T he British Basidiomycetes include nearly all the larger British
Fungi. They comprise all the Mushroom-like Fungi, practically all
the larger woody corky and gelatinous fungi of trees stumps and
fallen branches {Bymenomycete^, the Phalli, Puff-balls and their allies,
and a small number of Truffle-like subterranean species {Gastero-
mycetes). The term Basidiomycetes is used in the sense in which
One-half n atural size. One-quarter natural size.
it was employed by De Bary, and not with the larger meaning
assigned to it by Brefeld, which includes the Rust-fungi or
In the Hymemmycetes the spore-bearing surface or hymeniiim is
exposed during development, as in the Mushroom (fig. i) ; in the
Gasteromycetes the hymenium is closed or hidden within the substance
of the fungus until maturity, as in the Puff-ball (fig. 2).