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Peridium thick with a well-defined base, sometimes forming a
stem, opening at the apex in an irregular manner, feebly developed
with a sterile base. Capillitium absent or scanty. Species 2085—2089
K e y t o t h e G e n e r a .
Gleba composed of numerous distinct cells containing
pendióla.............................................................................................. PoLV SA C CUM .
Gleba cellular, cells without peridiola ........................ n g Scleroderma.
(From the many small cells within the peridium;
Gr. polus, many, saccos, a bag.)
Peridium irregularly globose, corky, attenuate downwards into a
more or less elongated stem-like base, dehiscing by an irregular
F ig. 133. .A, B, c , D, Polysaycmt Jisocarpium F r., entire and in section. One-half natural
Size. E , sectio . through p art o f gleba, showing cavities a n d enclosed perid.ola. X f basidia a n d s p o r e s . X 2 5 0 . g , s p o r e . X 7 5 0 . ^ r , u a ^ i u u t
rupture of the apex. Gleba consisting of numerous cells, each containing
a peridiolum. Peridiola at first saccate or irregularly ovoid
sometimes filling the cell and becoming irregularly polygonal’
( F i g - I 3 3 - )
2085. P. pisoearpium Fr. (from the pea-like peridiola; pisum, a pea,
carpellum, a fruit) a b.
Pe. irregularly globose or ovate, smooth, subtuberculose, corky,
attenuate downwards into a more or less stem-like base, or
sessile or nearly so, pale to olive-umber, base spongy-cellular
within. Gl. composed of numerous cells, each containing an
olive-umber Peri. Spores dark brown.
On the ground. May. 2§ X 3g in.
(From the hard skin or peridium ; Gr. sJderos, hard, derma, skin.)
Peridium firm, cortex persistent in the form of warts, scales or
granules, indéhiscent or breaking up in an irregular or more or less
F ig 1 3 4 .-A , B, Scleroderma vu lg a re Hornem., entire end iu section One-half natural s iz e ,
c, ceils of gleba. X 5. d, b a s i d i a a n d spores ; e , spore germinating. X 750.
stellate manner, convex internally at base. GleM cellular, subpersistent,
without peridiola. Trama in the cell walls. (Fig. 134.)
The peridium is frequently and extensively perforated by larvæ
which eat the spore-mass and help to disseminate the spores^
Species 2086—2089
2086. S. vulgare Hornem. (from its commonness ; vulgaris,
common) abc . a
Subsessile, often lobed below and usually shghtly depressed
above, ovate, reniform in vertical section. Pe. thick, cotaPi
verrucose or adpressed-scaly, pale^ warm-brown, scales darker.
Gl dark slate-colour. Trama white.
Often cæspitose. Under the name of ‘ * vegetable tripe ” it has been eaten when
quite young and found not poisonous. Used for the adulteration of pate de