irc h ; ra re . M a y -N o v . 4® i„ . C ra c k in g w h en d ry.
1772. G. ocellata Fr. (from the minute eyelet, sometimes seen at the
apex of the granules ; ocellus, a little eye) a b.
Waxy, livid, rufous flesh-colour or warm brownish-salmon ■ marg
indeterminate, sterile, yellowish. Gr. crowded, subconical
obtuse, somewhat scattered or in groups. ’
D e ad tru n k s , A u g .-M a r . 6® in . C ra c k in g w h en dry.
1773. G. papillosa Fr. (from the minute teat-like granules ; papilla a
teat) a c. > p r i
Membranous, somewhat round, separating, white, becoming slightly
sienna-ivory ; marg. furfuraceous. Gr. minute, crowded, equal
roundish. ^ ^
S tick s, p in e , ju n ip e r, b ird -c h e rry . 3 in . C ra c k in g when d ry.
1774. G. erustosa Fr. (from its crust-like appearance) a b c
Adnate, irregularly effused, floccoso-mealy, white 'to ivory
becoming pale brownish-yellow; marg. indeterminate. Gr.
crowded, obtuse, roundish, minute, regularly distributed, but
with barren lacuiiEe.
Bran ch e s, w illow, p in e , 1603. N o t c ra c k in g w h en d ry .
(From the minute teeth which invest the hymenium •
Gr. odous, odontos, a tooth.) ’
Resupinate, effused, arid, not waxy as in Grandinia. Hymenium
spreading from and between interwoven branched fibres, covered
with minute teeth or warts which are crested or penicillate at the
apex. (Fig. 92.)
1775 tends towards Hydnum. Species 1775—1777
1775. 0. barba-Jovis Fr. (from the minute orange fringe at the apex
of each tooth, a fanciful comparison with the beard ol Jupiter,
harba Jovis) a c. . . . r • u n .r
Flaxy membranous, whitish to yellowish-orange, faintly shaded
brownish • marg. determinate, broadly barren, white. le .
papillose, then conical, white with an orange fimbriate crest.
D e c ay e d wo o d , o ak , b irc h . 6® in . T h e h ym en ium u su a lly ex h ib its b a rre n
p a tch e s .
?Vv7 ..Cin SvA
|S ''I
t i l f
' I.
;. 92.—A, Odontia f im b r ia ta P ers,, n.atural size ; B. section Fig. 92, of ditto, enlarged.
1776. 0. flmbriata Pers. (from the fibrillose or fringed margin;
fimbria;, a fringe) abc. ,
Membranous, separating, traversed by prominent root-like
branching threads continuous with the fringed marg., palhd or
yellowish, suffused with dull salmon or pale fawn.
D e a d w o o d , w illow, p lan e , d o g -w o o d , b a rk , mo ss. A u g .-A p r il. 74 «■
E x ten s iv e b a rre n p a tch e s som e tim e s occur o n th e h ym en ium . .b a v n
co lo u r w h en d ry , sometime s b e c om in g d e e p rich b row n .
1777. 0. eristulata Fr. (from the minutely crested teeth) abc.
Crustaceo-adnate, thin, not ribbed, pale warm brown or brownishwhite
; marg. broadly barren, here and there finely downy.
R o tte n b ran ch e s, b irc h . F e b . 5 I i" - C ra c k in g a ll over w h en d ry as in