246 AGARICACEÆ Cortinarius
1144. C. isabellinus Fr. (from the dirty-yellow colour, like unwashed
linen ; from Isabel of Austria, daughter of Philip II., who
vowed not to change her linen till Ostend was taken) a b.
P. subumbonate, at first honey-colour then paler. St. stuffed,
equal, striate, colour as P., or tan, imperfectly zoned. G.
rounded-adnate, subdistant, yellow to cinnamon.
Woods, pine. Autumn, i f X 3J X f in.
1145. C. renidens Fr. (from the glistening pileus ; renidens, shining) a.
P. expanded, flat, at first broadly and acutely umbonate, hygrophanous,
ferruginous-tawny to ochreous. St. stuffed, at first
bulbous, then equal, fibrillose, colour as P., imperfectly zoned
yellow. G. rounded-adnate, subcrowded, pallid cinnamon to
Cæspitose. Woods, shady places. Sept. 3 X 3 X f in.
1146. C. angulosus Fr. (from the small, pointed scales of the pileus ;
angulosus, full of corners) a b.
P. convex, expanded, shining tawny-yellow, variegated with small
sienna or ochreous sc. V. fugacious, tawny. St. equal, striate,
tan-orange, zoned tawny-sienna. G. adnate, thick, subdistant,
Woods, fir. Aug.-Sept. 2jX 2j x 4 in. Nax. gracilescens Mz.1,%. / ’.somewhat
fleshy. St. hollow, base somewhat attenuate, tortuous.
1147. C. uraeeus Fr. (from its mouse-colour; Gr. Mirax, a mouse) a b.
P. umbonate or obtuse, subfibrillose, brown, olive, red or buff.
St. stuffed or hollow, equal, pale or yellowish above, fuscous
or blackish below, imperfectly zoned. G. adnate or sinuate,
distant, cinnamon.
Taste and odour not unpleasant. Woods, pine. Nov. X 3J X A « •
1148. C. juharinus Fr. (from the shining pileus ; jtibar, radiance) abc.
P. umbonate, often repand, rich tawny-cinnamon; marg. whitesilky
with V. St. stuffed or hollow, fibrilloso-striate, pale
tawny within and without. G. ascending-adnate, ventricose,
subdistant, tawny-cinnamon.
Woods, pine, grassy places, on pine-leaves. May. 2 X 2j X A '"■
C. irregularis Fr. has been published as British by Massee and Crossland
(Fung. Fl. Yorks, p. 97) following Bolton (Hist. Brit. Fung. t. 13), but
this figure and description differ entirely from Fries, Hym. E u r. p. 394,
and Hym. Suec. ii. p. 106. Thus—
In Fries—W. dry, glabrous. St. brick-red. G. decurrent, ferruginous. Hab.
amongst pine-leaves.
In Bolton—P. covered with glutinous matter. St. pale grey. G. adnexed or
free, pale dusky flesh-colour. Hab. pastures and meadows. Bolton’s plant
is probably an Entoloma with viscid P.
1149. C. pateriformls Fr. (from the shape of the pileus when
depressed, like a patera or libation saucer) a b.
P. plane to depressed, shining dark chestnut, sprinkled with
fugacious white fibrils. St. stuffed or hollow, equal, fibrillose,
1 '
Cortinarms AGARICACEÆ 247
white to dusky, zoned sienna. G. emarginato-adnate, ventricose,
brick-red to vinous-ochre.
Woods, damp grassy places. Sept.-Oct. 2| X 3 X A *"•
1150. C. unimodus Britz. (from its uniform colour ; unimodus, of one
kind) a b . ■' c~ to a P. umbonate, brown, shaded rufous, vinous or sienna. St. stutteû,
equal, paler than P ., sometimes pale purple above, imperfectly
2-g-zoned. G. emarginato-adnate, distant, brown.
Grassy places. Sept.-Oct. 2 X 3j X J in.
b. Tenuiores.
1151. C. dolabratus Fr. (from the shape of the stem and gills as seen
in section ; dolabra, a pickaxe) a b.
P obtusely umbonate, smooth, brick-red to tan ; marg. silky.
St. stuffed or hollow, smooth, white, sometimes faintly ochreous
above. G. rounded-adnate, distant, tawny-cinnamon or orange.
Odour strong, pungent-nauseous, stinking. Woods, pine, damp places
amongst Vaccinium, Sphagnum, etc. Sept.-Nov. 3j X 3j X 4 m.
1152. C. rigens Fr. (from the rigid stem) a b . r. cc a
P. obtusely umbonate, smooth, tan-clay to tan-whitish. St. stutted,
cartilaginous externally, zoned. G. sinuato-adnate, watery-clay
to cinnamon or sienna.
Woods, pine, mixed ; uncommon. June-Oct. i f X 24 X pg in.
1153. C. Krombholzii Fr. (after J. V. Krombholz) a b.
P. obtusely or acutely umbonate, smooth, yellowish-brown to
ochreous; mid. always dark; marg. appendiculate with V. M.
fistulose, naked, whitish. V. membranous, fugitive, whitish. G.
rounded-adnexed, dull purplish-brown, edge yellowish.
Often cæspitose. Amongst moss. 2 | X 4 j X A Much like a ÆJÿAu/iW««:.
1154. C. Reedii Berk, (after Miss Reed, sister of Mrs. Hussey) a b.
P conical, expanded, strongly umbonate, brown ; mid. areolate.
57 solid, bulbous, shaded pale umber. G. ascending, attenuato-
free, ventricose, white to cinnamon.
Taste and odour none. Amongst moss and beech-mast. May.
i j X l i X A in-
1155. C. leueopus Fr. (from the white stem; Gr. leukos, spsPiO, potts,
a foot) abc . • „ • .
P. conical, expanded, umbonate, smooth, moist, yellowish or
somewhat buff to tan. 57 hollow, equal, attenuate upwards,
shining, zoned. G. adnexed, crowded, ventricose, pallid to
Woods, fir, mixed ; frequent. Sept.-Nov. i j X l4 X A « •
1156. C. seandens Fr. (from the long wavy stem ; scando, to climb) a b.
P. conico-campanulate, obtusely or acutely umbonate, moist,
smooth, tawny-ferruginous to honey-colour and tan; marg.
t '