! i-
1084. C. valgus Fr. (from the frequently twisted stem; valgus,
bow-legged) a.
F. convex, gibbous, olivaceous to brick-red. St. somewhat
hollow, clavato-bulbous, whitish, apex pale violaceous, zoned.
G. adfixed or rounded-adnate, yellowish to brick-red and
Odour none. Woods, pine, amongst moss. Oct. 3 X 3I x f in.
1085. C. venetus Fr. (from the sea-green pileus and stem; venetus,
sea-coloured) a b.
P. hemispherico-obtuse, convex, umbonate, becoming greenish-
yellow. St. stuffed or hollow above, equal or subclavate,
colour as P. G. adnate, scarcely crowded, olivaceous to
orange-cinnamon. Flesh pallid yellowish.
Gregarious. Woods. Aug.-Oct. i f X i f X A « •
SuBGENus 5 . T e lam o n ia .
(From the whitish, lint-like fibres of the veil; Gr. telamon, lint.)
Veil universal, somewhat double. Pileus moist, hygrophanous,
at first smooth or sprinkled with the superficial, arachnoid, whitish
Fig. n .— Cortinarius {T e lam o n ia )a n n illa tu s Fr.
Young examples and section of a mature
specimen. One*third natural size.
fibres of the veil, thin or moderately compact at the middle, thin
towards margin, splitting. Stem annulate from the inferior veil, or
peronate with scales, somewhat cortinate at the apex. Flesh thin
throughout or becoming so abruptly near the margin, scissile.
(Fig. 57.)
The species are mostly large and handsome. Species 1086 — 1128
a. Platyphyllx. Gills broad.
Stem and Cortina white or whitish. 1086—1092
Stem violaceous. Cortina usually white-violaceous. Universal
Veil white. Gills violaceous. 1093—1098
Stem and Veil reddish or yellow, except 1104. Gills tawny or
cinnamon, neither violaceous nor becoming brown.
Stem becoming fuscous. Vài fuscous or dull. Gills dark
coloured. 1108—1114
b. Leptophylla. Pileus thin. Stem externally more rigid, subcartilaginous,
stuffed or hollow, often attenuate downwards.
Gills more or less crowded, thin, narrow.
Stem whitish, pallid, not floccoso-scaly. 1115, 1116
Stem inclining to violet. HIT—1119
Pileus and Stem tawny, ferruginous. 1120—1122
Pileus fuscous. Stem floccoso-scaly, fuscous. 1123—1128
a. Platyphylla.
1086. C. maeropus Fr. (from the long stem; Gr. makros, \on%,pous,
a foot) a c.
P. convex, obtuse, flat, brick-red to ferruginous, hoary with
small sc. St. solid, equal, fibrillose, dull whitish, then as P.,
zoned. G. adnexed or adnate, distant, pallid to watery
Woods, moist places. Oct. 34 X 6J X J in.
1087. C. lanlger Fr. (from the woolly pileus ; lana, wool) a.
P. hemispherical, expanded, obtuse, bright tawny, clad with
white sc. St. solid, equal, white, annulate or bi-annulate.
G. rounded-adnexed, tawny-saffron.
Odour strong. Woods, larch, pine, beech, mossy places. Sept.
34 X 6 X I in.
1088. C. bivelus Fr. (from the double veil ; bis, double, velum, a veil)
a c.
P. convex, obtuse, plane, tawny-ferruginous; mid. spotted or
darker. St. solid, clavato-bulbous, dull whitish, squarrose
below. G. adnexo-rounded, bright tawny-cinnamon.
Taste mild ; odour strong. Woods. Sept.-Oct. 3I >< 3 X 4 in.
1089. C. bulbosus Fr. (from the bulbous stem) a b.
P. campanulato-expanded, gibbous, olivaceous, or date-brown to
reddish-fuscous. St. solid, paler than P., yellow below,
fugaciously zoned white. G. adnate, subdistant, cinnamon,
never violet.
Odour of radish. Woods, mossy places ; rare. Sept.-Oct. 3ÌX 3| x i i n .
' I