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J ' hymenium; Icevis, even) abc.
Effused, membranous, separating from matrix. Hym. even,
smooth, rarely papillose, commonly with vacuoles exposing
the wood, cracking, white to sienna-yellowish, flesh-colour,
hvid, salmon or pale red; marg. sometimes broad, edge pilose,
ivory to white, sometimes with radiating strands of white
Wood, bark,^ sticks, pine, poplar, birch, alder, oak ; very common. Nov -
May. S® in. Some conditions resemble 1770.
1844. a eonfluens Fr. (from the habit—forming confluent patches)
Agglutinate, submembranous. Hym. even, naked, cracking
somewhat concentrically rugose when young, hyaline becoming
white lavender-brown-white, yellowish-brown, pale brownish
or pale rose-purple; marg. spreading in a dentate manner.
Bark, beech, alder, ash, -willow. Mar.-Aug. in.
1845. a nudum Fr. (from the hymenium becoming bare, nudus)
Waxy, agglutinate, very thin, becoming rigid. Hym. flesh-colour,
white-salmon, umber-ivory or yellowish-buff, clad with
iugacious white meal, cracking when dry; marg. determinate,
smooth. ° ’
Dead wood, bramble, alder, yew, willow. Aug.-April. ¿ -4® in.
1846. C araehnoldeum Berk, (from the mycelium—like spider-web ;
Gr, arachne, a spider) abc.
Very thin effused, delicately flaxy. Hym. waxy, continuous or
somewhat papillose, somewhat cracked when dry, white or
faintly clouded sulphur, yellowish or brownish, floccose beneath
; marg. white-fibrillose.
Wood, bark, oak, pine, twigs, leaves, grass, lichens, etc. Oct.-Mar. 7® in.
1847. C. radiosum I'r. (from the radiate habit) abc.
Membranous, subrotund with radiate lobes. Hym. smooth,
glabrous, irregularly papillose, cracking when dry, primrose-
white to dark ochreous or buff, adpressedly fibrillose beneath :
marg. fibrilloso-radiate, often with long strands of mycelium.
Elm, birch, pine, hornbeam, naked wood. Oct.-Feb. 4® in.
1848. C. Typhm Fuck, (from the usual habitat, bulrushes ; Typha, a
bulrush) abc. > j r ,
Longitudinally effused, thin, at first forming white byssoid spots,
smooth then mealy, cracking when dry, ivory to tan : marg
usually ragged or ill-defined.
Dry leaves of Typka laiifolia and species of Carex. i® in.
1849 C. Sambuei Pera. (from the habitat, elder, Sambucus) abc.
Broadly effused, indeterminate, encrusting, somewhat innate,
cracking and breaking into floccules when dry, white
^ " p L ? y X u T ) ik e L r o w t t f t '- ' hyallne-whitish
1850. C. laeteseens Berk, (from its habit of exuding a watery
milk-like fluid ; lac, milk) abc.
Waxy-soft, agglutinate, undulate or rugose at length ^ cracked,
pale flesh-colour or pale salmon ; marg. shortly byssoid.
Dead wood, ash, willow. Oct.-Feb. 6 in. Interstices of cracks silky.
Superficially resembles 1893.
1850a. C. strigosum Pers., var. fllamentosum W. G. Sm., Thelephora
byssoides DC. (from the thread-like habit ; filum, a thread).
Sub. web-like, filamentous, string-like, dull yellowish, externally
On Amaryllis.
1850b. C. violeum W. G. Sm., Hypochnus violeus Quél, (from the
Byssoid, thin, orbicular. Hym. velvety-floccose varying hlac and
rose ; marg. thin pallid.
Dead branches, pear, apple.
1851. C. laeunosum B. &' Br. (from the hymenium, full of openings ;
lacuno, to hollow out) a.
Broadly effused, soft, pulverulent, lacunose, exposing matrix
beneath, tawny, ochreous or cinnamon, clouded pale umber.
Myc. woolly, tawny.
Wood, branches. 5 in.
1852. C. poseolum Mass. (from the rose-coloured hymenium) a b.
Broadly effused, indeterminate, very thin, waxy. Hym. smooth,
continuous, not cracking, pale rose or salmon ; marg. whitish,
Worked wood, palings. Nov. 7 in.
1853. C. aurora B. & Br. (from the rosy colour, like the dawn,
aurora) ab .
Effused, thin, agglutinate, rosy, becoming pale salmon with a
lighter indeterminate marg.
Dead leaves and stems of Carex, C. paniculata. Feb, 2® in.
1854. C. anthoehroum Fr. (from the rosy flower-like cloudings ; Gr.
anthos, a flower, chros, colour) abc.
Broadly effused, membranous, floccoso-velvety, clouded brick-red
or rose on a pale brownish ground.
Investing dry bark, twigs, etc., sycamore, birch, spreading to earth; rare.
Nov.-Mar. 6| in. Sometimes forming small, dark vmous patches.
1855. C. molle Fr. (from its soft substance; mollis, soft) a c.
Irregularly rounded, floccoso-fleshy, loosely interwoven. Hym.
waxy, papillose, cracked when dry, pallid, pale sienna to
reddish-buff; marg. naked, paler, sometimes byssoid.
Fir. 3® in.
1856. C. polygonium Pers. (from the hymenium, often covered with
small polygons, from the confluence of small growths) abc.
Adnate, determinate, soon hardened, somewhat grumous. Hym.