262 a g a r ic a c e a ; Hygrophorus
equal, smooth or subscaly, whitish to greyish, G. adnexed or
sinuato-adnexed, ventricose, distant, white.
Pastures. Oct.-Nov. 3 X 2| X | in. Var. clivalis Fr., white. A. thin,
fragile ; marg. incurved, striate, not viscid. St. short, fragile, attenuate
downwards. G. rather thick.
1219. H. distans Berk, (from the very distant gills) a b.
P. convex, plane, subdepressed or umbilicate, viscid, white or
faintly brownish. St. solid, attenuate downwards, white,
cinereous or pale ochre-tan below. G. plano-decurrent, few.
Sometimes fragrant of essence of almonds, pleasant, sweet. Woods; rare.
Oct. 2 X 14 X i in.
1220. H. Clarkii B. & Br. (after J. Aubrey Clark) a b.
P. obtuse, convexo-plane, viscid, opaque umber or livid-
cinereous ; marg. even, white. St. solid, stuffed or hollow,
equal or attenuate downwards, viscid and white-squamulose
above, pale umber-scaly below. G. adnate, distant, broad,
thick, veined, ivory-white.
Woods, pastures. Sept.-Oct. 3J X 2f X i j in. H. tatitahundus Britz. is
this species, as is Kalchbr. Hymen. Hung. t. 24, f. i, incorrectly named
H. limacimis Fr.
1221. H. metapodius Fr. (from the stem, sometimes thick above and
attenuate below; Gr. meta, upside down, pous, a foot) abc.
P. convex, plane, obtuse, cinereous-fuscous or pale rose-shaded
sepia. St. stuffed, unequal, smooth, cinereous. G. adnate,
broadly emarginate, distant, veined, grey-white. Flesh pallid-
grey, reddish when broken.
Sometimes in cluslers and deformed. Taste mild, insipid to sweet; odour or
new meal. Old mossy pastures. Oct.-Jan. 2j X i® X f in. At
maturity becoming black or deep sepia within and without. Analogous
with 1306 and 1307.
1222. H. ovinus Fr. (from the woolly pileus; ovis, a sheep) abc.
P. campanulate, expanded, subumbonate, revolute, incised, subviscid,
then obscurely squamulose, dull-sienna or yellow; mid.
sienna-slate; marg. tan. St. somewhat stuffed, almost equal,
smooth, tan-grey. G. emarginate or arcuato-adnate, veined,
whitish-grey then rufescent.
Odour of new meal. Woods, pastures, mossy places; uncommon. Sept.-
Dec. 2j X 2 | X 4 in. Sometimes changing to black.
1223. H. subradiatus Fr. (from the radiato-striate pileus) a b.
P. convex, expanded, subumbonate, pale yellowish; mid. sienna
and umber; marg. sienna, sometimes lilac. St. stuffed to
hollow, equal, smooth, often twisted, whitish or pale lilac
above, tan-brownish below. G. decurrent, somewhat thin,
distant, veined, white to pale yellowish.
Old pastures, heathy ground. Sept.-Oct. 3 4 x 2 x 4 m' V a r . F r .
wholly or almost wholly shining-lavender.
1224. H. irrigatus Fr. (from its watery texture; irrigo, to wet) a.
P. convex, obtuse, flat, smooth, viscid, pale fawn; mid. brown;
( '
Hygrophorus AGARICACEzE 263
marg. striate. 57 hollow, equal, smooth, very viscid, colour
as P. but with a pale yellowish tinge. G. adnate with a toot ,
subdistant, somewhat thick, veined, white, grey, or tan.
Woods, fir, grassy places. Oct.-Nov. 2 X 2| X J m.
SuBGENus 3. Hygrocybe.
(From the moist pileus ; Gr. hugros, moist, kube, a head.)
1225 H. C o lem an n ian u s Blox. ex Berk, (after W H Coleman) v
P convexo-expanded, umbonate, dark reddish-umber, marg.
'striate, paler. 5 7 solid, nearly equal, somewhat silky, salmon-
whitish, shaded pale brownish. G. distant, veined, paler
P. to whitish.
Grassy places, lawns. Oct.-Nov. X i f X i m. ^
1226. H. s e io p h a n u s Fr. (from its delicacy as compared with 1210,
Gr skia, a shadow, phaino, to appear) a.
P. hemispherical, expanded, obtuse, deep tawny D i i r ’smooth
vermilion to white; marg. striate, paler. 57 equal, smooth,
!awMy-yellowish to white. G. adnate to plano-decurrent,
ventricose, distant, colour as P., or inclining to rose or yellow.
D en se ly gregarious. Grassy and mossy places. Autumn. i J X X 4 m.
1227 H Imtus Fr. (from the bright colour; IcRtus, pleasing) a b e
ri. c'onTex, flat,Lightly depressed, slippery-smooth, d -P
tawny, vermilion-orange or salmon; marg. striate 57 fistulose
eoMal slippery-smooth, tawny or yellow. G. plano-decurrent
distant thin, veined, flesh-colour, whitish, fuliginous or shaded
brownish. Flesh in P., yellow and orange, m St., tan-yellov.
In troops. Pastures, downs ; frequent. Oct.-Nov. iJ X 2j X 4
1228. H. Houghtonii B. & Br. (after the Rev. Wm. Houghton) « ¿ c
P convex, flat, umbilicate, glutinous, rugose to mid., flesh-colo
with sienna marg., pale vermilion shaded darker or wholly
¿niabar sorrretim^s"^ pale. 57. fistulose, equal very
glutinous, pale salmon above, pale or dark yellow belo ,
sometimes wholly cinnamon. G. plano-decurrent, thick, pale
y e " h or salmon. Flesh in P. flesh-colour or orange, in St.
salmon above, tan below. , ^ r m
T a s te le s s ; odour strong, foxy. Amongst grass. Oct. i | X 2 4 x 4 « '
1229 H. vitellinus Fr, (from the egg-yellow colour, withm and
without; vitellus, yolk of egg) a b
P. convexo-expanded, smooth, varying lemon-yellow with a s g
gestion of olive,becoming white; marg plicato-striate. 57 equal,
CTen, smooth, becoming white. G. decurrent, subdistant.
Woods, pastures. Oct.-Dec. I X 24 X 4 m. \ 7, ,
1230 H eeraeeus Fr. (from the colour, like yellow wax; crtra, wax) a b c.
ri c'onvexo plane marg. striate, not becoming white i - 'A sometimes
verLilion. 57 equal to unequal, even, smooth. G.
adnato-decurrent. a ^ .,1 v 4 in
In troops. Woods, pastures; common. Sept.-Dee. l | X 3* ® •
11.1 .
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